If a Republican had said that, he would be front-page news for the next two weeks, and would be hounded mercilessly by the MSM until he resigned from office.
By the time this quote gets through the DriveBy Media, it will have BEEN a Republican that said it... witness the whole "Barack the Magic Negro" thing, started by a writer at the DNC Times of Los Angeles (that's the L.A. Times, for those in Rio Linda).
If you disbelieve me, remember that this is the same media who, through the mouth of Keith Overbite (Countdown to No Ratings), insinuated that two of the most pro-troops people around, Laura Ingraham and Mark LeVIN (not LEvin as KO erred), actually hated the troops. I'm just sayin...
It is laughable all the Hildybots here on FR that claim the media hates this witch. The press covers for her just like for Obama. This is a great example, the potentially biggest mistake of the campaign, and the media will bury it.
Like you said, if a Republican said this, we'd get no relief from it for weeks. The media would blare it seven times an hour, and the speaker would be banished to political hades. They still love the Clintons. The Clintons are the most wicked and evil pair ever foisted on this country. And they have blood all over their hands.
Well after all, it’s not like she misspelled “potato” or something.