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Wright, in alot of ways, epitomizes Moral Relativism at its finest, or rather, worst.

This is akin to those who have given into the thought process that gives legitimacy to concepts such as: "One man's terrorist (or terrorist nation), is another man's freedom fighter,"

Those that think like that dare to even think that this country is a terrorist nation. It seems that he takes the viewpoint of our enemies that we are a terrorist nation, and that those we somehow terrorize are really hapless victims.

In most of the world, people live under brutal dictatorships and despotic regimes. This country has had a long and proud history of being a great country.

How Wright could (in a sermon) say that 9/11 was America's chickens come home to roost for A-bombing Japan - a nation that had brutalized the Far East for decades before it attacked the US at Pearl Harbor - is beyond most, but not the Moral Relativist.

Moral relativism, thy name is Rev. Wright.

1 posted on 04/28/2008 5:39:07 PM PDT by Laissez-faire capitalist
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To: All

How could Obama stay in the same church with this man for 20 years, and have as his pastor this obamination... for 20 years?

2 posted on 04/28/2008 5:42:37 PM PDT by Laissez-faire capitalist (Keep working! Welfare cases and their liberal enablers are counting on you!)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

There really is no difference between Wright and Farrakhan; they are evil twins.

3 posted on 04/28/2008 5:43:37 PM PDT by ought-six ( Multiculturalism is national suicide, and political correctness is the cyanide capsule.)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

Wright is a race-obsessed paranoid with delusions of grandeur. He and his protege should seek psychological counseling. Obama is also race-obsessed and conflicted.

6 posted on 04/28/2008 5:52:09 PM PDT by Free ThinkerNY ((((Obama's issues would be better resolved in a psychotherapists office, than in the Oval Office))))
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist
You must realize of course, that this is the same kind of fascist rhetoric used by the liberal socialists who started various fascist movements in Europe, based on totalitarian, Utopian social concepts, with a superior master race ideology.

With Wright, you see, and with Farakhan, the black man is superior to all other men. That justifies much of the future violence that will come as a result of these fascist lap dogs of politicians like Obama.

Obama is their move from low key back room subversive socio-economic work in towns and cities, to main stream involvemnent nationally and internationally. They want access to US tax-payer dollars to create their world.

These are not Americans. They have no patriotism , no commitment to American Society, and no desire for freedom. Soon we might be at civil war with them as they illegally attempt to take over sections of our cities and counties in our rural areas.

Muslims love Fascism. It gets them all excited to know that they are following in the footsteps of great haters of Jewry. Indeed they are inspired by it , just like Farakhan and Wright both are.

Obama is one of them.


8 posted on 04/28/2008 6:12:16 PM PDT by Candor7 (Fascism? All it takes is for good men to say nothing.)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist
I have in my possession an early print of "Hope" in original frame by George Frederick Watts which has been in my family since the turn of the century. Purchased in England and brought to Canada when the family left England.

My great-aunt bequeethed it to me; knowing how affected and impressed I was by the portrait. I never saw the figure as "black" nor "white".

My Great Aunt, a Scot, and my Great Uncle (a retired Buckingham Palace Guard), explained the portrait to me when I was a child:

"Hope sits atop the world. She is blind and lame, she is weary, and yet she remains as tall as she can be, despite what ails her. Her bedraggled crutch helps her to hold her head up. She has dignity despite her ailments".

And that is the essence of hope for all people, all time.

I prefer my family's first hand knowledge of "Hope" to the "wright" version "perpetual racial oppression".

The Generation in England which witnessed the leadup to and then underwent World War I have a take on "Hope" that this current generation, and Jeremiah Wright do not.

World War I was not about "racial oppression". In brutish shortform, WWI was about alliances, and being ill-prepared to defend one's position and country.

10 posted on 04/28/2008 6:14:47 PM PDT by Alia
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

Mr. Lowry, from what I can see the man is no Christian.

Jesus said you will know Christians by their fruit - and the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I haven’t seen any of these front and center with Wright. Please don’t insult Christians by lumping this rude nasty man in with us.

12 posted on 04/28/2008 6:25:21 PM PDT by I still care ("Remember... for it is the doom of men that they forget" - Merlin, from Excalibur)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

There is nothing “Christian” about Wright.

14 posted on 04/28/2008 6:38:43 PM PDT by madison10
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

MSNBC had two apologists on today. When confronted with how Wright’s demeanor and sarcasm could be explained in the light of Christian humility, they said Uncle Jeremiah was a prophet. Obviously, there are some true Marxist’s believers who see Uncle Jeremiah’s role of prophet as more important to black folk than a mere President of than KK of America.

22 posted on 04/28/2008 7:32:49 PM PDT by Biblebelter (Barry, your Uncle Jeremiah is speaking now, Barry can you hear him, Barry what you say now.)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist
The more Wright talked, the more he sounded like a Christian Farrakhan

It's more accurate if you take out the word "Christian." Wright sounds like Farrakhan. Period.

24 posted on 04/28/2008 7:40:40 PM PDT by hsalaw
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

Wright is not a Christian, he’s a huckster.

25 posted on 04/28/2008 7:42:47 PM PDT by popdonnelly (Please pass the arugula.)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

“Christian Farrakhan” is as oxymoronic as “Reverend Wright.”

27 posted on 04/28/2008 7:43:43 PM PDT by bannie (clintons CHEAT! It's their only weapon.; & Barry/Barack has two faces.)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist; All

I have been watching the news over the past few days...I am tired of hearing the media report that Farrakhan had over a million people show at the mall...

has anyone ever determined how many people were there? I cannot believe there were a million.

32 posted on 04/28/2008 10:22:21 PM PDT by toldyou (Even if the voices aren't real they have some pretty good ideas.)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

You can’t see me, but I’m standing and applauding.

35 posted on 04/28/2008 10:45:53 PM PDT by RightOnline
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist

Rev wright seems a little bitter to me. Maybe that’s why he clings to religion and has antipathy against people who are different.

36 posted on 04/28/2008 10:46:32 PM PDT by red state girl (never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never)
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist
"The man (Wright) clearly needs his meds. So why haven’t Democrats denounced him? Why hasn’t someone gone to Obama and said, “Look, pal, it’s time to put the ‘past’ in ‘pastor’ and dump this guy. You threw your own grandmother under the bus, so there’s room for Wright under there, too.”

"Because John McCain and other legislators worry that they are easily corrupted, there are legal limits to the monetary contributions that anyone can make to political candidates. There are, however, no limits to the rhetorical contributions that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright can make to McCain’s campaign.

"Because Wright is a gift determined to keep on giving, this question arises: Can persons opposed to Barack Obama’s candidacy justly make use of Wright’s invariably interesting interventions in the campaign? The answer is: Certainly, because Wright’s paranoias tell us something—exactly what remains to be explored—about his 20-year parishioner."

"With each new hate rant by Wright and the silence of Obama on the topic of Reverend Wright, Barack Obama seems to confirm his own moral obliviousness. Worse yet, he seems to have disdain for those who are troubled by his own unwillingness, to break with Wright.

On his new campaign plane, Obama said he has spoken with Wright in recent days and disputed any suggestion that he or his campaign have asked him to stay out of the limelight.

"I have talked to him," he said. "I haven't asked him to do anything."

Walter Williams: "For the nation and for black people, the first black president should be the caliber of a Jackie Robinson and Barack Obama is not. Barack Obama has charisma and charm but in terms of character, values and understanding, he is no Jackie Robinson. By now, many Americans have heard the racist and anti-American tirades of Obama's minister and spiritual counselor. There's no way that Obama could have been a 20-year member of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church and not been aware of his statements."

Thomas Sowell: "It is painful to watch defenders of Barack Obama tying themselves into knots trying to evade the obvious. Some are saying that Senator Obama cannot be held responsible for what his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, said. In their version of events, Barack Obama just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time—and a bunch of mean-spirited people are trying to make something out of it."

Hussein Obama’s racist pseudo minister has turned the Dems' run for President into party's train wreck!

Devastatingly, Shelby Steele writes: “Obama has fellow-traveled with a hate-filled, anti-American black nationalism all his adult life, failing to stand and challenge an ideology that would have no place for his own (white) mother."

Just What Did Obama Know About Wright's Past Sermons? (Plenty)

“Barack Obama either agreed with what was preached from the Trinity pulpit, or he tuned it out and stayed around pretending to for political reasons. To say he stayed for 20 years but doesn't agree with Wright's preaching is incredible denial. It'd be like a man buying White Sox season tickets for 20 years, attending the games, and saying he's not a fan.”

Obama’s supporters want us to ignore this story… just push it under the rug. While they’ll align Republicans with any obscure pastor who does or says something controversial, they’re trying to convince us that Obama’s 20-year long close relationship with Wright, including his effective endorsement of him, his church and rhetoric with a $22,500 donation in 2006 is irrelevant.

“When Obama decided against wearing an American flag pin, we may all have been a bit too quick to accept his rationale, too quick to find that issue unimportant. Now, that American flag pin has gotten a lot bigger for a lot of us, especially in light of what may have been and may still be Obama’s deeper, and, perhaps, secret, less than patriotic beliefs about America.”

“Wright says that blacks can’t be expected to sing God Bless America because of racism. Obama doesn’t salute the flag during the National Anthem. That sure strikes me as an amazing coincidence since Obama swears he never heard Wright say anything against America.”

Here is the link to the Star Spangled Banner video with obama standing there without his hand over his heart...

Notice her ear ring!

The picture, which appeared on a U.S. Web site, showed the Illinois senator donning a Muslim elder's headdress and robes during a 2006 trip to Wajir in northeastern Kenya. Ahmed Sheikh Bahalow, a retired teacher and elder from ethnically (read Muslim) Somali Wajir, said his community was offended by the insinuation Obama had done anything wrong on his visit. "The Somali community and in particular those living in Kenya have never been that interested in America politics," Bahalow told Reuters in the central town of Isiolo. "But we are following it keenly now because we have been provoked." Wajir residents planned to demonstrate in the town after Friday prayers to show their support for Obama, he said. Those aren't Episcopalians praying on Friday.

39 posted on 04/29/2008 6:28:17 AM PDT by Grampa Dave (Hussein ObamaSamma's Pastor, Jeremiah Wright: "God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11")
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To: Laissez-faire capitalist
Perhaps a not-so-Christian Farrakahn.

It has become obvious to Americans of all stripes that Wright is hate-filled and anti-American.

Obama's lame attempts to distance himself, though probably orchestrated for just this purpose, will not wash. Wright has just been too close for far, far too long. Since his ties to Obama are so deep and long standing, people are now looking at what Wright actually teaches, his ideology and theology, and what Obama has listened to for the last 20 years.

Wright teaches Black Liberation Theology that was the creation of the black radical James Hal Cone, who took the Latin American Liberation Theology that had been created by Marxists to lure poor catholics into their "revolution" (because they knew their totally Godless marxism would not work), and revamped it for blacks in America.

This theology teaches that Christ was an oppressed black man living under whitey rule (the Romans) who was as much or more of a social revolutionary against white oppression as he was about spiritual salvation. In this sense, the theology is much closer to what the Islamics teach about Christ than what true Christians teach about Him.

It is a hate-filled, bigoted, anti-American, race bating, marxist construct. Here is what it's creator, James Hal Cone, says about it, the same James Hal Cone who Wright constantly refers to and holds up as an icon:

"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."
This then is the trough from which Barack Hussein Obama has fed and the well from which he has drunk deeply for the past 20+ years.




40 posted on 04/29/2008 1:28:02 PM PDT by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be. (
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