Start by being prepared to fight.
I mean really fight, as in blood and teeth on the floor fighting.
If you are not so prepared, then IMO, do not protest or go to one.
When the liberals get just a little more power these anti kook protesters are going to be killed.
All I do is say: "Get away from me, I don't talk to commies!" They run away like little girls.
You’re right. Maybe they would benefit greatly from feeling our “expressions” of freedom of speech. It’s past time to give these idiots back more than signs.
These kooks are their useful militancy.
Exactly. When you go to a protest, take along a 300-lb., well-tattooed, hairy-backed biker beast. Strong silent type. Steel-tipped boots. Goes by the name "Silver Nose" or "Hammer." Scars.
People are still apes at confrontation and they will not readily spit on black leather, or interfere with him as he videotapes. The type is a bulldozer in the eye of a peacenik. /serious
Years ago the Head of the Jews for the Possession of Firearms Ownership said that if we were giong to win this war we must meet them with sign for sign, body for body, and fist for fist.
Put two rolls of nickels in your pockets, one for each fist. When the police show up, break the rolls open and throw the packaging away. A roll of quarters in a neckerchief makes a handy weapon.
Time to dress up as a baseball will explain the bat.