And yet, McCain seems to be increasing his lead :)
Thus showing that at some point (as we saw with Romney) it just doesn’t matter how much money you throw at a campaign - if you’re a stinker, you get smelt.
McCain gets zero support.
He is a political wimp who does not go after the political enemy.
He sends thorns to his own, and roses to his adversaries.
He MIGHT get a vote but he will never ever get time or MONEY.
This is what happens when your base consists of independents and Libs. Some of them may vote for McCain, but none of them are going to give him money.
So since he doesn’t need conservatives to win this election, we get to use our money to get REAL conservatives into office.
That’s because most of his supporters are sending to Obama and Clinton.
BTW - Freeper HokieMom came up with a great acronym for CHAOS:
He, and the RINO Republican Party can always borrow some dough from their twins, the Democrat, and party hearty.
Poor Johnny McCain, having to catch a ride on a Greyhound as he tours around preaching open borders and the junk science of global warming.
Send him some Bush pesos.
Does anyone have a graph of contributions to the GOP before and after the amnesty debacle?
His lead is growing:
Yeah, but wait until he hits Mexico and East LA. The pesos should come rolling in.
Gosh, John (I believe Climate Change is Real) McCain...I thought all those Moderates and Independents would rally to the cause!
Sooner or later, McCain needs to realize it is “The Base” of the party that campaigns, donates, makes phone calls, puts out signs, talks to neighbors, etc. McCain continues to ignore, dismiss, even cast aside, conservative supporters.
The Libs have LOTS of money for either candidate.
I will vote for McCain. But, as many said about Thompson, Hunter, Romney, etc., the candidate must INSPIRE the voters.
Defending McCain-Feingold, apologizing for “fringe elements” every day and staying drunk on the “Green” kool-aid isn’t very inspiring.
If McCain wants to raise money and win, running further to the Left won’t do it.
I won’t give McCain the sweat off my butt.
I hope McCain/Feingold bites him big time.
McCain is another moderate Democrat - not good enough for us to vote for or throw money at.
Since there are three democrats running, the leftist money is split and the conservative money is going to other races.
There are currently 3 liberal democrats in the running, none of whom will get a penny from me either. Two of them are honest about their party affiliation. One is not.
Where are all his cheapskate Independent friends?
Should this amount ($1.86 US) be insufficient to boost your sagging coffers, may I suggest you approach your "Spanish Outreach Adviser" Juan ("Dual-Citizenship-Holding-Pro-Open-Borders-Anti-American-Latino-Supremacist-Pandering") Hernandez.
I would imagine he would be more than happy to tap into his reserves even if need be funneled thru his fellow associates within the Mexican Government.
Should that fail, why not reach out to the 12-20 million "Undocumented Immigrants" you so want to grant Amnesty? I cannot imagine that they would not gladly contribute?
Vaya Con Dios Muchacho. Mi Casa is NOT Su Casa, Get It?
Look at the March numbers when they come in. McCain will be in much better shape on the income and cash on hand.
And the numbers for McCain are downright depressing compared to either of his potential Democrat rivals.
Well golly gee. A career of backstabbing conservatives, undermining Dubya & Rummy. Pushing Global Warming hooey and Amnesty for 20 million CRIMINAL INVADERS and he can't raise money.
"Do I Really Have To Say It?"
This is hardly surprising. The RNC manipulated the process so one of the most unpopular politicians in the Republican party won the nomination.
Now let them put up their own damn money if they want to get back into power.