Not a chance. He and his surrogates would play the race card everytime someone critizes something he says. It would be horrible and divisive, but when have the dems ever cared about that?
He had a perfect opening here that would have made the reference to Granny not only reasonable but admirable.
Granny is scared of young, thuggish-looking black men. BOH could have pointed out that Granny has damn good reason to be scared, and what does it say about black people that old women are quite rationally frightened of them? That an unfortunate number of young black men prey on old women? How embarassing is that?
We are always supposed to understand and make allowances for the legitimate grudges and fears of black people. But nobody ever attempts to understand and makes allowances for the at least equally valid fears and grudges of many white people.
I wrote something about this a couple of days ago:
Hussein Obama has permanently screwed up the Angry Black Gravy Train forever. God Bless whoever unearthed the Right Reverend Idiot, because the entire Black Shakedown Enterprise is now toast.
Ann adds to this by pointing out that for the last 30 years, we’ve lived in a country where it is LEGAL to discriminate against whites!
As such, if we are to end discrimination, let it begin with black people discriminating against white people.
Someone commented that BO answered all the questions except those that were being asked. The first thing that he made clear was that he opposes slavery. Okay. Then he got around to the fact that his white granny who “sacrificed” for him made him “cringe” because she was a bigot. At that point I concluded that BO is the vilest politician of our time.
It was totally unnecessary to make the remark about “Edwards dead son” in this.
If he’s in bad taste, why double it in spades by using it against him. She should have used another of his annoying claims—like the millionaire talking about his father in the mills.
Obama’s pastor should grow up, even though Obama has told the world that he thinks Wright is too old to change.
Well, anybody who actually finished High School in a non-government school knows this is a damned lie.
As Charles Murray went to great pains to point out in 95% of the book The Bell Curve, economic success is dependent almost entirely on education, and is independent of race.
Lack of opportunity for black men indeed!
The educated ones do quite well, from what I'm able to see, almost daily.
Of course the rap losers and pimps of all races, don't do nearly as well, as a group.
Black Whiteguilt Oblack is in serious trouble thanks to the DNCivil War.
Pray for W and Our Troops
Ann is correct.
I am totally shocked how the DBM is is denial mode on how absolutly racist Obama’s speech was.
Then again the DBM is not even moved when a NOWnag calls all men rapists.
Another home run by Ann.
No one can cut through to the heart of an issue as she can.
Two observations:
1 - Obama just set race relations back at least 20 years.
2 - As Ann said, whites have had enough of the Great Society, War on Poverty and racial favoritism and discrimination.
We are waiting to hear that it is over - that blacks agree Dr. MLK's dream has come true: that henceforth blacks (and whites) will be judged on their character, not by the color of their skin.
But Obama says its not over.
He said Phase II is just getting started.
He told us that whites need to pay more attention to what blacks want - that we need to start giving more, not less.
If what we see on the videos and what Obama says about the black attitude is true it means that 40 years of government pandering to blacks and trillions of dollars spent on black oriented programs have made matters worse instead of better.
It means there is no peaceable way to resolve the race issue because whites are bumping up against the absolute limit of what they can take.
If we are going to have to forever take care of blacks like helpless little children the least the government can do is stop pretending that they are competent equals. Its time to eliminate affirmative action and racist programs that favor blacks and end the hypocrisy before it totally detroys the country.
Go Ann Go!
I would miss Ann if she was not there.
Ann is right as usual.