17 months is still considered an infant?
So what! My granddaughters can speak read and write 3 languages! And the 17-month-old is already toilet trained.
The “Signing Time” series is exceptionally good. Our grandson learned very quickly with it. Once he started learning sign, his spoken vocabulary increased dramatically, as well. It was as if he made the connection between concepts and words by seeing them signed. (It also helped that he got what he asked for when he signed and said it.)
Home schooler.
Quick, get her in public school so that she can learn to “prefer communism” and understand that gay sex is “normal”.
This is another sad case of what home schooling can do to a child. Where is an accredited teacher from a socialist government run indoctrination center when you need one!
OHHH, my kids can’t do anything.....DOH
Its not like there is a lot to do in Lubbock (go Tech)
>>”...likely, will be a great resource for humanity, being as smart as she is.”
My mother (a genius) could read the newspapers at age 2. But if you want to get a rise out of her, just try calling a genius a “resource” for humanity.
Incidentally, my sister and I (normal brains, homeschooled) could read passably well at age 3, but were not allowed to touch bird cage liner.
I used to teach at a Montessori preschool. We taught reading from Day 1 to 2 1/2 year olds. Children often learn to read long before they can write or tie their shoes.
One boy was brought in by parents who said that he appeared able to read almost immediately after he began to talk. At first they thought he had memorized his story books. But then he started reading cereal boxes and newspapers and they knew it wasn’t rote memorization of favorite stories.
I developed a great relationship with this bright boy over the next few years of schooling and asked him how he had learned to read.
Answer: Wheel of Fortune.
I use to work with special ed children through signing.
They can understand so much that way.
However, I have one child of my own that could read by
age 2 also, through phonics, reading Cat in the Hat, and
She just turned 13 and reads on 10th grade level. However,
in other classes and this year including reading she makes
A’s and B+’s.
My husband and myself ask her teachers to try and challenge her to reach beyond that.
They just tell us to be grateful we have an awesome student.
We are very grateful, but when they get into public education you have to help the teachers and the child
to see there full potential.
I believe she is doing this well because both her parents are speech pathologists and know how to teach her better communication skills. Although she is probably exceptionally bright, I believe a lot of kids her age could also do well, (if not quite as well as she is doing), if given the time and attention and the right instruction. I’m glad to see the signing show becoming popular. Multiple ways of communicating can only help their language skills. I know a kid her age who is speaking English and Chinese.
She probably learned to read since there’s nothing else to do in Lubbock.
(...Ducking for cover!!)
Well so what!
My kids can fling boogers!
The baby flunked when mom presented her with the following series of words: LIAR, CHEATER, THIEF, SOCIALIST and the baby’s only response was democrat.........
Everybody knows people named Elizabeth are exceptional.
the two sons of one of my nephews once - many years ago - had me convinced that the older one, then in second grade, had taught the younger one, then 2 and 1/2, to read
they demonstrated with the three of of us sitting down to read one of their favorite story books
with me in the middle, the oldest one turned the pages of the book as the younger one ‘read’ the story, word for word, page by page to the end
in reality, they confessed, they had played a joke on me, by way of an accomplishment of a different sort
the older one had taught the younger one to memorize, word for word, the story as told by the image on each page
they then showed, using a couple more of their story books, that the pages could be selected in any random order, and the younger one still knew/had memorized the word for word tale that belonged to each page
that to me was impressive on it’s own