I know Alan speaks the truth for the most part, but he has really gotten pompous and ridiculous. I have heard him quite pushy and forcefull on talk radio when force wasn’t needed at all. And now he is possibly going to pull some voters away from McCain which could swing it to the democrats and we will be left with much more evil and no good supreme court appointments. What kind of sense does that make? I think he is simply angry at the weaknesses that he sees in the republican party and judges the hell out of it but that judgement is seen as righteous in his mind. I believe he needs some patience and then his strength won’t come out as anger and pushiness. If we can get a majority back in congress, great things could happen.
Your comments credit him with more than he deserves. There’s a screw loose somewhere in the Alan Keyes picture.
Good, and rightly so. In fact, I would say there is a better chance of victory in November with the Reagan Conservative than with the Bakerite. Patriot, Conservative, Constitutional scholar versus the Traitorous Bastard... It isn't a hard choice for me to make.
Godspeed Alan Keyes! You'll have my vote!
I’ve seen the same thing in him. He used to be the finest speaker in the land. Now he just rants at everyone.
That's no perception. We don't call 'em RINO's for nothing! They've abrogated core values like moral authority, self-defense (RKBA), fiscal discipline, corruption and protecting national sovereignty.
“If we can get a majority back in congress, great things could happen.”
A very big “if.” The thing to look at in my view are the retirements. The people who are currently in office have a pretty good idea of what their chances are for re-election or their party gaining power. Judging from the number of retirements on the GOP side, they’re not seeing a very pretty picture unfolding.
Yours is one of the best statements I have read regarding Alan Keyes. He really is a brilliant man but fails to see he doesn’t live in a brilliant world but a world made up of sinners and people doing evil for their own profit. All we have now is the Republican party to try to shape up. Reagan shaped it up, we can do it again. We probably will only have McCain around, if he wins, for 4 years because of his age and temperment. If we can wade through 4 McCain years and groom some real conservatives during that time, 2012 might be a much better year for conservative Republicans.
I think Alan shows incredible restraint, if I knew a tenth of what he knows I would be unable to contain my anger long enough to articulate my own name, let alone fight on as he does in the face of impossible odds. With God all things are possible. Go Alan