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To: familyop; All
Submitted for your perusal, from Atlas Shrugs:

Obama and Islam:
The Third Rail in American Politics

I am not a racist. Tough to prove a negative. But I refuse to dhimmi down and STFU. Too much is wrong. Obama's narrative is being altered, enhanced and manipulated to whitewash troubling facts. The web is being scrubbed of Obama's ties to Islam. But America will know the truth even if the mainstream media refuses to touch the third rail. The media is already in full spin mode.  The racist charge is fallacious - Islam is not a race, but why split hairs, right?

America should be skeptical. America should question - intensely. We are in the fight for our lives against an enemy that has vowed to destroy us. Good faith is not good enough.

My objective is to unearth Obama's relationship to Islam. Islam is a political ideology and it is incompatible with democracy.

Mosques are being used to electioneer for Obama. Arabs and Muslims in Islamic countries endorse Obama. Unindicted co-conspirator and Hamas sympathizer, CAIR, endorses him. Why would they endorse an apostate? There is no record of Obama ever having been baptized. Did he leave Islam and become Christian?


Beckwith over at Freedom's Enemies has the definitive bio of Obama here: (hat tip dw)

The "An American Expat in Southeast Asia" blog reports that Obama's Indonesian schooling began when he was entered into the Roman Catholic, Franciscus Assisi Primary School on January 1, 1968 and sat in class 1B.  He was registered under the name Barry Soetoro, serial number 203.    School documents listed Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen and his religion was listed as Islam. He will spend three years at Franciscus.

All Indonesian students are required to study religion at school and a young Barry Soetoro, being a Muslim, would have been required to study Islam daily in school.

He called himself Barry as a child. Why did he change and go back to Barack Hussein? This was a conscious decision that he made. Why? And if Barack went to all the trouble of going from Barry to Barack Hussein, why are we vilified when calling him by the name he prefers?

He would have been taught to read and write Arabic, to recite his prayers properly, to read and recite from the Quran and to study the laws of Islam.

In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama mentions studying the Quran and describes the public school as "a Muslim school."

According to Tine Hahiyary, one of Obama's teachers and the principal from 1971 through 1989, Barry actively took part in the Islamic religious lessons during his time at the school.  His teacher was named Maimunah and she lived in the Puncak area, the Cianjur Regency.

"I remembered that he had studied "mengaji" (recitation of the Quran)" Tine said.

Obama himself recalls, "In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Koranic studies."

Our guy in Jakarta writes: "The actual usage of the word 'mengaji' in Indonesian and Malaysian societies means the study of learning to recite the Quran in the Arabic language rather than the native tongue.  "Mengagi" is a word and a term that is accorded the highest value and status in the mindset of fundamentalist societies here in Southeast Asia.  To put it quite simply, 'mengaji classes' are not something that a non practicing or so-called moderate Muslim family would ever send their child to.  To put this in a Christian context, this is something above and beyond simply enrolling your child in Sunday school classes."

"The fact that Obama had attended mengaji classes is well known in Indonesia and has left many there wondering just when Obama is going to come out of the closet."

"As I've stated before, the evidence seems to quite clearly show that both Ann Dunham and her husband Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo were in fact devout Muslims themselves and they raised their son as such."

In 2007, Obama's classmate Rony Amiris describes young Barry as enjoying playing football and marbles and of being a very devout Muslim. Amir said, "Barry was previously quite religious in Islam."

"We previously often asked him to the prayer room close to the house.  If he was wearing a sarong he looked funny," said Rony.

Amiris now the manager of the Bank Mandiri, Jakarta, recently said, "Barry was previously quite religious in Islam.  His birth father, Barack Hussein Obama was a Muslim economist from Kenya.  Before marrying Ann Dunham, Hussein Obama was married to a woman from Kenya who had seven children.  All the relatives of Barry's father were very devout Muslims"

In 2007, Emirsyah Satar, CEO of Garuda Indonesia, was quoted as saying, "He (Obama) was often in the prayer room wearing a 'sarong', at that time."

"He was quite religious in Islam but only after marrying Michelle, he changed his religion."

Why lie?

OK, so he was raised a Muslim. Why lie? Why? When did he leave? How? Those who have left Islam are quite definitive about. Vocal even. How did he leave? When? He claims to be a practicing Christian for 20 years. He is 47 years old. What was happening prior to age 27?

On March 14th, 2007, the Obama Campaign told the LA Times that Obama was not a "practicing Muslim."

But his official website says:  "Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian.

Islamic links on Obama web site stir criticism

*Video* The Prayer Room Where Obama Played

Related Posts at  "An American Expat in Southeast Asia,"
Tracking Down Obama in Indonesia
Tracking Down Obama in Indonesia - Part 2
Tracking Down Obama in Indonesia - Part 3

And when he leaves Islam, what church does he join? A church whose pastor is a total hater. An America hater, a Jew hater (here) -

Pastor Wright is a supporter of Louis Farrakhan (who called Judaism a "gutter religion" and depicted Jews as "bloodsuckers") and traveled with him to visit Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi, archenemy of Israel's and a terror supporter. Most recently, as head of the UN Security CouncilGaddafi prevented condemnation of attacks against Israel. As Kyle-Anne Shriver noted,

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan received the "Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer" Award at the 2007 Trumpet Gala at the United Church of Christ.

And still Obama does not distance himself from Wright or Farrakhan. Obama should have repudiated Farrakhan's endorsement immediately. He didn't. Even when grilled by Russert. Ina rational world, Farrakhan's endorsement would have destroyed Barack's campaign chances but the Democrats and liberal media give leftist racists a free pass.

Anti-Semites love Obama.

A message from Obama's preacher:

"An American Expat in Southeast Asia," points out that the main stream media is ready, willing and happy to scrub Obama's troubling past.

"...If anyone is still puzzled about the facts, in fact I have never been a Muslim.     We had to send CNN to look at the school that I attended in Indonesia where kids were wearing short pants and listening to ipods to indicate that this was not a madrassa but was a secular school in Indonesia..."    ~  Barack Obama,  24 February 2008


Surely Barack Obama wouldn't lie now would he? But did the Obama camp really send CNN to Indonesia? Are we to believe that when the accusations of Barack Obama attending a madrassa as a child first broke on Fox News last year that Sam Feist's reply to the Obama camp would be "Please relax. You furnish the money, I'll furnish the debunk."

Like many Americans, my parents raised me to believe that it is the truth that matters. It is. Network news broadcasts and newspaper reports have the power to shape our perceptions, consciously and subliminally and as consumers we naturally expect a bit of integrity on behalf of the networks and media outlets. We expect that opinion and commentary are clearly identified as such. What we don't expect is that the news has been manufactured or bought and paid for. That CNN would assist Obama in deceiving the American people is downright despicable and I think if what Obama is saying is true, then both CNN and Obama owe the American people an apology.

For Barack Obama, the facts are that he is a liar and no one, not CNN or Sam Feist is ever going to change that fact. There is no amount of spin, flooding the internet or debunking that is ever going to change the fact that Barack Hussein Obama was born a Muslim and that he practiced Islam as a child, no more than I can change the fact that I was born and baptized a Catholic and attended Catholic school as a child.

Barack Obama often speaks of hope and change, but for a man that truly aspires to lead our nation, hope and change will simply not suffice, there can be no dignity without honesty.

By his fruits we shall know him and so we know him.

Talk is cheaper and never more so than now. I look at Obama's deeds and actions and I know  the man. His choice of foreign policy advisers could have been hand picked by Arafat himself. Baehr and Lasky have a comprehensive post on his choices here.

Who are Obama's Foreign Policy Advisors?

Newsweek published a list of Senator Obama's foreign policy advisers that included Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert Malley. A few weeks later, the Washington Post on October 2, 2007 published a list of foreign policy advisers for all the major candidates, which list included the names of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert Malley, Samantha Power and Susan Rice as advisers to Senator Obama. Subsequently, Martin Peretz -- an Obama supporter -- wrote at the end of December that he got the "shudders" when thinking about the foreign policy influence of "Zbigniew Brzezinski... Anthony Lake, Susan Rice and Robert O. Malley".

Peretz touched upon some of the reasons to be concerned about Malley, whom he characterized as "the most horrific name on the list".  He was particularly concerned about the impact on America-Israel relations given Brzezinski's and Malley's involvement. Brzezinski's lack of concern for the safety and security of Israel is well known. Opposition to his role in the campaign was voiced across the political spectrum
.  Peretz touched upon some of the reasons to be concerned about the role of Malley, which were further developed in an article on our site that focused on a long series of articles Malley has written that reveal views that should give pause to all those concerned about the future of the America-Israel relationship.

The articles on Obama and his advisors in American Thinker were sourced to many news outlets before we characterized the individuals as foreign policy advisers. Subsequent to the controversy, some pushback from the campaign has developed. Emails have been circulating denying that Malley is an adviser or that stating that he does not provide advice on the Middle East, or denying that Zbigniew Brzezinski advises on issues related to Israel and the Palestinians.  As Commentary's Noah Pollak has asked, is there just clever wordplay going on (otherwise, known as "spin")?

He wants a "non military" Israel. In other words, a death sentence. This is the strategy of an annihilationist.  He made this statement to Jews a couple of days ago.

and frankly some of the commentary that I've seen which suggests guilt by association or the notion that unless we are never ever going to ask any difficult questions about how we move peace forward or secure Israel that is non military or non belligerent or doesn't talk about just crushing the opposition that that somehow is being soft or anti-Israel....

Read the whole thing here.

On actual foreign policy,Obama's support of Odinga in the Kenyan bloodbaths is , by far,  the darkest indication that Obama sides with Islamists and their handmaidens. Obama is backing the opposition to America's ally in Kenya, President Kibaki.

CAROLINE GLICK: Kibaki is close ally of the US in the war against Islamic terror. In stark contrast, Odinga is an ally of Islamic extremists. On August 29 Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya's pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, "Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists."

Although Odinga is an Anglican, he referred to Islam as the "one true religion" and scorned Christians as "worshipers of the cross." Obama strongly supports Odinga who claims to be his cousin. As Daniel Johnson reported recently in the New York Sun, during his 2006 visit to Kenya, Obama was so outspoken in his support for Odinga that the Kenyan government complained to the State Department that Obama was interfering with the internal politics of the country. After the Dec. 27 elections Obama interrupted a campaign appearance in New Hampshire to take a call from Odinga.


Here is a site that has the Odinga Memorandum of Understanding with the Muslim community of Kenya. It's ugly.

MOU between Odinga and the Muslims document here

Obama and the Kenyan Islamic Connection

Supporting the Axis of Evil

Obama's call to talk to, to negotiate with dictatorial terror states, Iran, Syria, -- the axis of evil,  -- is incremental  surrender. Iran has been at war with with us since '79 and has inflicted great harm and American casualities. They have vowed "Death to America", "Death to Israel". Their objective is a pax islamica. They are feverishly developing nuclear weaponry.

His foreign policy adviser Samantha Power wrote in a   piece  for TIME magazine, titled “Rethinking Iran,” the thrust of which rethinking involves the need to "engage diplomatically the mullahs and pretend that the Iranian nuclear program is a figment of the paranoid imagination of the Bush administration".  She writes:

The war scare that wasn’t [the recent incident between Iranian speedboats and the U.S. Navy in the Straight of Hormuz] stands as a metaphor for the incoherence of our policy toward Iran: the Bush Administration attempts to gin up international outrage by making a claim of imminent danger, only to be met with international eye rolling when the claim is disproved. Sound familiar? The speedboat episode bore an uncanny resemblance to the Administration’s allegations about the advanced state of Iran’s weapons program–allegations refuted in December by the National Intelligence Estimate.

I have no problem with Obama's Islamic bonifides. If anything,  he has first hand knowledge. It could position him to know better than anyone else what is at stake here. My problem is he does not call for reformation of Islam. My problem is he appears to support Islamic jihad. It would seem perfectly reasonable that an ex Muslim would consult to Ibn Warraq, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Robert Spencer et al. But this is absolutely not the case. He surrounds  himself with dhimmis, appeasers, and members of the Nation of Islam.

MEMRI: In a special address to Iran's Assembly of Experts, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expounded his idea of a perfect society and his views on the Islamic Revolution and Muslim ideology.(1) He stated that the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran were the "two greatest events of the contemporary history, since they marked the continuation of the path laid before mankind by the divine Prophets, next to the appointment of Prophet Muhammad as messenger of Allah and the martyrdom of the Prophet's grandson Imam Hussain."    

Ahmadinejad also said that the Islamic Revolution was "a long leap towards mankind's reaching the peak of perfection," and added that the Iranian nation's mission was to become a model for humanity by living an exemplary and perfect life, based on the only perfect ideology ? Muhammad's Islam. More here.

Obama is wrong on every issue. Dangerously wrong. But he is right when he says America is divided. There are America lovers and America haters. He is in the latter camp. The man is not selling "hope", he is selling despair.

My campaign slogan for John McCain that I announced on Andrea Shea King's show last week:


Related posts


Barack Obama: Muslim Call to Prayer "One of the Prettiest Sounds on Earth"

And, what was the prayer Obama recited? Death by a Thousand Papercuts says this is it via CUANAS

"Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet... "

Well, if he wasn't a Muslim before, he is now. Or, I should say, Muslims would consider him a Muslim, for having said that prayer.

UPDATE: DOMESTIC ISSUES: I will address his leftist socialism in another post. This will be a good kicking off point:

Obama about judges, including this gem;

We need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that’s the criteria by which I’m going to be selecting my judges.

WTF? Over 200 years of rule of law ....out the window.

My opinion?

I don't know what is scarier- Hillarrheah!, The Magic Negro... or their camp followers. America is in a heap of trouble, judging by all that...

9 posted on 03/01/2008 2:10:00 AM PST by backhoe (Just a Merry-Hearted Keyboard PirateBoy, plunderin’ his way across the WWW…)
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To: backhoe

Bump to your post. Very informative.

10 posted on 03/01/2008 2:17:43 AM PST by Jet Jaguar (Who would the terrorists vote for?)
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To: backhoe
"...their camp followers."

That's what scares me: the groups behind each of the two Democrat choices. The likes of Shalala, Albright and Reno, or those we see in Democrat leadership now. Obama will try to please everyone, IMO (as first black president), so the Democrats behind him would run the show (Kennedy and friends).

We're cruising for a bruising either way: faster with Democrats or only a little more gradually with Republicans. All are elevating the importance of economics today (interests of a few influential constituents) far above defense in the near future. Either party will keep the sons of Americans who manufacture on foreign soil in charge of our military forces. thing we know, they'll be painting our whole cities gray...then putting red stars on them.
13 posted on 03/01/2008 2:48:25 AM PST by familyop (LOL! Take care of business in Iran! Oil won't go down much, and the dollar won't go up!)
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To: All

17 posted on 03/01/2008 3:51:41 AM PST by Cindy
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To: backhoe
Thorough as usual - Thanks!
Reference bump. ;-)
21 posted on 03/01/2008 5:00:51 AM PST by Troubling Times (If I used my usual it'd be a dead giveaway ;-)
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