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The International tribunal is being established in Holland to try all the suspects in the Hariri assassination. The top Syrian security officials were named as suspects by Detlev Mehlis , the first UN chief investigator .

Qandil told a news conference Tuesday that the tribunal is based on an agreement between the government of Premier Fouad Siniora and the United Nations.

"The Siniora government is illegitimate and does not have the right to conclude agreements. Any contract concluded with the Siniora government is binding to this particular government and not to the Lebanese people," Qandil said.

He criticized the arrest of the four generals( who are also suspects in the Hariri assassination) , claiming they were mere "political detainees."

"Unless the four generals were released … there will be no justice, no truth and, consequently, no international tribunal," Qandil said.generals- suspects.JPGHe urged the Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbullah-led opposition to include the release of the four generals on its agenda for any understanding to settle the political situation.

He spoke of a "scheme to stage riots on Thursday," the third anniversary of former Premier Rafik Hariri's assassination that would be commemorated on February 14 by the March 14 ruling majority.

"There is a plan (by the majority) to flood the squares (with majority supporters) to sweep the sit-in tents," Qandil claimed. He did not attribute his allegations to any source.

"The conspiracy also calls for instigating civil war … in Rashaya and the western Bekaa because the Israeli enemy wants to enter scorched earth," Qandil added.

He predicted that "this would probably push the Syrians to make a powerful return to the region to strike at trouble."

He also spoke of an alleged plot to stir trouble in north Lebanon, cautioning that it would reflect on Syria's internal situation "and might require direct Syrian intervention to preserve security."

He tried to justify Syria’s return when he drew a parallel between Iraq and Lebnaon: "The Turkish army enters Iraq at any chosen time to safeguard Turkey's security."

Ahmed yasseen , a local observer told Ya Libnan : Syria’s return to Lebanon has been the dream of the Hezbollah -led opposition, but the ruling majority is totally opposed to such an idea . The Syrian regime is considered an enemy of the peaceful Cedar Revolution and Syria’s return could result in a bloody Cedar Revolution that will drive Syria out again. He added “ If the opposition loves Syria so much then they should consider moving over there , perhaps once there they will be able to appreciate the Lebanese democracy .”

Sources: Naharnet , Ya Libnan
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Tags: harri, iraq, kandil, kurds, Qandil, siniora, syria, tribunal, turkey

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