Interesting stuff to learn about the nominating process.
Plus there’s a beautiful beach pic at the link!
Just like Puerto Rico...
make Samoa part of Hawaii, make PR part of NY, make DC part of Maryland. don’t give these liberal bastions any new Liberal Senators....but give them representation.
Talofa!!! Fa’a Samoa. Beautiful place. But, sadly, major government corruption, shabby infrastructure, and depressed economy. Really heartening to drive around and see all the American flags proudly displayed.
Short answer, they can vote in the primaries but not in the general election.
There was an article posted here last week about some American Samoans in Arkansas who have leprosy. The article mentioned that there are thousands of them in the state, brought in to pack chickens—presumably by Tyson.
I bet they vote, and if I know Tyson, they vote for clintons.
Since political Parties are totally extra-Consitutional and are mere Corporations, they could be running their campaigns anywhere including the former USSR or Iran if those states allowed the Corporations to do business in their countries. Samoa? Why not.