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There Was One A Kafir Named Mark Steyn (Yeah, We Love Him And We Love Atlas Shrugs' Pamela Geller!)
Michelle ^
| 2/08/2008
| Michelle Malkin
Posted on 02/08/2008 9:29:44 AM PST by goldstategop
Thats the beginning of the limerick Pamela Geller wrote for her introduction of Mark Steyn yesterday at CPAC.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Editorial; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: conservatism; cpac; marksteyn; michellemalkin; pamellageller
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Mark Steyn And The Lovely Pamela Geller At CPAC!
The picture says it all. And we love them both on Free Republic!
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
To: goldstategop
posted on
02/08/2008 9:33:29 AM PST
(I will vote for McCain if he resigns his Senate seat before this election.)
To: goldstategop
To: bill1952
Let me guess... Michelle Malkin's website has a problem with formatting posted pictures correctly.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
posted on
02/08/2008 9:34:58 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: goldstategop
The picture says it all.Malcolm was there?
posted on
02/08/2008 9:35:11 AM PST
(Is this tagline governed by McCain-Feingold?)
To: Zuben Elgenubi
Its a derogatory Muslim term for infidel. Its like the four letter words used to pejoratively describe Jews and blacks.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
posted on
02/08/2008 9:36:09 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: TexasNative2000
Steyn and Geller were there. She introduced him to the folks in attendance. I wonder if any Freepers have a first hand report they could share for us.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
posted on
02/08/2008 9:37:16 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: goldstategop
Quote of the day from that post:
CPAC is a joke. Conservative Political Action Conference? Lets see. Conservative speakers:
John McCain WHAT?
Ron Paul WTH?
Is this the best CPAC can do for conservatives? Sorry, I am at a loss.
Mark Steyn I understand. There are MANY conservatives that can be given a platform that make sense.
If conservatives are going to rally to the cause of conservatives then, we should rally conservatives to the cause and not bring in a liberal in sheep clothing to rally conservatives to a liberals cause. Sheesh.
The Repubs in DC have torpedoed the conservative base. McCain will bury the remains when he picks someone like Rudy to be his VP.
At that point I will be inclined to say:
We deserve everything we get.
posted on
02/08/2008 9:41:46 AM PST
(I will vote for McCain if he resigns his Senate seat before this election.)
To: goldstategop
posted on
02/08/2008 9:41:58 AM PST
(I don't see myself as a conservative. I see myself as a religious, right-wing, wacko extremist.)
To: goldstategop
Its a derogatory Muslim term for infidel. Its like the four letter words used to pejoratively describe Jews and blacks.So would that make the limerick a sort of Canadian Hip-Hop?
To: cgk
Great pic! Pamela Geller is the Jewish Ann Coulter. It was fantastic to have her introduce Steyn!
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
posted on
02/08/2008 9:43:33 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: goldstategop; 185JHP; 230FMJ; 2dogjoe; 2ndDivisionVet; 351 Cleveland; 4Freedom; ajolympian2004; ...
Malkin Ping!
Please FReepmail me if you would like to be added to, or removed from, the Michelle Malkin ping list...
posted on
02/08/2008 9:45:00 AM PST
(I don't see myself as a conservative. I see myself as a religious, right-wing, wacko extremist.)
To: bill1952
CPAC is a joke. Conservative Political Action Conference? Lets see. Conservative speakers: John McCain WHAT?
Yes. And you're not allowed to boo him either.
posted on
02/08/2008 9:46:32 AM PST
(1st choice: Hunter------2nd choice: Thompson-----3rd choice: there is no 3rd choice!)
To: goldstategop; 185JHP; 230FMJ; 2dogjoe; 2ndDivisionVet; 351 Cleveland; 4Freedom; ajolympian2004; ...
Malkin Ping!
Please FReepmail me if you would like to be added to, or removed from, the Michelle Malkin ping list...
posted on
02/08/2008 9:47:07 AM PST
(I don't see myself as a conservative. I see myself as a religious, right-wing, wacko extremist.)
To: goldstategop
To: ModelBreaker
I think we all know the case against Steyn and Macleans in Canada has nothing to do what he wrote in his book
America Alone. As he has said to his critics, if you believe I have committed slander or libel - sue me. But they went to the Star Chamber Human Rights Commission where truth is no defense against being convicted. There's no longer free speech in Canada, if you are going to say something that is bound to offend someone.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
posted on
02/08/2008 9:47:37 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: All
Sorry for the dupe - I thought I changed the pic before posting.
posted on
02/08/2008 9:48:31 AM PST
(I don't see myself as a conservative. I see myself as a religious, right-wing, wacko extremist.)
To: goldstategop
Some sort of link protection on the .jgp file. It show up here after I’ve visited Malkin’s site.
posted on
02/08/2008 9:48:41 AM PST
(Marcus Tullius)
To: cgk
Ping for Michelle! Sadly, free speech appears to be on the way out in Canada.
posted on
02/08/2008 10:00:39 AM PST
(Enjoy ASIAN CINEMA? See my Freeper page for recommendations (updated!).)
To: goldstategop
So what was the limerick?
posted on
02/08/2008 10:08:28 AM PST
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