Posted on 01/27/2008 1:39:28 PM PST by SandRat
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27, 2008 Plans to withdraw four Army brigade combat teams and two Marine battalions by July are on track as the military seeks to draw down the number of troops in Iraq as quickly as ground conditions allow, the top U.S. commander in Iraq said today.
Appearing today on CNNs Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, Army Gen. David H. Petraeus said the scheduled withdrawal will reduce the number of troops at the height of the surge by one quarter, or roughly 42,500. Further reductions after July will be based on the state of Iraqs security, he added.
The guidance that (Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates) in fact has given me -- and the president and my chain of command, what all of them have said -- is that reductions after July should be conditions-based, he said.
The general said after the upcoming drawdown, Defense Department and military officials will need time to let things settle a bit before making further reduction assessments. Their focus, he said, will be on removing forces expeditiously, but without undercutting progress made during the troop surge that launched this time last year.
Petraeus, commander of Multinational Force Iraq, said drawdowns aim to relieve strains on servicemembers, many of whom have engaged in multiple and extended deployments to support U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Force level reductions also would save money and cut back the flow of resources, he said.
The Army strives to provide soldiers the highest possible amount of dwell time -- the period at home stations between deployments -- and reduce deployments from 15 months to 12, the general added.
But we want to do it, again, in a way that will allow these gains to be maintained. We don't want to jeopardize what we have fought so hard for, he said. The key is to make the timing of that right and to figure out when that will make sense.
Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan C. Crocker are expected in coming months to give Congress a follow-up to the military and diplomatic progress update they delivered in September.
Asked today about Iraqi security forces capability, Petraeus said the roughly 550,000-strong force is assuming an increasingly larger role in maintaining the countrys security. The overall forces -- composed of some 343,000 police members, 208,000 defense ministry soldiers and 4,000 special operations forces -- suffer nearly three times the number of U.S military casualties, which Petraeus said indicated the Iraqis devotion to stability in their country.
Earlier this month, more than 2 million religious pilgrims gathered in Iraq to celebrate the Islamic holiday Ashura. In a ceremony that has been marked in recent years by terrible bloodshed, the Jan. 18 holiday occurred with minimal violence, the general said.
The Iraqi security forces planned this year the security for that, and in fact, in Najaf, Karbala, and Baghdad the celebrations went off virtually without incident, he said, conceding that violence occurred in Basra and Nasiriya. But Iraqi security forces responded in each of those cases and dealt with the situation.
Officials have stated that reductions of U.S. forces in Iraq depend largely on an Iraqi security force that is capable of tamping down violence in the country. Petraeus today noted that half of Iraqs 18 provinces currently are under provincial control, but pointed out that Iraqs security institutions face challenges in breeding military leaders and in equipping and maintaining the current forces.
(Leadership) is the area that is probably the most difficult, because you just can't find captains, colonels, and generals out there in the numbers that they need by just going back to those who are willing to serve from the old army -- not all of whom, perhaps, have the qualities that one would want in the leadership of the new Iraq army anyway, Petraeus said.
It is easy, relatively speaking, to develop infantry battalions; it is very difficult to develop the institutional underpinnings that support those forces, maintain their vehicles, get them paid on time, feed them, and all of the rest of that, he added.
Petraeus said Iraqi security forces are handling the challenges. The handover of responsibility from U.S. to Iraqi forces is occurring not like a light switch, he said, but more like a rheostat, referring to the type of electrical resistor that adjusts to allow the flow of a current to grow in increments.
The Multinational Force Iraq commander said he does not foresee the U.S. maintaining a permanent military presence in Iraq, but rather a smaller number of U.S. troops remaining in Iraq for some period of years. Citing key pieces of legislation passed by the Iraqi parliament recently, Petraeus said in the future he envisions troops performing a mission that places greater emphasis on empowering Iraqs reconcilables, those who embrace cooperation over divisiveness.
I think our soldiers were prepared intellectually for the concept that there were reconcilables whom we needed to reach out to and try to become part of the solution over time, rather than part of the problem, he said. And you try to minimize the number of irreconcilables, because at the end of the day, they have to be killed, captured, or run out of the country.
"This statement was looking for the blinking exit sign. If we surrender and wave a white flag, like Senator Clinton wants to do, and withdraw, as Governor Romney wanted to do, then there will be chaos, genocide, and the cost of American blood and treasure would be dramatically higher. General Petraeus has set a date for withdrawal similar to what the Democrats are seeking, which will lead to a victory by al-Qaeda in my view."
I understand why these forces are no longer needed in Iraq, but isn’t there a pressing need for them in Afghanistan?
If for no other reason, such personnel could strongly accelerate the recovery of Afghanistan, by providing security over a far larger area, for reconstruction efforts to take place, and to inhibit the travel of Taliban, al-Qaeda and drug gangs through the country.
Of the two nations, Afghanistan is now far more strategic in advancing the War on Terror, though Iraq remains central to AFRICOM operations. It also has a vast and mountainous border with Pakistan.
Since the Pakistan military is pressing its extremists, yet refusing US assistance, it is vital that they have no opportunity to use Afghanistan as a sanctuary.
LOL! I can’t believe McCain actually tried to deride Romney because he said we need secret benchmarks and metrics to decide when and how to pull troops out. Duh! How does McCain think we’re going to make these decisions—a crystal ball?
Of course if this actually takes place the dems will accuse the republicans of timing the withdrawl for political reasons.
I remember after 2006 the Democrats had one of their bills for withdrawal from Iraq. It was an important bill to defeat and John McCain to his credit was all over the media about how dangerous it was to pass that bill.
Somewhere in the Free Republic archives is the real time coverage. If I recall it was a heated debate and you had heroes like Sam Johnson of Texas pleading for Congress to support the troops.
When it got to the Senate this important vote that McCain told us was so important to defeat do you know how he voted. He did not vote.
Oh I also found this little tidbit about McCain support of General Petraeus. If McCain was such a supporter of the General why the hell didn’t he show up to vote to promote the General.
The McCain voting record is filled with him AWOL on major votes or even worse voting with the Democrats.
Good news! BTTT!
Despite some of our “issues” with McCain, he has to get credit for his stand on Iraq. When most of the Congress (including most Republicans) were losing their heads over Iraq early in 2007 he kept his. Iraq and the war on terror are the most important issues facing the U.S. not Internet taxes, campaign finances or many of the other issues people get so upset about. Lose this war and the rest of the issues won’t matter.
45th BCT is on its way. I wonder if it will be necessary to train up the 50th BCT this summer.
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