“GWBs two terms will be known as the Happy Time.
How about the “WASTE OF TIME’?
I would never have worked my ass of to get him elected, if I had ever suspected just how bad he was set to screw me over!
Shame on Me, I won’t do that, again!
So do you think we would still have the AWB today if Al Gored was elected or not Swampsniper?
GWb is at least neutral the Libs are hostile to the 2nd amendment and will indeed do more then offer Amicus briefs, they will ban stuff.
I believed in Bush in the beginning, campaigned for him among my friends, sent him more money than I’ve ever sent any politician and God am I sorry now. With me Second Amendment is the biggy, but the border is a close second.
As a gunsmith and gunstore owner I feel completely betrayed by the new party of the left. I would expect this from the far-left, but the “conservative” party has gone so far to the left that I feel they are beyond repair. I’ve washed my hands of them. They’ll not get another vote from me.