Hmm You must be a democrate.
In your last postings you brought up that
1) the dollar is better as a currency then gold because it’s ammount can be increased randomly.
2) Bhutto could have been saved if the demanded Blackwater professionals had been on site - but they where not because of diplomatic difficulties.
then you made everyone reading your last posting remember the blackwater scandal again - fingerpointing to the fact that the main security contractor of the pentagon had shot 14 innocent civilians in a massacre (official statement of the FBI investigators) ???
Now my question - are you campaiging for the democratic party by bringing up all the current government weak spots in the shortest possible time - using a rednecks attitude as a cover role ?
Actually it was the NYT’s that reported this “heresy” without an identified source. There are a lot of people saying a lot of things and since Blackwater is one of the largest and the worlds premier security firm of its kind operating heavily in Iraq, it is of course the target of liberals and anti-war activists.
It is normally the role of the host country to provide a large part of the security. For example, the US ambassador in Germany is protected by German personnel. In places like Iraq and Afghanistan this does not work for obvious reasons. Firms like Blackwater fill the void, and it must also be understood that because of the nature of the threat, these guys operate with a whole different set of rules as compared to our security guys in the US or yours in Germany. Them boys dont play around, they cant.
For example:
Paul Bremmer-
US embassy Baghdad-
If these guys were German, we in the FreeRepublic would have to endure hour long lectures by the Germans of their great super duper elite security guys, not much unlike how you still dream about that success at Mogadishu by the GSG9. But since youre a typical German; fitting the cliché description, against the Iraq intervention, you simply jump on this bandwagon and pick up on every argument that fits your fancy at that moment, no matter how stupid it is.