At this point, damage to the “Clinton brand” (ugh—that hurt even to write) is unavoidable.
Her Thighness and the Sinkmeister have no clothes. They cannot deliver votes or donors.
Their influence in the Rat party was always dependent upon fear. When they are no longer feared, they will no longer be powerful. They are yesterday. Even Bill will soon stop being cute to them.
Plus, they might finally get the message that in 2008 neither feminazism nor abortion fires up their base like it used to-—somewhat because the succeeding generation doesn’t care much about those issues and somewhat because they take them as mostly settled.
The days of a candidate getting support because she’s female, a feminist and an abortion supporter are waning. The candidate has to offer more.
One thing you can say about Obama is that, unlike most other Rats, he came on the scene unafraid to take on the ‘Toons directly. He called their BS and he’s being rewarded for it politically.
Others will take note.
Obama is radically pro-abortion too. He voted against the Infants Born Alive (during an abortion) Act. This means that if a child is born alive during an abortion, the doctor does not have to save. He/she can allow the child to die. He also supports teaching homosexuality and sex ed to 5 year olds.