The way the word “cult” is thrown around these days, The Boy Scouts could be considered a “cult”...................
Heck my a cult all by herself.
You were saying — The way the word cult is thrown around these days, The Boy Scouts could be considered a cult ....
In the secular media and perhaps in the public’s mind it may be a hazy concept that can be twisted one way or another, according to one’s disagreement with certain viewpoints and so on. And that may or can be a “secular definition” of it.
But, in regards to Christian doctrine, it’s very precise and identifiable. If you look at a book that is considered a “standard bearer” to the identification of “cult groups” (from the standpoint of basic, historic and foundational Christianity) — Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin and Ravi Zacharias [one of the people who was invited and spoke at the Mormon Tabernacle] — you can see that it’s not hazy or capable of sliding all over the place, according to a person’s “likes or dislikes”. It’s based upon basic, historic and foundational Christian theology...
Star Traveler
cult-n. A faith that holier than thou Bible thumpers don’t like and want stopped.