I urge every FReeper to read this (or catch MTP reruns on MSNBC).
Meet The Press transcript. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22170668/
Russert reamed Giuliani unmercifully. Russert was visibly disgusted at Rootys moronic laughing and giggling over every serious question. Russert even reprimanded RG: hey, these are serious questions.
Russert hit RG with Kerik, security for Jooty, and scummy business dealings-real hardball questions.
The smirking grinning weasel lied and lied and lied. He and his admin fiverted government funds to give his nimbo 24/7 security coverage. Obscure agencies with struggling budgets were saddled with the bills for Rooty's mistress.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, said in 2002, several months after taking office, that the Giuliani administration had kept the budget for the mayors office artificially low by paying more than $5 million in salaries through other city agencies.
Cannot fathom even a braindead liberal countenancing RGs irrational, crackpot answers to Russertso convoluted as to be incomprehensible.
When Giuliani tells Russert hes gonna win primaries ourside of Iowa and NH-better believe Rooty and his neopuke handlers will employ massive voter fraud.....and God knows what else.
No one in their right mind would vote for this grinning, irrational nitwit.
Acutally, Liz, Russert looked like an idiotic fool.
Many hours could be filled asking Sen. Clinton such questions, but she, and other Dems, get questions asking them what wonderful plans thay have to provide every needy American health care, insurance, housing, education, etc. What a sickening double standard.
Yeah, great service, taking down a potential GOP candidate while giving a free pass to the DNC candidate(s). As usual, double standard against the repubs. “No one in their right mind would vote for this grinning, irrational nitwit.” Nope, now more will vote for the Democratic candidate. Yeah, victory! /sar.
I would be as happy as you if there was an ounce of possibility dems would be subject to the same. They won’t be.
While I’m happy to see Rudy get serious questions about his weaknesses we shouldn’t gloat. Expect the Republican nominee to get the same treatment from Russert, especially now that he’s been targeted by Hitlery.
He has to get his cred back somehow. /s/
“....neopuke handlers will employ massive voter fraud.....”
Perhaps you are referring to ANY of the Democrat candidates.
Why so gleeful over yet another application of the LeftMedia’s double standard against Republicans?
I’m no fan of Giuliani, but let’s not side with over-rated journalistic hit men like the liar Russert.
Oh, please.
Read the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread for today in Breaking News.
What you say is not even close to the way most observers reported it. And most of them are NOT even Guiliani fans.
Bottom line, most though Rudy did fine and Tim looked foolish with his accusatory, hunched-over, frowning stance (as usual when not interviewing a democrat).
Another seminar democrat plant
post your background please.
Who cares about Rooty’s investments in Qatar — it’s not like it’s a surprise to anyone.
He did the same to Hillary too! Maybe his FBI file is outdated.
If you don’t want people to react to your thread, I suggest you post it elsewhere.
Free Republic folks are informed, opinionated and not afraid of you.
Rudy was lousy.
He must have repeated the fact that there are U.S. soldiers in Qutar at least a dozen times to several different questions.
He sucked. Big time.
Russert couldn’t lacerate a cabbage.
If Russert is taking the lead on this, then that’s got to mean tootyfruityrudy’s downfall is in the bag.
Why the smart money is on Duncan Hunter
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, said in 2002, several months after taking office, that the Giuliani administration had kept the budget for the mayors office artificially low by paying more than $5 million in salaries through other city agencies.
Can you document this?
I'd love it to be true. We know that Rudy's administration laundered money to hide his affair(s?), but for Bloomberg to have uncovered the same crooked books five years ago would be something.
I’m wondering if tim will grill hillary with the same “journalistic” enthusiasm as he did Rudy?
Russert’s a self absorbed fool. Just like the rest of the MSM. I don’t care for Rudy either.
I'd be willing to bet that many of those defending Giuliani (with the 'Clinton Defense'--that personal life does not matter) were the same Republicans slamming Slick--saying that 'personal conduct and character' DO MATTER!!!
The irony is incredible....you cannot make this stuff up!!!
Russert is trying to take down Rudy because the libs think he has the best chance of defeating Hillary or Obama. Fact is, Rudy is one of the least likely GOP candidates who could defeat the Dems.
Let me know when Russert has the bitch on and he asked her about - hiring detectives to intimidate Bubba’s bimbos, Robert Ray saying she was guilty of lying in the travel office firings scandal, but he couldn’t prove it in court, her brothers charging sleaze-bags $ 400,000 to get a last-minute pardon from Bubba, does she think her husband has assaulted numerous women over the last 40 years, why Brad DeLong said she was an abysmal failure trying to run the health care reform overview in the early 90s, why Jerry Zeifman, her Watergate boss, said she broke numerous ethics rules and should never be trusted in public office again ..just for starters..
Let me know when that show comes on Sunday morning and I promise to watch if he grills her for a solid hour. I have a better chance of winning the lottery than the bitch facing any hard questions from Russert or anyone. Russert's a whore who does whatever his bosses order him to do. Here's a man who watched all the footage of the Juanita Broaddrick interview by Lisa Meyers for Dateline, was very disturbed by what he saw, I'm sure thinks Bubba raped Juanita Broaddrick - yet he still spouts the party line about Clinton and gives them both all kinds of positive spin. If he was around when Hitler was gassing Jews, knew it and was told to ignore it, keep harping the Nazi line - he'd do it... I lost all respect for this clown when he continued sucking up to The Rapist, after what he learned about Clinton's sordid history with women.