Acutally, Liz, Russert looked like an idiotic fool.
Russert looked as disgusted w/ the grinning dork Giuliani, as was the audience.
I think the quote on your profile applies here:
“While it’s true that I invariably vote for Republicans, I never fool myself into thinking they’ll be anything except better than their Democratic opponents. Those people who are hurt by such political facts of life are to be pitied. It’s like a child’s discovery that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren’t who they’ve been cracked up to be. To such conservatives, all I can say is: Grow up.” Bert Prelutsky October 25, 2005
Celebrating the MSM drive by on a Republican (yes, even a RINO) is simply enjoying the greater possibility of a DNC victory.
Golly-—it’s after 9:00.
I thought the children would be in bed by now.
Where are the parents? Why are they letting the kids post on my thread?
I read the entire Sunday Morning Talk show thread and this is definitely a minority opinion.
Russert did look like a snide fool, not Guiliani.