“Romney st-st-st-stuttered his way through do you believe every word of the Bible.
Do you? Every word? When it says you should slay someone in the Old Testament, do you believe it literally?
Yes, I believe in every word of the BIBLE, and happily, the old testament has been satisfied for us through Jesus Christ. I give to you a new commandment, Love one another as yourself, and again, forgive 70 time 7. Yes the old testament is the law, and I believe in it, but it is perfectly fulfilled in the gospel in my stead by my saviour Jesus Chrtist. So, while it is easy to gotcha with OT questions, in light of the NT, it is an ignorant question of Christian faith.
“Do you? Every word? When it says you should slay someone in the Old Testament, do you believe it literally?”
Yes. In the Old Testament they should have done that!
But we’re in the New Testament now.
RG gave the Roman Catholic answer, and MR did fine, horrible question.
When God tells someone to do something, it's a good idea to do it.
Are you alledging that God has told us, today, to go around and kill people?