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North Carolina / 2nd - R+2 - Etheridge (D)
North Carolina / 3rd - R+16 - Jones (R)
North Carolina / 4th - D+8 - Price (D)
North Carolina / 5th - R+15 - Foxx (R)
North Carolina / 6th - R+18 - Coble (R)
North Carolina / 7th - R+5 - McIntyre (D)
North Carolina / 8th - R+2 - Kissell (D)
North Carolina / 9th - R+11 - Myrick (R)
North Carolina / 10th - R+17 - McHenry (R)
North Carolina / 11th - R+6 - Shuler (D)
North Carolina / 12th - D+16 - Watt (D)
North Carolina / 13th - D+5 - Miller (D)
North Carolina Blogs
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Pro Libertate
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A Scarlet Stethoscope
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Broome Street Blues - A Waxhaw Blog
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Triad Watch
A Nail In His Place
Bob Owens
Byrd Droppings
Carolina Review Daily
Freedommom's Blog
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Morons in Chapel Hill
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Right Angles (JLF)
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Rob Boyce
7th Congressional District GOP
A Patriot From Chowan
Betsy's Page
The Blue Pelican
Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association
Eye on Dare
Frank Williams
Inner Banks Eagle
Insight on Freedom
Squall Lines (JLF)
Truth or Dare
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Carolina Politics Online
Civitas Institute
Civitas Review Online
Conservative NC
The Locker Room (JLF)
NC Tea Party
Political Observations in NC (Jonathon Kappler)
The Reactionary Researcher
Stop NC Annexation
Under the Dome
Right As Usual
Travis Monitor (Freeper WOSG)
Prof. Enigma
caucus circus
primordial slack on obama's women
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Read Later: Four REAL Ways the GOP Can Save Itself (A Rejoinder to VandeHei and Allen) by LS
North Carolinas Role in 9/11100%FEDUP; 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember; ~Vor~; a4drvr; Adder; Aegedius; Afronaut; alethia; alrea; alia; AlwaysLurking; amundsen; AMTRepub; AnalogReigns; annyokie; AReaganGirl; azhenfud; alancarp; AngryAmuurican; AK_47_7.62x39; bt579; B4Ranch; Bat_Chemist; "Be not afraid!"; Beleg Strongbow; billbears; billva; blackbag; bloompa; bobsbabe; boomop1; borntodiefree; backwoods-engineer; buddygirl; Blogatron; callisto; CanisRex; Carolina; Carolinablonde; CarolinaGOP; Carolinamom; carolina rebel; cf_river_rat; CiTiGirl; cobaltblu; Congressman Billybob; Constitution Day; contrarian; Cottonbay; CriticalJ; cshnorthcarolina; cynicom; Calm_Cool_and_Elected; Dark Watch; Darth Reagan; defeat_the_dem_igods; dei23; Deport Billary; dhfnc; dirtywater; doglot; dormee; Down South; Dr Stormfist; dstalley; dstarr; dubyagee; dutyhonorcountry; Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!; esoteric; exnavychick; eagle50ae; envisio; elpadre; f zero; Famishus; Fantelina; FearlessFreep; F.J. Mitchell; flwilliams; frankiep; freema; Freeper; Future Snake Eater; genxteacher; George Smiley;; gobucks; goosie; gone_postal; GOP Juggernaut; GOP-Pat; Gritty; GussiedUp; greg223; GUNGAGALUNGA; Hatteras; hdrabon; Helix; hoi-polloi; HOTTIEBOY; hottomale; Huber; hughesm1; IAmNotAnAnimal; ianync; Ides of March; Irishmonk; jamz; jawz; jb6; JEC; JeffMurray; jern; jimbergin; Jimidallas; jmaroneps37; jmary; jnw74; JohnnyZ; jumpinjack; JWinNC; kachina; kalee; kayak; Kaylee Frye; KayEyeDoubleDee; kcar; klva; krb; Kuksool; knitebane; korn; lafroste; Lady Jag; ladyjane; LanPB01; Lee'sGhost; LeoNC; lizbet; Loose_Cannon1; Lurking2Long; lwd; Madcelt; marblehead17; Mike Fieschko; mommybain; Moose4; Mrs. Right; mtbrandon49; mykdsmom; Mystified_Rep; nesnah; ncpatriot; NC Conservative; NCDave; ncdrumr; NCBraveheart; NCEaglette; NCjim; NCLaw441; ncpastor; NCSteve; ncweaver; Nefertiti; Neologic; notasoccermom; nclaurel; OHelix; OK; OmnipotentStomper; Overtaxed; old curmudgeon; Pa' fuera; PeteB570; Phantom Lord; pinz-n-needlez; Pokey78; ProfoundMan; Prospero; rammer; ray66; rebelbase; rejoicing; renderofveils; republican reptile; Rich_E; Right Cal Gal; RightOnline; RightOnlinesWife; RJR_fan; rikkir; Roses0508; rrrod; Rutabega; RangerM; SC Swamp Fox; Servant of the 9; ShaunNC; Shapka; smaug6; sms; snooter55; snopercod; Sore_Boozer; southern bale; spacewarp; srmorton; Stefan Stackhouse; Steveyp; StoneColdTaxHater; STONEWALLS; StrikeBack; Subsonic; swaimh; Southernnorthcarolina; sigmashooter; Tai_Chung; taxchick; TaxRelief; The PeteMan; The Phantom FReeper; Tom D.; TomSmedley; Thomas 70; Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus; TRY ONE; USMCWife6869; Unioncountyyoungrepublican; Vinnie; warpsmith; wbill; wimpycat; Windom Earle; wndycndy; wolfpat; woodb01; william creel; wmc-50; w4women
As we remember the victims of the 9/11 attack it is important to also remember North Carolinas role in the affair.
It is helpful to review the Roman Senator Ciceros words: in sinu viperam habere (to hold a viper on the bosom). The viper in North Carolinas bosom was radical islamic terrorist that attended NC A&T University in Greensboro.
Recent CIA documents have been declassified that show the motivations of a man that has been called the architect of 9/11.
Cam Simpson of the WSJ Blog Washington Wire has the story here.A brief CIA biography of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed also says that the time he spent studying engineering at North Carolina A&T University during the mid-1980s almost certainly helped propel him on his path to become a terrorist. The university is one of the nations historically black schools.Take a moment today and consider how much easier the attack was made by allowing these killers in our midst.
The report says that KSM told his interrogators that his contacts with Americans, while minimal, confirmed his view that the United States was a debauched and racist country.
Tonight at the Conservative Leadership Conference, Civitas is honored to host Robert Spencer of Jihad watch to discuss the ongoing threat of terrorism.
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