Posted on 11/22/2007 6:51:11 PM PST by cool2007
RUSH: Here's to phones. We start with Denver, Colorado, today, on the EIB Network. Bill, nice to have you on the program. Welcome.
CALLER: Rush, how are you? I'm really upset about the hundred dollar-price of oil, and isn't it about time we put enough pressure on Congress to approve offshore drilling and ANWR. We have so much oil, the oil could be so much less and we wouldn't have to pay at this time.
RUSH: People have been trying to put pressure on Congress to drill for oil, and Democrats are not going to go for it. The Democrats are beholden to the environmentalist wackos, it's going to take a price a little bit higher than this for that to happen.
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OK. I see what you mean. You did not mean that all Republicans are opposed to drilling. I bet almost all Democrats are opposed.
Because the Democrat Party wants the U.S. to become a third world enity with them in power.[i.e.]With tha masses of the people, we stopped being Citizens a long time ago, starving and the leaders living in luxury such as some Nations in Africa. And the Republican Party does not have the guts or the will to defy them.
I would be deliriously happy to see the US put out as much oil as it uses, even if delivery logistics meant we shipped some abroad from some ports and imported an equal amount at other ports.
This is a National Security issue.
Germany’s ability to make war was severely hampered because the Allies bombed oil fields and refineries, reducing their fuel supply for their war machine.
The same could and IMHO will happen to us.
It take years to get an oil field producing. What do we do in the meantime?
But, let’s say our oil co.s drill in Anwr and coastal fields. That oil will likely end up in the World oil supply. Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and others will cut production enough to keep supplies tight and prices up.
Several times in the recent past S.A. has cut prices just enough to make producers rethink the economics of expending money on bumping up production.( this an observation)
IMHO we should drill, maybe even assisting producers with funds to do so. Have the equipment and machinery ready to produce, then cap the wells.
Have everything in place to ‘go it alone’ if necessary.
Some sort of agreement, law, edict, or whatever stating that production of these wells is for domestic use only.
Burn up Saudi’s oil while available.
Our dependence on Saudi oil taints our M.E. foreign policies severely, and one day, sooner rather than later our oil supply is going to be cut off, or reduced to a trickle.
Our ‘friends’ the Saudis remind me of a saying on the old program Dragnet.
“They will slap you on the back with one hand and pick your pocket with the other.
Oil companies are idiots in the PR game!! Instead of showing how countries like Brazil are thrilled with finding oil and how many jobs can be created finding oil offshore or on Federal -our land - the oild companies run 1950 happy is the world because we have oil commmericals. They never point the finger at all the drilling bans that RUN UP our cost of oil. They, as American companies, have the ability and the right to tell the uneducated the truth about the COST of doing nothing by the DO NOTHING people who hate all things made from oil.
It doesn't matter how many are opposed and how many are not. The fact is that our failure to drill for our own oil is the fault of both parties, not just one.
What you may be thinking of is what is called a stripper well. Usually a well that produces 10 barrels or less per day that is uneconomical to keep online at $10 or $20/barrel but becomes very economical at 80 bucks per. Maintenance on an existing well can be killer when it is required so these marginal producers sometimes get iffy.
Another thing that can be done is horizontal drilling which can also produce and area for a longer period of time but gets very, very pricey to the tune of 30 grand or more per day of drilling costs. Big, big gamble but can extend the years of profitable production for a field.
OK - you are right -
the country needs to get fired up on this topic - it is “deadly” serious!
Any Democrat who complains about the price of oil needs to know it’s THEIR party who is keeping it high by not allowing us to drill our own.
Not sure what you call them. It's a little out of my area of expertise, but a close friend of mine is a geologist and contracts to various oil companies to help them find oil. He goes all over creation doing this. In the past four or five years he said they have been investingating wells in West Texas that were long ago capped because they were thought to have played out. Many of these old wells they've looked at are producing oil again in sufficient quantaties so as to make them profitable. Of course, this is especialy true at the current price of crude, but whoever he's working for has been doing this for some time now.
With all due respect, your comments indicate that you are going on the presumption that our petroleum “reserves” are a finite product - have you ever considered that oil could replentish over time?
All? I doubt it. We have been electing those that only pretend to be true conservatives for a long time. But it did get passed and was Vetoed by President Clinton.
If you are interested in learning more about aboitic oil claims, I suggest reading:
No Free Lunch, Part 1:
A Critique of Thomas Golds Claims for Abiotic Oil
by Jean Laherrere
No Free Lunch, Part 2:
If abiotic oil exists, where is it?
by Dale Allen Pfeiffer
Today’s production techniques sometimes can re-enter a plugged and abandoned well and put it back on production. However, when and if prices decline to their lows of a few years ago those same wells will be shut-in and taken back off production because of economics.
What your friend is doing is not uncommon with today’s prices and the re-entry process can be very, very expensive in of itself. It is not “just go out and turn on a valve”. Often times a re-entry will result in adequate production for a short time and then declines into “uneconimical” once again resulting in abandonment.
A quick back of the envelope calculation shows it would take a 1 meter solar cell 1 month to generate the energy content of 1 gallon of gasoline.
This could become another “amnesty-for-illegals” issue if we want to save our country. Talk radio could galvanize us to call our representatives. I think we are ready.
Hmm, as I recall the two beauties from Maine were among RINOs who blocked ANWR drilling, whether procedurally or in a straight out vote.
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