CAIR = Seine Fein with a veil.
Looks like Savage ping time.
This type of public 'fatwa' is only meant to encourage the Muslim terrorists cells already secretly operating here in the U.S. or any outraged individual Muslim to go after someone like Savage.
CAIR is really, in Ann Coulter’s words, The National Association for the Advancement of Car Bombers.
“On Thursday, CAIR said radio host Michael Savage has “stepped up his attacks on Islam and Muslims in response to CAIR’s advertiser campaign.”
I’m not a big fan of his, but good for Savage.
islam was constructed to displace any other form of government. It's leaders and it's followers and CAIR know that and their goal is for the Sharia way to be the way of all people. Everywhere.
Count me out.
Helloooooooo Infidels
You have my support Michael !!!
islam: The religion of choice if you’re just too stupid for scientology
Memo to CAIR: US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech! Live with it!!
AIRPORT (AIRLINE INDUSTRY INFORMATION) (LexisNexis): "JFK SECURITY ACCUSED OF RACIAL PROFILING" (ARTICLE SNIPPET: "The allegations were reportedly made at a news conference held on 23 August, at which Dennis Parker of the American Civil Liberties Union stated that the price for racial profiling is too high to pay. The news conference was convened by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and was aimed at highlighting the case of an Iraqi-born US family, Reuters reported.") (Updated August 25, 2006)
JIHAD (AP): "CAIR, ACLU SUE TO STOP DOMESTIC SPYING PROGRAM" (ARTICLE SNIPPET: "The Detroit suit, which also names the NSA, was filed by the ACLU, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Greenpeace and several individuals.") (January 17, 2006)
CNS "ISLAMIC GROUP CALLS FOR USE OF KORAN TO TAKE OATH" by Melanie Hunter (ARTICLE SNIPPET: "An Islamic civil rights and advocacy group is calling on North Carolina judges to allow people to use the Koran when taking an oath, saying the use of the Bible exclusively represents "an inappropriate state endorsement of religion." The request by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) comes after Guilford County judges said they would not allow use of Korans in their courtrooms.") (June 21, 2005)
CNS "FREE KORANS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE" by Susan Jones (ARTICLE SNIPPET: "Over the weekend, CAIR held a conference in the Washington area on the causes and remedies of "Islamophobia and anti-Americanism."") (May 17, 2005)