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As always, soliciting FReeper comments, observations, and opinions.
1 posted on 10/28/2007 5:17:30 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: Alas Babylon!

Good morning... comments in a bit...

2 posted on 10/28/2007 5:18:21 AM PDT by jmyrlefuller (The Associated Press: The most dangerous news organization in America.[TM])
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To: Alas Babylon!

Good morning, Alas.

It will be nice to see our lovely First Lady.

3 posted on 10/28/2007 5:19:12 AM PDT by Bahbah
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To: Alas Babylon!; 007girl; 230FMJ; abigailsmybaby; absolootezer0; afnamvet; Afronaut; airborne; ...

Whoa... hold the phone... ABC actually let Duncan Hunter have some airtime??? Oh, I have to catch this. I’ll ping the Hunter list while I’m at it.

HEADS UP HUNTER FANS: Duncan Hunter will be on ABC’s This Week this Sunday, October 28. Check local listings for time.

Please tell me I’m not in Bizarroworld. This guy was instrumental in the Petraeus hearings and they passed him up. Maybe with the wildfires in San Diego they finally came to their senses.

4 posted on 10/28/2007 5:21:41 AM PDT by jmyrlefuller (The Associated Press: The most dangerous news organization in America.[TM])
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To: Alas Babylon!
Thanks, AB & Good Morning to EveryOne!

FNS should be fun to watch as how Wallace would spin the Katrina * Debacle.

5 posted on 10/28/2007 5:22:36 AM PDT by anita
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To: Alas Babylon!

Fox news actually looks like it will be interesting.
I wonder if Timmy will be the host for a full hour with Chris Dodd, or will be delegate that assignment?
ElBaradei on Wolfie’s show should have some amusing comments on Syria’s nuclear situation.
I also want to hear Duncan Hunter, so

a full morning.

My cable company did not get the memo about the clocks changing next week instead of this week, so it has already “fallen back”.

If anyone is relying on preprogrammed taping, check your video provider’s clock.

6 posted on 10/28/2007 5:28:27 AM PDT by maica
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To: Alas Babylon!
My initial impressions:

I like what I see out of FNS with Jindal and Mrs. Bush.

ABC having a nice turn for once covering what's going on with the wildfires and they're actually going to give airtime to Hunter, which as I stated before, I am shocked. We'll see if they even mention he's a candidate, since they also have the MSM's favorite maverick, John McCain as well.

CBS going with the same-old, same-old. Carl ("The Not-so-Great One") Levin and Lindsey Grahamnesty. These guest lists have to be old as Schieffer himself.

And of course... NBC giving a full hour to never-was Presidential candidate Chris Dodd. I'm sure Russert will press him really hard. </sarcasm>

And finally, the ratings...

NBC MEET THE PRESS....3,854,000
ABC THIS WEEK.........2,563,000
FOX NEWS SUNDAY.......1,646,000
Not really a good week for FNS a couple of weeks ago, but a good week for MTP. As always ratings are derived from Nielsen ratings for both live broadcasts and, in the case of FNS and MTP, replays in prime time on Fox News Channel and MSNBC respectively. Numbers indicate total number of viewers for the October 14, 2007 airings.
8 posted on 10/28/2007 5:32:49 AM PDT by jmyrlefuller (The Associated Press: The most dangerous news organization in America.[TM])
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To: Alas Babylon!
Morning all....let me get my story out of the way. Cause it happened last week and at the bottom of this post there's a link to a pic of me with Delaware's next Governator.

I’d made up my mind that I would not be attending any more monthly luncheons of the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club (SCRWC)while they are mostly lovely ladies, I decided they were a bit too, well, feminine, for my tastes.

I think I fare better at the monthly meetings of the Sussex county GOP although let me not fool myself, the SCRWC is a powerful force in Republican politics here in Sussex county Delaware, the largest county east of the Mississippi located in one of the smallest states.

Sussex county Delaware is one veeeery conservative county. Most of its residents came from one of the very liberal, tax-you-to-death-take-away-your-gun surrounding states. Husband and I moved here from Merryland. Others migrated down from the Philadelphia area in Pa…now governed by Moonbat liberals with an out-of-control crime problem, or New Jersey, a state where the few who still work must sell their property as the property taxes are killing them, or even New York and God knows that’s a state full of Moonbats.

So once these folks settle in the now happening and explosive little county heretofore a mostly unexplored area of Delaware known as Sussex county, they crossed their arms, locked and loaded their guns and don’t tolerate liberals much at all.

As expected given the above demographic, Sussex county Delaware is overwhelmingly Republican. Although Delaware does have its Moonbat areas such as Wilmington where the dead vote regularly and almost always Democrat. Delaware is a blue state but Sussex county is solidly red and the state’s Democratic Governor won’t even come down this way because she considers Sussex county, and I quote Nanny Minner directly, “hostile territory”. She’s got that right. Sussex county despises Nanny Minner and her intention to avoid the area suits most of us just fine.

So Sussex countians are eager to get rid of the Moonbats currently running Delaware to hell and back and what alarms the libs the most, Sussex county has experienced a population explosion that would rival any other in the nation.

Enter Alan Levin.

Alan Levin is the son of the founder of Delmarva’s famous “Happy Harry’s” drug store chain, now owned by Walgreens. At any rate, Levin and his dad nurtured and created a very profitable chain of drugstores from a small corner pharmacy. Levin also left Delaware to serve as Chief of Staff for Delaware’s Senator Roth. So the man has a combination of entrepreneurial and political experience and best of all, he lives right here in Lewes, Delaware in mighty Sussex county!

Levin has not officially announced his candidacy for Governor yet for various reasons. I’d only went to this most recent meeting of the SCRWC just to hear Levin talk. There had been whispering that the owner of Happy Harry’s was running for the GOP as governor and I decided I would finally get to see the guy, maybe lob him a few questions.

Levin spoke at the meeting of the SCRWC on 10/24/07 and by me he did a fine job. He said he wanted to wait before officially announcing his candidacy for governor to allow the two Delaware dems who want to the job to beat each other up for a while before he threw his hat into the ring and allowed the dems to turn on him.

It made sense to me and I must assume the fellow’s going to run. I listed to Levin speak and I liked what I heard. I’d already heard him interviewed on a local talk show and I liked what I heard then.

But ah, the story does not end here although I include a pic of myself and Levin together cause someday that pic’s gonna be famous. Heh.

So after Levin speaks, poses and leaves, some other fellow gets up to talk and I wonder who is this. Well go to hell, here’s some kind of Republican big wig up and talking and trying to convince us women that the Republican party is the greatest thing since popcorn and we should bow at the altar of the elephant.

I’m sorry….Roosevelt and Reagan notwithstanding, those sorry bunch now holding the party title of Republican in America’s House of Lords can’t hold a candle to either Roosevelt or Reagan. They are a bunch of entrenched wusses who vote to take away our first amendment rights, want nothing more to be friends with the democrats and are scared out of their minds of Hillary Clinton.

This past week our senate did the absolute worst thing our government can ever do. They used their government power to go after a private citizen by writing his employer a letter and suggesting he be reigned in. I speak of Rush Limbaugh and I don’t care whether you hate or love the man, he goes on the radio air waves and uses his free speech and hey, if your radio doesn’t have an on/off button than pull out the damn plug! Because no one has to listen to Rush Limbaugh and to have our government try and take away a private citizen’s right to free speech and pursue his happiness is so disgusting I never thought my country would do such a thing.

Sure Rush turned the whole thing around and made that sorry lot of Lords in America’s House of Lords look like fools but I will note that not one….not ONE, single Republican stood up and condemned those Dem Lords for what they were doing.

Ronald Reagan would never have allowed such a thing.

So after this fellow does his little speech about how wonderful the Republicans are I, of course, had to raise my hand when comments were requested.

Essentially I said the above and know now that I had passion in my voice because just as I write so do I talk. I was pissed.

It seems the national GOP thinks that the Republicans across the fruited plains are a bit angry by how our party has betrayed us. Well duh. We had McCain go and join with fruitcake Feingold and come up with that campaign finance reform mess and it got passed. That was at a time when I thought the Republicans couldn’t get any lower until this past week when not one of them had the gonads to take on those bunch of nasty Dems.

I should be proud of them? What more basic right do us citizens have out here in la-la land where we’re busy carrying this country on our backs whilst raising the citizens and soldiers of tomorrow than our jobs and our freedom of speech? Something a bunch of nasty-assed Dems decided to take away from one citizen who so irked them.

Destroying citizens who irk elected government officials was our founding fathers’ greatest fear. Someday they’ll come after me, a humble Blogger read by two to three people every day. I won’t have the power of a Rush Limbaugh to fight back.

And so I put it this way when asked for my comments and this spinner for the Republican party’s smile melted to one of despair. He was almost in tears when I got done.

Well my tirade started a landslide. The normally genteel ladies at the meeting all raised their hands to complain as well.

Seems all of hostile Sussex county is damn mad at the Republicans who care more about their cushy elected jobs than, say, actually representing us fools.

This fellow eventually buried his head in his hands and even I began to feel sorry for the guy.

Eventually the bickering and bitching stopped and this guy wanted out of there so bad.

But the story’s not done yet.

For he had to pick the winning ticket for the 50-50 raffle, something the SCRWC asks speakers to do….as a courtesy thing.

Two guesses whose ticket he picked to win that raffle.

Okay, you’re down to one damn guess.

The six numbers he read were all printed plainly on one of my own fine tickets.


It’s a salt in the wound kind of thing. I won eighty bucks.

It’s as if God himself blessed me.



30 posted on 10/28/2007 6:03:35 AM PDT by Fishtalk (
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To: Alas Babylon!
AB, had an article highlighting ex-disbarred Clintons reaction to a 9-11 truther.

...But At Least Clinton Was Willing To Say It
By Austin Hill
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Given the circumstances, no other three-word combination would have sufficed: “How Dare You?”

That was part of the response from former President Bill Clinton, when confronted by hecklers at a Hillary 2008 fund raising event in Minneapolis.

The story went like this: after making a late start with what turned out to be his approximately fifty-minute speech, Clinton was rudely interrupted by several hecklers in the audience who began shouting at him, and over him, and claiming that the terrorist attacks of 2001 were a “fraud.“

Even if you haven’t seen the video, it’s not difficult to imagine how this could have played-out. Our former President could have easily ignored the hecklers, or could have easily remained silent for a second or two, and allowed them to be cleared away by security officials - - and then could have continued right along with his remarks.

But instead, President Clinton chose to confront the hecklers head-on.

In the face of the “fraud” claim, Clinton confronted them directly. “A fraud?” No it wasn’t a fraud!” he shot back, as the crowd began to cheer him on. “I’ll be glad to talk to you” Clinton stated, trying to bring closure to the interruption, “if you shut up and let me talk.”

As he then attempted to continue with his address, another heckler shouted at President Clinton, claiming that the terrorist attacks had been an “inside job.”

“An inside job?” Clinton retorted, with indignation in his voice. “How dare you. How dare you! It was NOT an inside job!”

Complete Article


I guess the disgraced/disbarred ex-president realizes that the 9-11 Truthers are actually tossing accusations towards him. If their claims were to be taken seriously, the planning and mechanics of such an event would have to have been started under his reign. Their theories won't cast a very good light on his diminished tenure of chaos and debauchery...LOL

32 posted on 10/28/2007 6:05:50 AM PDT by ThreePuttinDude ()... Cevapi & Slivovitz for everyone....()
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To: Alas Babylon!
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., presidential candidate.

Why not invite "Sheets" Byrd on and complete the pairing? Instead of: could have Dodd and Doddering.

34 posted on 10/28/2007 6:07:52 AM PDT by edpc (Benchmarks = vandalism)
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At what point does George Stuffinenvelopes have to recuse himself from covering the Clinton campaign? Or is he allowed to insider information to ask her about the ashtray toss?

It's also interesting to note that "Stuffinenvelopes" does not kick out on FR spell check. At least, it's interesting to me.

36 posted on 10/28/2007 6:08:31 AM PDT by Bernard ("Rare, Safe and Legal" - what an ideal Immigration Policy should look like.)
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To: Alas Babylon!; All
I'm way behind and only just finished the preview stuff. Rather than posting a separate thread I'm going to burden Alas Babylon!'s thread with my musings and links. Hope I don't bust the system.

Preview and Analysis for Weekend of October 27th and 28th, 2007

Guest lineup for the Sunday TV news shows:

NBC's "Meet the Press"
  • Sen. Chris Dodd, D-CT
  • Tom DeFrank, New York Daily News
  • William Safire, New York Times

CBS's "Face the Nation"

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
  • Sen. Carl Levin, D-MI
  • Roger Simon, Politico.COM

Fox News Sunday

  • FLOTUS Laura Bush
  • Gov. elect Bobby Jindal, R-LA
CNN "Late Edition"
  • Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA Director General
  • Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-CA
  • Trent Lott, R-MS
  • Mike Huckabee, R-AR

ABC's "This Week"

  • Sen. John McCain, R-AZ
  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA
  • Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA

Well, here we are, like it or not.  The Dhimmicrats and their allies in the DBM are forced to relaunch their pogrom program ... what is it?  the 98th time... of world domination and simultaneous surrender to their Jihadi overlords.  Go figure.  We've got presidential (also ran) candidates Dodd (D), McCain (R) and Hunter (R) along with overvalued members of the legislature Graham, Boxer, Levin, Lott and Feinstein.  For variety we have fist lady Laura Bush (just back from a trip they can criticize) and Louisiana governor elect Bobby Jindal. Oh, and they grace us with Mohamed ElBaradei, Tom DeFrank, William Safire and Roger Simon for "balance".  Oh, goody!

NBC Meet The Press gives us the new darling of the nutroots, Chris Dodd.  Do you suppose that he might be pandering to their insane agenda to get some votes?  Wow!  What a notion!  Following senator "I'll do anything to  buy their votes" Dodd we are treated to Tom DeFrank and William Safire, two pundits guaranteed to put anyone watching to sleep.  Lil' Timmah really  screwed up on his booking this week.  Maybe he doesn't want to interfere with the World Series?  Whatever.

CBS Face The Nation has Carl "the wise old owl" Levin and Lindsay "two face" Graham.  The big question of the day is whether good Lindsay or bad Lindsey will show up.  We may get a treat and see both sides of this schizo today.  The central theme seems to be a bit of "inside baseball" considering whether New Hampshire will get to be the first primary or not.  We may end up only hours away from the first primary of 2008, sometime in December 2007.  Roger Simon of the Politico is along to pour gasoline on the barely smoldering embers of this "major controversy" and get the folks in his home state of New Hampshire completely bent out of shape.  I have this fantasy of the primaries being locked up in January with Hillary winning the nomination, an absolute lock, right before she's indicted on something in February.  Delicious.

Fox News Sunday brings us first lady Laura Bush, fresh from her hajib wearing tour of the Middle East.  No doubt Chris Wallace is going to throw all of those evil right wing bloggers comments about her daring to wear a head scarf in deference to sharia law in her face.  In fact I think that's why they booked her.  I have a feeling that not only will Laura hold her own against Mike Wallace's little boy, but she'll end up making him cry like a little girl, or wish he could.  To round out Wallace's humiliation he has Bobby Jindal.  You know the inside the beltway bigotry about the Indian American Republican governor elect of Louisiana and I expect Wallace to grotesquely embarrass himself in this one.  We may be looking at a future president in Governor Jindal and I don't think Wallace has a clue what he's going to be facing.  It's a "classic" roundtable with Hume, Kristol, Liaison and Williams, no doubt focusing on Bill "the war lover" Kristol's plans to start world war 3 by advocating an unprovoked attack on the peace loving mullah's in Tehran.  Really.  At least according to the nutroots, that is.

CNN Late Edition seems to be going a little light this week with only Mohamed ElBaradei of the IAEA from the usual UN chorus and three domestic pols.  ElBaradei is front and center to denounce the Bush administration for condemning Tehran's nuclear weapons program and for daring to suggest that that Iran is actually already waging war on us.  Just because they're killing American soldiers in Iraq, that isn't anything we should be upset about.  After all, we shouldn't be anywhere in the Uma anyway, so it's really all our fault.  After Mohamed Wolfie brings us one of CNN's favorite RINOs, Trent Lott.  He can always be counted on to stab conservatives in the back or serve up embarrassingly ignorant comments that can be used to pummel conservatives with (he's OUR guy, don't you know?).  I think he's on to blame all ills in this country on a) FEMA and b) evil insurance companies.  He'll no doubt threaten legislation if Geico doesn't completely pay for replacing Tom Cruise's Scientology bunker in Malibu, or some such nonsense.  Barbara Boxer is on to tell us how George Bush and the Iraq war are to blame for the California fires.  That's her story and she's sticking to it.  Mike Huckabee is this weeks media darling, "surging" in Iowa and passing Romney in the national polls.  As a bonus he can be spun to fit the DBM narrative of Republicans being nothing but rednecks who are intolerant religious fanatics and won't vote for anything but an evangelical.  Hillary's hope for winning the White House is based on splitting the Republicans and making them fight amongst themselves.  CNN is doing their part to see that that happens.

ABC This Week celebrates Halloween by rolling out the crypt keeper, John McCain.  They determined two years ago that he was their front runner and they don't let a narrative die easy.  They also think he might be building up to this years "Howard Dean scream" type moment as things begin to get nasty in New Hampshire and shows signs of real competition in South Carolina.  They follow McCain with a tag team of California legislators, Dianne Feinstein and Duncan Hunter.  Both are likely to criticize "Bush's bureaucrats" for some failings related to the California fires.  Dianne is probably going to focus on something like his failure to implement Kyoto as being the root cause of the fires while Hunter will kvetch about the US military not being the first responder for the fires.  They'll both probably implicitely defend Boxer's accusations about Iraq draining California's National Guard.  Hello?  Remember when you all voted for the "peace dividend" and raped the military budget in the 90s?

The Saturday shows (obviously already done) were all over the map, and the schedule.  I didn't watch the Fox shows because they've changed two of them from evening to daytime and I didn't know that till they were over.  The Beltway Boys focused on the Clintons, inevitable I'm sure, and the infighting in the Republican camp.  I don't think they even buy their shtick anymore.  Tim Russert's Show on MSNBC continues with yet more Stephen Colbert plus Howie Kurtz hyping his new book on the decline and fall of the dinosaur media.  Timmah won't let him get away with that.  Fox News Watch looks at the finger pointing in California, no doubt to defend placing the blame on McChimpy Bushitler and global warming, followed by dismissal of complaints about the coverage, or lack thereof, for Lt. Michael Murphy's Medal of Honor.  I'm glad I didn't see this as I have a feeling I would have smashed my TV listening to Neal's venom on that one.  The Journal Editorial Report brings us a glimpse of the emerging new Czarist Russia, followed by Rudy's bogus journey through evangelical land and finishes up with a look at the real root causes of the California fire disaster.

So, the Dhimmicrats are doing their best Night of the Living Dead imitation with their agenda that will not die... again.  Let's see if I get the narrative right.  Bush is lying and Iran really isn't alreday waging war against us.  Bush wants to kill sick children and throw seniors out on the street by stealing their Social Security.  The fires in California were caused by global warming and they can't fight them because all of the able bodied Californians and their equipment are either torturing women and children in Iraq or have been killed by Dick Cheney's order by Blackwater contractors.  Oh, and the Republicans are racists and the election of Bobby Jindal proves it.

That about sums that up.

This should be cross posted to my blog at later today.

This thread exists primarily as a heads up for who is on the weekend talks shows, what they've been invited on to push (based on their recent pronouncements) and the spin (meme) the DBM is likely trying to push based on that information. All of this is prep work for the weekly Sunday Morning Talk Show thread posted by Alas Babylon!. That thread provides a live commentary and analysis of the Sunday talking head shows, with valuable insight and exceptional fact checking. we are the Jedi Council of FreeRepublic, at least in regards to these DBM gabfests. You wanna know what was said and what it meant, as well as where they messed up? Read that thread!

Mark Kilmer has posted his excellent preview of the Sunday shows over at Redstate.COM.

Politico.COM has their Sunday Talk Show Tip Sheet

Show by Show Preview

Below are the topics and guests announced for these programs, along with my take on the "memes" that the shows are trying to push.  With each guest's name are a series of links that I found in a web search that helped me get a handle on who they are and what their likely positions will be when they are interviewed.

Saturday Shows For October 27, 2007

The Beltway Boys (Mort Kondrake, Fred Barnes)

Tim Russert Show On MSNBC (Tim Russert)

Fox News Watch (Eric Burns)

Journal Editorial Report (Paul Gigot) - FNC show page

* semi obscure reference of the week

NBC Meet The Press (Tim Russert)

CBS Face The Nation (Bob Schieffer)

Fox News Sunday (Chris Wallace)

CNN Late Edition (Wolf Blitzer)

ABC This Week (George Stephanopoulos)



56 posted on 10/28/2007 6:30:14 AM PDT by Phsstpok (When you don't know where you are, but you don't care, you're not lost, you're exploring!)
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To: All
I'm linking several interesting FR threads to the Sunday talk show thread, just in case you didn't see these yet.

But At Least Clinton Was Willing To Say It

Great thread and great replies. Bin Laden Admits Defeat in Iraq Memo to Dingy Harry Alert

Wife gives foot-dragger Fred Thompson a shove in White House race

Thompson wary of long-term Iraq presence

Arnold To Arsonists: 'I Would Not Sleep Soundly'

Chertoff rips phony press event

Former President Fox: Nations would benefit from female leader Pandering to her thighness alert

Jail time in store for all AZ crossers

Feds strike ID deal over NY licenses Pandering to illegals

Oval Trysts 'insane' To Hillary Her thighness in denial alert

Democrats Want Congress to Work Less Lazy RAT alert

Truth Is Out There, Gov. Believes (Richardson to Explore Roswell Story) Saturday morning humor thread for Sunday enjoyment

62 posted on 10/28/2007 6:38:14 AM PDT by Arrowhead1952 (DC scandals. Republicans address them, Democrats reelect them. (Tom De Lay 8/30/07))
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To: Alas Babylon!

Bobby Jindal for President!

139 posted on 10/28/2007 8:31:06 AM PDT by ShandaLear (Extremists always meet each other full circle.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
****First lady Laura Bush and Gov.-elect and Rep. Bobby Jindal, R-La.****

Darn I didn't wake up till almost 11 today. (up late watching football/ alcohol I promise) I read some good things about Jindal.

162 posted on 10/28/2007 9:20:15 AM PDT by fkabuckeyesrule (Revenge begins on December 22nd!!!!!)
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To: Alas Babylon!
I thought Laura Bush was great with her Chris Matthews interview today. What a contrast with the HRC scripted and evasive interview several weeks ago. Laura made a point of giving the US taxpayers credit for good works abroad and her husband, Pres GWB, credit for initiating and facilitating her trips to various countries. She really sparkled when Chris asked her about voting for a woman President. Said she would vote for a woman but differed on a number of issues with the one currently running for President. Emphatically and cheerfully said she would be voting REPUBLICAN. I liked her discussion of helping the women she met with and how she effectively addressed the scarf gift from those women who had been breast cancer survivors. She was nicer than I would have been about those who are straining to find something, anything, to grouse about this week. She also spoke about the SCHIP controversy, saying it was political, and a number of states now provide it for more adults than children and that the President was right to keep the money for those children who need it. She covered a lot more and IMO came across as a very great Republican asset who will do our party tremendous good this campaign season.
238 posted on 10/28/2007 12:58:08 PM PDT by mountainfolk
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To: Alas Babylon!; All
Mark Kilmer posted his review of the Sunday shows over at RedState.COM.  Here's the "executive summary" section and a link to the full reviews:

Posted at 12:47pm on Oct. 28, 2007

The Sunday Morning Talk Shows - The Review

By Mark Kilmer

Sunday, October 28, 2007

On MTP, Tim Russert asked Chris Dodd if our soldiers had died for anything in Iraq. Dodd hemmed and hawed, mumbling something about "making space." Russert played a clip of Dodd telling an audience that this war was "about oil." Dodd still did not say that he thought our soldiers had died for oil.

On TW, John McCain said that taking public funds won't hurt him between February of next year and the conventions because there will be more active party involvement at the various levels than Bob Dole had in '96: "I think we'll have enough money to be competitive."

On FNS, First Lady Laura Bush would not say directly that being first lady does not necessarily qualify someone to be President, but she is hot conflicted by Hillary's candidacy and will vote for the Republican.

On FNS, Louisiana's Governor-elect, Bobby Jindal, pledged to get all the federal funds committed to helping New Orleans, post-Katrina. Though he is a fiscal conservative, he said, he thinks the federal government should have to give away the money when they've promised.

Turning our attention to FTN, Crazy Carl Levin criticized the President for claiming that we must prevent Iran from obtaining the knowledge required to build a nuclear weapon. He said that it was alright for them to have that knowledge; we have to prevent them from using it.

Levin and Lindsey Graham agreed that waterboarding is torture, case closed, and Mike Mukasey is not qualified to be attorney general if he doesn't toe that rhetorical line. (McCain had made a similar statement on TW.)

On LE, the UN's IAEA boss Mohamed El Baradei said that Israel should not have bombed the facility in Syria without first coming to him; the IAEA, he said, is the world's eyes and ears. He said that he has seen no proof that the Norks were assisting Syria in building a nuclear facility. (Remember, if he doesn't personally see proof of something, it either does not exist or did not occur.)

Also on LE, Babs Boxer shrieked that the President should be nicer to Iran because at the rate he's going, he is liable to tick them off. She specified that she is frightened, on behalf of the United States, of both Iranians and jihadists. (I assume this means that she lives in a constant state of terror regarding Iranian jihadists.) Trent Lott pointed out that the most heated rhetoric was coming from the Iranian leadership.

Read More for the show-by-show review…

Read More »

"Trent Lott pointed out that the most heated rhetoric was coming from the Iranian leadership"

Well good for Trent!  Frankly, I'm surprised. 

Read the whole thing, it's quite good.. 


249 posted on 10/28/2007 3:13:03 PM PDT by Phsstpok (When you don't know where you are, but you don't care, you're not lost, you're exploring!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Did Chris Matthews really say, at the end of his segment about Hillary’s excuses for staying with Bill, that perhaps women forgave Hillary for staying with Bill because at least she had a man?

(I tried to get the transcript, but it wasn’t posted yet.)

263 posted on 10/28/2007 5:19:52 PM PDT by Marse
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To: Alas Babylon!; rodguy911; snugs; Phsstpok
10. Bahbah #94

I like Bobby Jindal, but I must say I think there is some speech coach out there that tells politicians there are certain hand gestures they MUST use when speaking and it just disturbs me. It looks fake and contrived. Sen. Salazar is the worst. Pat Buchanan also has that annoying hand chop without which he cannot speak. Pelosi with her pointer finger in the air must also have had this coach.

9. Sal #265

If we remember back even before Katrina, the libtards were trying to find something, anything they could use to impeach Bush. They even tried some goofy UK memo that gave somebody's "opinion" that intel had been sexed up...It went a bit beyond many of us speculating that the Clintons were pulling Blanco's strings. Several of us, Miss Marple the most prominent, figured the purpose was to provoke Bush to the point where he would take over because Blanco was not protecting her citizens. If he had done so, he would have committed an actual impeachable offense. IIRC he practically begged Blanco publically to call in fedgov and she refused. We figured they wanted him to overstep his legal authority so they could slam him with impeachment, but he did NOT take the bait. Of course, they rewarded that by accusing him of not caring about the people, especially black people. We certainly thought the Clintons were designing the attempted take down because Blanco doesn't have enough brain cells to figure out the impeachment strategy. AG, I didn't know until now that it was KNOWN that the Clintons were pulling the strings. True evil.

8. Morgan in Denver #88

Richardson made comments that homosexuals chose their behavior and supports boycotting the Olympics in China (ala Carter), plus other positions he’s taken that showed he is not ready for prime time yet. On the plus side he brings the Hispanic vote into play but I’m not convinced he is needed to do that nor is he that popular with the radical left that Hillary has to contend with.

7. Miss Marple #192

I 100% agree with you on the Clintons and Blanco conspiring to prevent Bush from helping. Heck, those of us on the hurricane threads spotted it right away.It has been my long-held opinion that the democrats had formulated a plan in case there was another terrorist attack. That is why Kerry kept yammering about no security in the harbors and Hillary kept emphasizing that we weren’t funding first-responders. They had a plan all ready to go for the next terrorist attack, but too bad for them (and good for us) one never happened. So when Katrina came along, they rolled out their plan and used it against Bush during the hurricane and its aftermath.Whenever I hear people say that it will take another terrorist attack to bring us together, I remind them of Katrina, because if we are hit again, the coverage will be just like Katrina coverage. Shep Smith will probably be on air crying about why we weren’t prepared, and Geraldo will be taking cameras into the blast zone, spewing all sorts of accusatory comments at the President.

6. The Pack Knight #179

This is true, though I'd say that 1960-1976 was skewed by a disproportionate frequency of Presidential successions. Only 5 former VPs have been elected, but 9 have succeeded to the Presidency.I certainly agree that the trend has been in favor of governors, but I would also argue that it's possible that we may be seeing a (and I hate this term) paradigm shift with this election.No one yet knows what impact the increasing influence of the internet and 24-hour news is going to have on Presidential politics. It could well be that these and other factors will weaken the position of governors running for President. Certainly it has disproportionately enhanced the name recognition of US Senators

5. PerConPat #160

And now it seems that some of the Louisiana Dims may be going the same way. I was impressed with the Jindal interview on FNS.In a time of political turmoil when we have the Pubs being assailed by a collection of ideological Mad Hatters from without and within the party, it's nice to see voters in Louisiana getting it Right. It's not easy to fool a majority that has suffered at the hands of those who bring nothing to the table but "I feel your pain..." Especially when the termites making those empty declarations are responsible for the pain!

4. Arrowhead 1952 #62

I'm linking several interesting FR threads to the Sunday talk show thread, just in case you didn't see these yet.

But At Least Clinton Was Willing To Say It

Great thread and great replies. Bin Laden Admits Defeat in Iraq Memo to Dingy Harry Alert

Wife gives foot-dragger Fred Thompson a shove in White House race

Thompson wary of long-term Iraq presence

Arnold To Arsonists: 'I Would Not Sleep Soundly'

Chertoff rips phony press event

Former President Fox: Nations would benefit from female leader Pandering to her thighness alert

Jail time in store for all AZ crossers

Feds strike ID deal over NY licenses Pandering to illegals

Oval Trysts 'insane' To Hillary Her thighness in denial alert

Democrats Want Congress to Work Less Lazy RAT alert

Truth Is Out There, Gov. Believes (Richardson to Explore Roswell Story) Saturday morning humor thread for Sunday enjoyment

277 posted on 11/01/2007 9:36:48 AM PDT by MNJohnnie (Pacifism is not moral. True morality requires evil be opposed, not appeased)
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