She uses her hideous laughter to fill in the airspace....less opportunity for tough questions.
Who is the talk radio guy who’s been playing that cackle in the background a lot lately? I don’t get to listen to talk radio much and I forget which show I heard this on, about a week ago. He was having great fun playing the Hillary Holloween Cackle. Right out of a fun-house, I tell you. Right smack out of an old fashion fat-lady-cackling fun-house.
They used up next year's entire supply of softballs for the nation's evening slow-pitch leagues...
Must be from all that carpet munching.
Does that match her perpetually swollen ankles and thighs ?
She talks like a teenager who is trying to sound grown up.
Good observation, but even more telling is the fact that Dick Morris was questioned about her frequent use of laughter and he said that she has been trained to laugh when she becomes angry at a question. It is her natural personality trait when angry to say something really snotty like "What do you want me to do, stay at home and back cookies"; or worse yet, Hillary starts cursing. She has even been known to become violent when angry. Hillary is being trained by her handlers how to appear more mainstream. So that's why her laughter seems so strange and exaggerated. Body language experts said on Bill O that her laughter is not genuine. She is just using to hide her very inappropriate personality traits, at least for a leader of the free-world. Her personality would have been just fine had she turned 60 in World War 2 Germany, but for the United States of America, it is completely inappropriate and out of line. So she is be trained by her handlers to hide it, just like she uses plastic surgery to make herself appear more mainstream. Without her plastic surgery, she would look like a complete goon, kind in the way Hitler looked like a goon.
"I never had sex with that woman!" repeated... Bill Clinton today in a brief press conference. Come in Diane Sawyer.
When told the question referred to his wife, Hillary... the Ex-President replied, "No comment."
Film... at 11!
My life at 60...... that’s 5 in Dog years.....
Speaking of Mrs. Clinton and her star-studded 60th shindig set for tonight in NYC...can you imagine the uproar if President Bush celebrated his birthday with a huge bash while California was burning.
"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.
"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
"We can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
"We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
"I certainly think the free market has failed."
"I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector [oil] in the entire economy, that they are being watched."
"What I want to do is take those profits and apply them to alternative energy."
Karl Marx or Frederick Engels said none of these things; Hillary Clinton said them all.
See here for more gems from Hillary:
I’m so grateful that I have a project like running for President that I believe in so strongly
I read the entire article. She is something else that is for sure. I would not have posted anything but I can’t let this go...She actually said that running for President is a project??? Like a book report??? I don’t know. Maybe it is me, but there is just something wrong with that statement.
If Hillary could stay a fresh 22 yrs old forever, she would still be the wicked witch from Illinois by way of Arkansas spouting her untruths and Commie ideology.