CHARLESTON, S.C.—A prominent conservative Baptist leader in this state who recently endorsed Mitt Romney amid much fanfare has suddenly withdrawn his endorsement, according to the official press arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Rev. Don Wilton, who is the immediate past president of the Southern Baptist Convention in South Carolina, was one of an array of conservative endorsements the campaign had unveiled in the days leading up to and into the Values Voter Summit in Washington.

The list included Bob Jones III, president of the fundamentalist Bob Jones University, Robert R. Taylor, dean of the university’s college of arts and sciences, Dr. John Willke, who helped found the National Right to Life Committee and Mr. Wilton.

The endorsements from Bob Jones University and Mr. Wilton were considered especially noteworthy here in South Carolina, because Mr. Romney’s Mormon faith has remained a major stumbling block for him in the state among evangelicals.

But Mr. Wilton now says his agreement to endorse Mr. Romney was a “personal error.”

The Baptist Press quotes Mr. Wilton as saying: “While I did give my consent to the local campaign to use my affirmation of the governor’s stance on family values in my capacity as an individual citizen, I made the mistake of not realizing the extent to which it would be used on a national basis. It was my personal error to agree to support Romney’s campaign. Until this incident I had never endorsed any person running for any elected office, Democrat or Republican.


The Romney campaign issued this statement: “Reverend Wilton is a great leader in the community and we respect any decision he makes regarding his involvement with the campaign