I hope that this means the Iranian nuclear reactors will all go boom very shortly.
Good. We need to power this country with nuclear and shut down the NG electric plants that are causing my heating bill to be outrageous.
This is great news, but the Democrats will try to kill each and every one.
With the RATS taking over I doubt that more nuclear reactors will ever become a reality with them in control.We must remember the RATS don’t want anything that’s good for the country.
The Tennessee Valley Authority recently voted to resume work on Watts Bar Unit 2.
In another life in the 70’s I did a lot of work on both units 1 and 2. The work is now coming to final fruition. All the thousand little cuts that bled the program to death have apparently healed.
“A little Nookie never hurt any one.”
Jimmy Carter must be rolling over in his grave. Wait! He’s not dead yet. He was killing off the nuclear industry when I worked for Babcock & Wilcox NPGD.
$500M for Yucca Mtn in the 2008 budget, that’s the real driver here. LENR has long since been proven to transmutate nuc waste into stable isotopes. Google Stan Gleason’s cell for the transmutation of thorium into Cu and Ti isotopes. But those yuccers who bask in that $500M/yr don’t want you to know about it. Thus the nuc waste can be remediated on-site, quickly and cheaply, but who cares? Dingy Harry?
As to site location, some 75% of our population lives w/in 30 miles of an ocean beach. If we don’t give the oceans of the world to the &%^#$@ UN, we could have them as floating power plants : out of sight over the horizon. Only power cables come ashore.
As to wind/solar/wave vs hydro/nuc/coal/NG/oil, there you need to cover a vast catchment AREA with mechanical things whereas with h/n/c/NG/o you have concentrated VOLUMES as energy sources. Maybe you can get thru to these anti-nuc people by educating them as to AREA vs VOLUME.