Hands off policies = doom
Plus no one adopts hands off policies in their personal lives. That libertarian bullshit gets thrown to the wayside. Example being toddster's foreign currency investments. He's hedged himself against the idiot (government) laissez faire trade policies he advocates on Free Republic
When left with a minimum level of governmental interference, individuals pursue what they believe is in their own rational self-interest. That's not libertarian BS. Moreover, it's the statists who think that government's role be expanded and individual liberty curtailed in the name of some amorphous good. In other words, one's rational self-interest should be determined by someone else. That's BS.
Looks suspiciously like someone with a vested interest, at least on the outside.
If Toddster would present a cogent argument from first principles to back up his views, it would tend to increase the credibility of his position.