No, County. How do you think yours is paid for?
The $ are usually just in the general fund and you don’t see them.
I have never had a card in the 17 years I have lived in FL and only went there for tax forms once. They no longer have them!
I may have to think about it. I just bought Laura’s new book...they just keep going up in price. I enjoy reading a bit at a time and going back when I hear an interview.
I read so much a book club is the only way to afford it! I take their ten books for about $10 and then buy four and cancel. Soon another offer comes in the mail and I join another club or take an offer to come back. They end up costing about like paperbacks and they are the most current novels.
I'm sure I pay the county a tax fee for our you pay a county tax fee for the library + the $100?