A drug addict like Bent Sandberg (in the article) probably has ten times the decency of a Socialist or Liberal careerist.
Michael Moore told people to buy votes with food, laundry service, and sex last election. There was no prosecution.
You mean this is worse than offering the homeless in Milwaukee cigarettes, etc., to vote for Gore in 2000?
Can I assume this is illegal? Although leftists everywhere seem to be above the law.
The democrats in America got caught in Illinois, I believe, paying a guy with crack cocaine for registering new voters during the 2004 elections. I agree with your statement about the decency issue except when it comes to socialists with drug habits, (they are truly mendacious reprobates), which seems to be the majority here in America.
The pendulum is starting to swing back towards sanity, we’d never would have learned of this several years ago. We just have to keep the light shinning on these cockroaches.
Huh. Norwegian socialists act just like American socialists (Democrats), although here the American socialists offer cartons of cigarettes to the “homeless”.