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To: Red in Blue PA

So glad you asked. Being a Senator does count, so don’t give me that drivel. Depends on how you spend the time in office. Fred spent his time fulfilling promises made to the voters of Tennessee..

There are all of the corruption investigations he was involved in. Marie Ragghianti [from the book Marie by Peter Maas], Cpl. Lance Fielder [a friendly fire incident similar to Pat Tillman], Watergate, and Clintons campaign finance [which is not yet finished].

Then there is this, partly from his time in the Senate and partly before and after:

Fred Thompson

- Chairman of the International Security Advisory Board of the Department of State currently; a high-level panel charged with evaluating long-term threats to U. S. security
- Served on the US-China Economic Review Commission
- AEG Scholar specializing in Diplomatic Relations and Foreign Intelligence
- Special Counsel to both the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations under President Reagan
- Member of the powerful Senate Committee on Finance, which has jurisdiction over, among other things, international trade.
- Member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
- Member of the National Security Working Group, which observes and monitors executive branch negotiations with foreign governments.
- Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that promotes improved understanding of international affairs through public and private discussion.
- Member of the American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research, studies national security and intelligence, with a focus on China, North Korea, and Russia.
- Chairman of the Government Affairs (now called the Homeland Security and Government Affairs) Committee 1997-2001
- Ranking Republican Minority Member of the Government Affairs Committee 2001-2003
- Chairman of the Youth Violence Committee 1995-1997
- Chairman of the Senate Government Oversight Committee
- Foreign Relations Committee, 1995-96
- Member, Judiciary Committee, 1995-98
- Member, Constitution, Federalism and Property Rights, 1997-98
- Member, Technology, Terrorism and Gov’t. Information, 1995-98
- Member, Finance Committee, 1999-2002
- Finance subcommittees
Member, International Trade, 1999-2002
Member, Taxation and Oversight, 1999-2002
Member, Social Security and Family Policy, 1999-2002
Member, Health Care, 1999-2002
- Earned “Restoring the Balance” Award from National Conference of State Legislatures; given annually to national policymakers committed to federalism and its impact on issues involving state legislators
- Recognized by Citizens Against Government Waste for his report documenting the federal government’s staggering levels of waste, abuse, and mismanagement. Thompson presented the report, which includes his recommendations for addressing those problems, to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mitch Daniels at a press conference in Washington. Report includes analysis of the four biggest challenges facing the federal government: workforce management, financial management, information technology management, and overlap and duplication. In addition, the report includes an agency-by-agency appendix citing examples of waste, fraud, and abuse. The report also contains a list of the “Top Ten” worst examples of mismanagement in the government. CAGW is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse in government.
- Interest Group Ratings:
- National Abortion Reproductive Rights: 0
- US Chamber of Commerce: 100%
- ACLU: 11%
- American Conservative Union: 85%
- AFT: perfect 0
- League of Private Property Owners: 90%
- National Tax Limitation Committee: 97%
- National Taxpayers Union: 88%
- ADA (liberal): perfect score
- Supported Newt’s Contract with America 100% of the time
- Planned Parenthood 0%
- NARAL 0%

Important Proposals and Inclusions Introduced while in the Senate:
- Nuclear Proliferation Act
- Special Counsel Act
- Aviation Security Bill Amendment
- FY 1999 Omnibus Appropriations Bill
- Regulatory Right-To-Know Act
- Homeland Security Workforce Act
- Homeland Security Education Act
- The Thompson amendment in the Treasury-Postal Title (Section 646) of the Consolidated Appropriations Bill
- Regulatory Improvement Act (S. 981)
- Thompson Amendment to the National Homeland Security and Combating Terrorism Act
- Thompson Amendment to the National Employee Savings and Trust Equity Act
- The Federal Emergency Procurement Flexibility Act
- The Federalism Accountability Act
- The Government Information Security Reform Act (GISRA)
- The Thompson Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act
- The Truth in Regulation Act


Foreign Policy Experience

Senator Thompson to Represent U.S. at Asian Conference on Security Issues

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) will represent the United States this week at an International conference on Asian Security Issues. Organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), “Asia Security Conference: The Shangri-La Dialogue” will bring together fifteen defense ministers from Asia-Pacific countries, United States and European defense officials, and leading independent analysts.

Among those participating in the May 31-June 2 conference in Singapore will be U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, British Defense Secretary Geoffrey Hoon, Chinese Director of Foreign Affairs Zhan Maohai, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, and India Minister of Defense George Fernandez.

Issues that the conference will focus on include managing terrorist threats in Southeast Asia, non-proliferation challenges in Asia, United States’ strategy in the region, Europe’s role in Asian security, and China’s military doctrine and security.

“This will be an opportunity for us to reiterate our support for our allies in the Asia-Pacific region who are helping in the war on terrorism and to share ideas about the future of that effort,” Senator Thompson said.

Thompson will be attending the conference with a bi-partisan Congressional delegation including Senators Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Jack Reed (D-RI), as well as Representatives Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), Vic Snyder (D-AR), and Ellen Tauscher (D-CA).

Thompson, the senior Republican on the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and a member of the Intelligence Committee, has been a leader on national security issues and addressing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

- Chairman of the International Security Advisory Board of the Department of State currently; a high-level panel charged with evaluating long-term threats to U. S. security

- Served on the US-China Economic Review Commission

- AEG Scholar specializing in Diplomatic Relations and Foreign Intelligence

- Special Counsel to both the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations under President Reagan

- Member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

- Member of the National Security Working Group, which observes and monitors executive branch negotiations with foreign governments.

- Member of the American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research, studies national security and intelligence, with a focus on China, North Korea, and Russia.

- Foreign Relations Committee, 1995-96

- Since leaving the senate, he has been acting as Chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee, at the request of the State Department.


Sen. Fred Thompson saved the taxpayers billions of dollars in government waste, fraud and abuse.

FDT worked to enact three major tax-cut bills, reducing the federal tax burden on all of us.

Thompson led the effort to defeat many bad bills and almost singlehandedly defeated Clinton’s S507, which would have destroyed the patent system and handed many American innovations over to the Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese.

Fred spent fewer of the taxpayers’ dollars than of any of his opponents in the presidential race.

As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, Thompson worked to cut taxes and reform Social Security and Medicare programs so they will be there for future generations. He was a member of a bi-partisan group of senators endorsing a plan to reform Social Security by cutting payroll taxes and allowing workers to invest in personal savings accounts.

Fred Thompson worked to make the federal government smaller, more efficient and more accountable by achieving a string of significant reforms, becoming what USA Today called, “a leader on a range of clean-up Washington issues.”

Sen. Thompson authored the Government Information Security Act. The legislation, which was signed into law, provided a new framework for protecting the government’s computers from outside attack by hackers, terrorists and enemy agents.

FDT worked to pass the Regulatory Right-to-Know Act. The Act requires the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to disclose to the public the costs and benefits of regulatory programs, as well as an analysis of the impact of federal regulations on state, local, and tribal governments, small business, and economic growth.

Congress approved Fred’s legislation to ensure that potential privacy violations on federal agency Internet sites are disclosed. Thompson released a GAO report revealing that many federal agencies were still using cookies to gather information on American citizens on their web sites without disclosing their use.

Thompson worked with the GAO to conduct and make public the results of the first ever audit of the federal government. He introduced legislation requiring the use of improved auditing tools, which identified improper payments and payment errors made by federal agencies.

During his time in the Senate, Thompson focused on three key areas: lowering our taxes, strengthening national security, and what the American-Statesman called “the unglamorous work of trying to expose waste” and to change the federal government. All have taken on even greater importance today than they had back then. In each of these areas, Thompson accomplished a great deal.


* As Chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, Thompson enacted a law that required federal agencies to calculate and report the cost of regulations on taxpayers and businesses.
* Press reports stated: “He put heat on federal agencies by holding hearings on mismanagement and by asking them to tote up the improper payments they made each year.” That added up to about $20 billion in taxpayer dollars. His efforts saved taxpayers more than $2 billion in 2005-06 alone at the Department of Health and Human Services.
* He published a report, “Government on the Brink,” (Volume 1 and Volume 2) detailing the waste, fraud, and abuse of federal agencies as well as the management challenges facing the incoming Bush Administration. Paul Light, a New York University professor and leading expert on government, said, “I consider him to be one of the most dedicated overseers of the executive branch of the last 25 years.”
* Twenty-five years after he’d gained national prominence as hard-charging counsel on the Watergate committee, Thompson again stepped into the investigation spotlight. In 1997, as chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, he opened an investigation into attempts by the Chinese government to influence America policies and elections through, among other means, financing election campaigns. The investigation identified at least six Democrat donors and fundraisers, with ties to the Clinton Administration, who had laundered or aided in the laundering and distribution of foreign money into Democrat political party coffers. The investigation also exposed two Democrat Party donors with “a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency,” according to the Senate committee’s report.


* In his eight years, Thompson, who served on the Finance Committee, supported and worked to enact three major tax-cut bills, reducing the federal tax burden on all of us.

National Security

* As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Thompson focused on the threat of nuclear proliferation and technology transfers that could damage American industrial and national security.
* While a vocal supporter of free trade, Thompson has also fought to link free trade to our national security interests. For example, when voting to grant full-trading status to China, Senator Thompson fought unsuccessfully to include an amendment in the bill that would have required the president to impose sanctions against China if it violated nuclear-nonproliferation agreements.
* Thompson also served on the Intelligence Committee at a time when it examined the failings in intelligence and analysis leading into the September 11th terrorist attacks, as well as the reforms needed to better prepare for future threats.


Fiscal Awards

- While in the Senate, Fred Thompson waged total war against government waste and fraud. Just one of many glowing reports from Citizens Against Government Waste:


Key excerpt: “Once again, Chairman Thompson deserves great credit for exposing the pervasive problems in the federal government,” CAGW President Tom Schatz said. “As CAGW has documented repeatedly, many federal agencies and programs are duplicative, unaccountable, nontransparent, get poor results, lose money, are mismanaged, and outdated. These problems have persisted for decades, and as this report indicates, are growing worse and require rapid action.”

-He also ferreted out and brought to light federal abuses of power:

- He doggedly held the line on taxes; as one example, he was one of only 36 congress members and only 9 senators to receive the coveted “Taxpayers’ Friend” award from the National Taxpayers Union:


Key excerpt: “Not all Members of Congress fought day in and day out during 2002 for the principle of limited government that is the cornerstone of our country’s greatness,” said NTU President John Berthoud. “Fortunately, at least 36 allies in Congress demonstrated an unwavering commitment to taxpayers. We are proud to honor this fiscal ‘coalition of the willing.’”

- He has been a tireless champion of federalism/states’ rights:


Key excerpt: WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, has been selected to receive the 2000 “Restoring the Balance Award,” presented by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). The award, given annually to national policymakers committed to federalism and its impact on issues involving state legislators, was presented to Thompson last night at the NCSL’s Leader to Leader Dinner in Washington.

Thompson’s dedication to the principles of federalism and sound government policy has resulted in the Committee’s advancement of the Federalism Accountability Act, and Senate passage of the Regulatory Right to Know Act, the Federal Financial Information Assistance Management Improvement Act, the Truth in Regulating Act, and revision of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.


Fred Thompson sponsored or co-sponsored many pieces of legislation, most of it aimed at increasing our national security against terrorism, providing tax relief to citizens and small businesses, and cutting government red tape.


On January 19, 1995, Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee introduced Senate Joint Resolution 21 proposing a constitutional amendment to limit congressional terms to two terms for Senators and three terms for Representatives.


The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee last month unanimously approved the Government Information Security Act.

The bill, S 1993, aims to reform government information protection by strengthening security practices throughout government.

Committee chairman Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) and ranking minority member Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) introduced the bill in November. It includes seven directives:

• The Commerce Department and the National Institute of Standards and Technology would develop standards and guidance for security training and planning.

• The Justice Department would provide legal remedies for security breaches.

• The General Services Administration would assist agencies with computer security procurements.

• The Office of Personnel Management would review information security regulations covering federal civilian employees.

• Each agency’s chief information officer would designate a senior information security officer.

• A deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget would oversee federal information security efforts.

• The Defense Department and the CIA would provide protection for national security systems and classified information...


WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) today praised Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee for urging passage of legislation requiring greater disclosure of foreign companies that raise funds in American capital markets.

Bachus has introduced the U.S. Market Security Act, which strengthens reporting and disclosure requirements for all foreign governments and government-controlled entities seeking access to U.S. capital markets. The bill establishes an Office of National Security within the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that will review and monitor all securities offered by foreign governments and by any entity the office believes is controlled by a foreign governmental unit.

In a speech on weapons proliferation this morning to the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., Sen. Thompson said Congress should pass legislation to bring greater transparency to all foreign companies in our markets. “The SEC provides little information on these companies now, many of whom, in the case of China, are front companies,” Thompson said. “We need to require more detailed information in prospectuses regarding the specific identity and activities of foreign government related firms applying for entry into our capital markets.”

“Senator Thompson is right on target, and I’m glad to know he’s an ally in this effort,” said Bachus. “By strengthening disclosure and reporting requirements, we can greatly reduce the chances that Americans are unknowingly helping to finance the militaries and intelligence services of potential foreign adversaries. It would also give Congress a mechanism to deny companies or countries who engage in proliferation activities access to our markets.”


Federal agencies would have to conduct cost-benefit analyses and health, safety and environmental risk assessments before making major regulatory changes, under a bill introduced in the Senate Thursday.

Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., introduced the same bill in the last Congress. Under the bill (S. 746), agencies would be required to perform cost-benefit analyses for rules that would impose at least $100 million in compliance costs on private-sector firms. Risk assessments would also be required for major rules and would be subject to independent peer review. Peer review of cost-benefit analyses would also be required for rules costing at least $500 million.

The Clinton administration signaled its support for the bill last year after getting Thompson and Levin to agree to changes that the administration said would ensure the bill would not undermine health or environmental protections nor add significant costs or delays to the regulatory process.

Business groups, state governments and local governments have all voiced their support for the bill. Unions and environmental groups, meanwhile, oppose it on grounds that it may slow down the regulatory process and weaken federal protections.;;;


A bill introduced in late March by Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., would repeal the 4.3-cent motor fuel excise tax imposed on railroads and inland waterway transportation.

The bill is identical to a House bill introduced earlier in March, and reprises a bill introduced in the last Congress by Sen. John Chafee, R-R.I. Congress voted to repeal the tax as part of the Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act of 1999, which was vetoed by President Clinton.

The tax had been imposed in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 on all transportation fuels as a means to help reduce the federal budget deficit. Prior to the act, the gasoline, aviation and diesel fuel excise tax had been considered “user fees,” and revenue raised from the taxes was deposited into the transportation trust funds dedicated to improving highways, airports and waterways.

In 1997, Congress redirected the 4.3-cent gasoline tax back into the highway trust fund and the 4.3-cent aviation fuel excise tax back into the airport and airway trust fund as part of the surface transportation reauthorization bill, TEA-21.

“However, the final version of TEA-21 did not touch the tax on inland waterway barge fuel or railroad fuel, so that tax revenue is still being deposited in the general fund,” Thompson said. There is no railroad trust fund.

The bill is co-sponsored by Senators John Breaux, D-La.; Frank Murkowski, R-Alaska; Jim Jefford, R-Ver.; Phil Gramm, R-Texas; Don Nickles, R-Okla.; and Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark.


A bill introduced this month by Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) would prevent the lapse of the Government Information Security Reform Act next month.

GISRA, part of the Defense Authorization Act of 2001, called on agencies to assess the security of their IT systems and to include security requirements in their budget requests. The Office of Management and Budget earlier this year told Congress that executive branch IT security has substantial weaknesses.

OMB has used the law to turn down or alter some agency proposals in the latest budget cycle. Under a sunset provision, GISRA would expire Nov. 29. Thompson’s S 3067 would repeal the expiration and make the requirements permanent.

He was a prosecutor as well. There is a lot more that I like about him.

66 posted on 09/14/2007 11:54:15 AM PDT by hoosierpearl (To God be the glory.)
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To: hoosierpearl

If you think cutting and pasting committees he served on will impress the average voter, think again.

I clearly wanted some specific things Fred supporters thought were great accomplishments. I could have gone to his website and have gotten that list.

67 posted on 09/14/2007 11:56:51 AM PDT by Red in Blue PA (Truth : Liberals :: Kryptonite : Superman)
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To: hoosierpearl

I’m on your side, but that did look like one of those Romney type posts that they love so much.

88 posted on 09/14/2007 12:48:17 PM PDT by ansel12 (Romney longed to serve in Vietnam, ask me for the quote.)
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To: hoosierpearl; TrueKnightGalahad; blackie; null and void; Larry Lucido; Eric Blair 2084
Re: Fred Thompson

Yeah, yeah, yeah... but what else can you offer to convince me?

Hummmmmmm... what else?

Gadzooks! He married... a real hottie with brains!

You've convinced me, hoosierpearl! I'll vote for him... twice. Three times if I can pull it off!

Remember, we are up against Democrats, campers... and they get more votes from graveyards than their are graves!


Go, Fred, Go!

Large scan of above at my FR Homepage

103 posted on 09/14/2007 1:17:11 PM PDT by Bender2 ("I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon)
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To: hoosierpearl

Thanks for that, hoosierpearl.

158 posted on 09/15/2007 6:08:52 AM PDT by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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