Posted on 08/23/2007 6:08:28 PM PDT by TornadoAlley3
Each Parent Thought The Other Was Taking Daughter To Child Care
ST. LOUIS, MO ( --
A 7 month old baby girl died after police say she was left in a locked car for 4 hours in the sweltering summer heat.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I'm 5'1" and was in an accident where the airbag deployed. It broke my glasses, and left a "smack" mark on my cheek that faded after a couple of hours, but that was it. Obviously, the bag didn't hit me straight on. I don't know how much difference that may make.
Beware that the powder in them will irritate your eyes.
My mother-in-law’s air bag deployed and actually caught fire. She got burned but only slightly.
Thanks for the tip. I guess closing one’s eyes couldn’t hurt either.
I don’t think this is a situation where she put the child in the car, and just breezed by daycare to work, quite a few other contributing factors. They work at different times, so maybe she didn’t routinely take the baby. She has a lot of stress on her attentions given her position. Maybe this wasn’t supposed to be her day in. A lot of things.
But even if it was her going to work routinely, maybe the projects she was working on that day were life and death and she was mentally prepping, maybe traffic was a bear on the way to work and rattled her, running late, couldn’t find a park, calls her husband to help and decides to have him drop the child off.
The biggest factor here is that at least one parent doesn’t feel they can stay home with the baby for a few years. Mom or Dad. Not just this family, but across our whole society.
And yeah, I never forgot my kids, but I stayed at home with them. But I am accutely aware of the mistakes I did make with them and how it could have turned out tragic and feel a deep sense of relief that we survived, but grief when I see parents who weren’t so lucky.
I’m not judging the families, there is nothing wrong with recognizing certain truths. I’m sorry, we do live a rather cold society that is just after the pursuit of money and how everything looks. If you don’t believe me, just look at all the plastic women who have spent thousands on plastic surgury. That’s just one tiny example of how people’s values are completely screwed up. We are living in a really screwed up world, no wonder the kids are going nuts. And yes, I think it’s healthy to point this stuff out, to save more people from needing to go on prozac. The reason people are so depressed is because everything is a big fat lie, and people don’t know how to wake up. So yes, I will state the truth when I can, you bet I will
Thank you, RM. I was beginning to feel that no one read what I posted. You are right - things sure aren’t like they used to be, or should be.
But, IMHO, everything is not a ‘big fat lie’....I honestly think it is up to us to look every day for even one tiny little bit of positive truth. And, when we start looking - we will start seeing. And, I think we will see more and more.
Example - there is a doctor (Randy Christensen) who has decided to devote his life and his medical degree and knowledge to treat street children for free. Watching the video of these kids, when a ‘real doctor’ actually cares - is a tear jerker.
Life really can be full of miracles - but, sometimes they are kinda ‘hidden’.
And how much of this do we see perpetuated here, on this conservative website. How many "I'd hit it" or "Guilty/Not Guilty" threads recently, based purely on external physical looks without any regard to the soul and spirit of the person? It has become these extremes of expecting perfection of all, either in their personal dealings or in their physical appearance.
Thank you.
I won’t ping a list where I see guilty/not guilty comments based on a teachers looks.
Man takes advantage of girl-bad.
Woman takes advantage of boy-lucky.
It’s so shallow and degrading. Nobody votes on it when it’s a man. He’s just condemned and the girl isn’t even considered lucky. Seems like too much of the feminazi double standard has infiltrated.
Donning flame suit.....
My 18yo son loves FR. And he gets caught up in these threads at times. He will go on about some “ugly” pantsuit that Hillary is wearing or something. I have to remind him that we oppose Hillary based on her politics, not whether she dresses attractively. And if we will keep the argument on that level, we will achieve so much more.
Reminds of me of the stereotypical neighborhood women gossip group discussing their neighbors: wrong car, yard isn’t kept up as well, don’t do this, do that. Shameful.
Most people here perceive me as a radical libertarian curmudgeon (Thank your own deity).
Very well said, Its a shame that it even happened. Let it be a lesson learned by all of us. Hope it never happens again
“Let it be a lesson learned by all of us. Hope it never happens again”
IMHO the behavior of these two upwardly mobile selfish brats is inexcusable. Both of them apparently had jobs that paid big bucks. There was NO REASON in the world to put their child in daycare. Either one of them could have waited until their child was in grade school; that’s what my wife and I did. My children (3 of them) NEVER SAW THE INSIDE OF A DAYCARE!. And I am nothing more than a middle income kinda’ guy. The fact that they were ‘ON THEIR WAY TO DROP’ the child off says a lot about their state of mind and what was important to them.
Michael Vick might go to prison for dog abuse.
These two are getting sympathy for their abuse.
Just incredible.
I just can’t imagine making a mistake like this with my little one - I know that nothing could punish me worse than I would punish myself. Heck, I still feel bad for the times when I’ve accidentally scratched him with my nail or tried to take him out of his car seat and forgotten to unbuckle one of the belts. These parents and that little one are in my prayers.
I agree with you, Finny. I never said that I think we can't make judgements in everyday life whether it's judging a situation or a person's character in order to make good decisions for ourselves and those for whom we're responsible.
The judging that Christ was referring is the judgement of the state of another's soul. We never are to do that because we don't have the vision for it.
I object to the judging of so many on this thread because they're judging the souls, the inner motives and intentions of these parents when there is no way we can do that accurately. Only God has the ability to see those things.
I touched on this in post #70.
Thanks for the comparison with the Vick case.
I simply want someone to explain to me why the laws against NEGLECT resulting in DEATH do not apply in the cases of these babies left to roast to death in cars.
I’m sure people who leave their pets in hot cars love them, but their love doesn’t protect them from being charged with neglect and animal abuse.
Is a helpless, strapped-in, baby more important than a pet or not? Surely the law applies here in some fashion!
Why is this form of neglect beyond some kind of legal punishment?
Why do so many want it to be?
Very well said.
The "laws" telling parents to put their kids facing backward in the seats behind them are clearly resulting in babies roasting to death in cars. I want someone to explain to me why do-gooder nanny-staters NEGLECT to consider it.
I’ve still got my original Social Security I.D. from 1954.
RIP little one.
Excuse me, but making your offspring the center of your lives is your business. Fortunately, for most of human history, men have regarded children as honorable responsibilities but not their destinies, and wise women do the same.
You go against human nature when you insist that all parents do things the way you do. You do it your way, you let them do it theirs. When you insist on interfering and dictating -- stuff like this happens. Believe me, "daycare" is nothing new in human history.
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