Posted on 08/01/2007 4:09:49 PM PDT by kristinn
Edited on 08/01/2007 4:30:51 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
I received an e-mail today from the Fox News producer who booked me for the O'Reilly Factor last night. The links have been forwarded to Jim Robinson for review.
Jim asked me to start a thread with the links so that Freepers, and everyone else, could see for themselves what the fuss is about.
The Hillary Clinton stray bullet assassination comment was a very bad joke comment that someone posted two days ago. It was flagged last night after the O'Reilly Factor broadcast and was removed by a moderator. It is available for the time being in Google cache:
To: Virginia Ridgerunner I like my scenario better:
After eight years of the economy faltering, interest rates are 19%, 900,000 people are dead in Iraq since we left, taxes have gone up by 60% and Chile, Bolivia and Columbia are now Communist regimes, a stray bullet at a NARAL rally catches President Clinton and kills her.
As they take away Cindy Sheehan she screams why did she have to remove the troops? We were winning.
The next day the dow goes up 2000 points and closes at 2150.
4 posted on 07/30/2007 11:00:43 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (The Democrat Party: "Everyone is equal, but some are more equal then others.")
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Don't even bother trying to defend that one. Assassination jokes have no place on Free Republic. Yes, Cindy Sheehan has written of her fantasizies about killing President Bush--and she's not joking, but that's her problem. We're better than that.
The "homosexuals are dogs" comment is taken out of context. The actual quote is "Homosexuals are the modern day dogs in the manger." That was in reference to an article about proprieters in the U.K. not being allowed to deny hotel accomodations to homosexual couples on account of religious belief.
The American Heritage online dictionary gives this description for the phrase: dog in the manger, NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. dogs in the manger. One who prevents others from enjoying what one has no use for oneself. ETYMOLOGY: From a fable in which a dog prevented an ox from eating hay he did not want himself.
That comment was posted two days ago and has also been removed by the moderators. It is available for now in Google cache.
The "I hate blacks" comment was nowhere to be found in the other threads referenced.
The threads are about crime in the black community, gangsta culture and Jesse Jackson. Two of the threads are in the Smoky Backroom.
Time for the Truth About Black Crime Rates
Jesse Jackson interview about Imus
Sagging Pants May Have Contributed To Fatal Shooting
Courtesy Comment:
Don’t worry you won’t get banned but you might catch Hades from the Petty Nitpickers, Perpetual Grouches and the Habitually Offended.... LOL
This proves they are always lurking.
You mean like these? Be honest, if these were brought up in the news by someone like O'Reilly, you'd look pretty bad:
Just a few examples. Didn't want to spend all day informing the pot he was calling the kettle black.
First of I would like to thank you for your outstanding rebuttal of BOR.You did good.
Second, I agree that we all need to watch out for posts that are against the posting guidelines and how we ourselves articulate our disagreements with others and Politicians in our posts.
However,I still say if Mr.BOR had done the research himself he would have seen that the I hate blacks comment wasn’t an actual comment from a Freeper,but came from an article posted here for discussion.
I love FR and it is the only place I get my news for the day.
Keep up the good work.
God bless you both.
Sorry you got steam rolled the other night.
To BOR and any lurkers drawn here by his reports, hear this. The mere fact that FR has moderators and takes BOR’s false accusations seriously is what sets us apart from KOmmunistS and most left-wing sites. This is immediately apparent to anyone who actually reads the comments and follows the reactions by our participants to the occasional hate monger or anarchist who tries to dilute the power of Jim Robinson’s site.
As has been the case from the beginning, EVERYONE is welcome at FR regardless of race, creed, etc., etc., IF they are here to engage in thoughtful and measured dialog. We find reliance upon profanity abhorrent and a distraction to our informed if sometimes passionate debates — a far cry from the dependency upon the F-word you will find on almost any liberal blog.
I write this for the record and for Bill O’Reilly, because the truth should be known to all, and our good name should not be sullied nor misrepresented.
That is all.
O’Reilly had to find a “right-wing hate site”, and we were nominated. End of made up story.
Our success has made us a target.
Thanks to all mods.
Good job remembering O’Reilly’s Drudge line.
He should answer it.
We used to watch O’Reilly faithfully. Then he turned into a bully. Then there was that incident that involved him and a female employee at Fox News. The matter was settled out of court, never to be heard from again.
Oh really? The details may be foggy but the incident remains. He lost two formerly faithful viewers in our house. Apparently he lost more and more. Because his viewership is going down.
Good enough for him. He got too big for his britches.
“FACT: OReilly lied.”
He sure did. He lied and threw FR under the bus in order to make himself look fair and balanced. I wonder what else he lies about?
He sure did, and your observation is the basis for my email to him.
Mr O’Reilly,
Re your segment about the “hate site” Free Republic:
Your willingness to stretch the truth, if not flat out lie, about one of the best discussion boards on the web, has shown the participants of that website that your observations are not reliable.
You have destroyed your own credibility with a large number of your “traditional” audience.
Post 454 “pithy” enough for you, Bill O’Reilly?
Why, thank you for the dose of enlightenment MKJ. It appears Mr. Bill O’Reilly has been caught with his pants down.
I could tell by looking at his face the other night he was fudging it. His face had the look of deceit.
To think BOR actually thought he could cut into a Rush audience! Laughable at best.
Yup, and reading this thread to be sure.
Thank you Kristinn and JimR!
Also, thank you to the moderators, and all the great FReepers who make this site so great.
The prayers, the activism, the love for our soldiers and nation, are just a few of the many things that make FreeRepublic stand tall above other sites.
We are what we do.
God Bless
(General Comment)
Did you all miss that O’Relly basically said that the comments he mentioned where not widespread as they are on the Daily KOS?
That the Daily Kos revels in such crap?
All and all what happenned was the FR guy did a good job and met with a hard hitting very popular TV host. He made rationale comments to the qeustions posed and agreed with O’Rielly that such garbage doesn’t do this site any good. He easily undermined the entire Daily KOS efforts to distract from themseles.
Instead of realizing that though many of you are playing the same stupid ass games that the Far Left does. Blame this or that yada yada..
Right now the biggest loser in this is the Daily KOS. MILLIONS of people who never gave a damn about it now know the Democrats are embedded with such a crowd and can easily see how they “think”.
Keep up this crap though and you may end up joining them in the sewer.
What O’Rielly did was give you all a HUGE opportunity to show your not like the flakes on the Far Left.
Don’t blow it.
If these five posts are the worst that O’Reilly’s researchers can find on this forum, which fields thousands of posts each day, then it reveals exactly how weak his complaint is against FR.
He was embarrassed, and rightly knew how stupid it looked (after the volume of feedback he received) and, in typical B’or fashion, went on the offensive in the hope of covering up his obvious inadequacies.
Thanks for the update, kristinn.
Do you think he’ll apologize for this or bring it up on a program?
If it’s so offensive, why show it? Seemed awful hypocritical to me. All this guy knows is self-promotion and self-aggrandizement.
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