Posted on 08/01/2007 4:09:49 PM PDT by kristinn
Edited on 08/01/2007 4:30:51 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
I received an e-mail today from the Fox News producer who booked me for the O'Reilly Factor last night. The links have been forwarded to Jim Robinson for review.
Jim asked me to start a thread with the links so that Freepers, and everyone else, could see for themselves what the fuss is about.
The Hillary Clinton stray bullet assassination comment was a very bad joke comment that someone posted two days ago. It was flagged last night after the O'Reilly Factor broadcast and was removed by a moderator. It is available for the time being in Google cache:
To: Virginia Ridgerunner I like my scenario better:
After eight years of the economy faltering, interest rates are 19%, 900,000 people are dead in Iraq since we left, taxes have gone up by 60% and Chile, Bolivia and Columbia are now Communist regimes, a stray bullet at a NARAL rally catches President Clinton and kills her.
As they take away Cindy Sheehan she screams why did she have to remove the troops? We were winning.
The next day the dow goes up 2000 points and closes at 2150.
4 posted on 07/30/2007 11:00:43 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (The Democrat Party: "Everyone is equal, but some are more equal then others.")
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Don't even bother trying to defend that one. Assassination jokes have no place on Free Republic. Yes, Cindy Sheehan has written of her fantasizies about killing President Bush--and she's not joking, but that's her problem. We're better than that.
The "homosexuals are dogs" comment is taken out of context. The actual quote is "Homosexuals are the modern day dogs in the manger." That was in reference to an article about proprieters in the U.K. not being allowed to deny hotel accomodations to homosexual couples on account of religious belief.
The American Heritage online dictionary gives this description for the phrase: dog in the manger, NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. dogs in the manger. One who prevents others from enjoying what one has no use for oneself. ETYMOLOGY: From a fable in which a dog prevented an ox from eating hay he did not want himself.
That comment was posted two days ago and has also been removed by the moderators. It is available for now in Google cache.
The "I hate blacks" comment was nowhere to be found in the other threads referenced.
The threads are about crime in the black community, gangsta culture and Jesse Jackson. Two of the threads are in the Smoky Backroom.
Time for the Truth About Black Crime Rates
Jesse Jackson interview about Imus
Sagging Pants May Have Contributed To Fatal Shooting
In case you needed a ping to find this!
Tell me... did BOR pay you to sign up on FR?
I appreciate how difficult that interview was. You handled it with grace, and O’Reilly has been exposed as a foolish windbag.
He sure did!
I whole-heartedly agree. I never hesitate to hit the abuse button on a post that clearly violates FR's standards of civility -- that what it's there for. Some people seem to think it's wrong to "rat" on wayward posters. It's not. It's helping keep FR a civilized forum which can play an influential role in halting the march of socialism over our once-free nation.
O'Reilly is obsessed with the idea that "ideologues" are ruining the country, but one has to wonder if it's ever crossed his mind where we'd be as a nation if George Washington and the other Founders had been centrists with no strong ideological bent.
you done good last night! O’Reilly kept trying to pull this moral equivalence nonsense on you acting like he is all above this.
I sincerely hope they DO see the wonderful graphics we create for their entertainment!!
I agree with you.
I agree that there are certain lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Jokes about assassination are one of them. The liberals do it all the time, but that doesn’t excuse it.
But the dog in the manger comment should not have been removed. And there is nothing wrong, IMHO, in saying that black crime is a problem. It’s a problem for blacks as well as others, and if you can’t talk about it, it’s less likely to ever be dealt with and improved.
I think O’Reilly’s nose was out of joint because Freepers are sometimes critical of him. Hey, he’s a talk show host, a public figure, and he has to expect some of that. It goes with the job description. Sure, some of it is unfair. Just take it with a grain of salt and forget it.
Back in the civil rights era, some whites used to say "Some of my best friends are black, but..."
Im not sure I would go that far, but it was definitely in very poor taste. It definitely crossed the line.”
Did you even read the article?
Indeed! It appears silentknight will be around to thrash another day. :^)
Speaking of which, I wonder if O’Reilly knows the depth of the mistake he has just made in slandering FR? There are some freepers who will never forget this and will never rest until they have extracted a suitable payback.
Well, I don’t really agree with you, but I might be a bit more sympathetic than the rest. There have been plenty of threads where I have felt uncomfortable, as in I disagreed with the tone, with the posts of some against ‘Muslims’ especially and occasionally Blacks/Hispanics. I don’t think this is a result of overt racism or prejudice, but people just get careless and say things that generalizes groups and can be taken as meaning something different then they meant. I would think it would be especially difficult to be a conservative/libertarian Muslim and surf some of these threads; a minority of people do make what could be considered derogatory comments. I realize most of the time they are meant in jest or when people say ‘Muslims’ they are referring to the Muslims mentioned in the story (usually terrorists or their apologists, lol), not all Muslims. Same with Blacks/Hispanics etc...
However, I also think people that are offended have only themselves to blame for being offended; In fact, the degree of double standardness and offendedness that appears to be felt and advocated for by various groups representing minority groups (CAIR, NAACP), sort of mirrors the degree of ridicule/slantedness they are subject to in return. Im not into censorship and I’m interested in what everybody has to say; within reason. Nothing has been mentioned about the fact that there are plenty of people who have been banned or suspended for posting stories in the wrong place or saying politically extreme things in a poor manner.
So, I think BOR story was clearly a ‘hit piece’, but it does not take away from the fact that there are plenty of people who are pretty ignorant on how they come off, especially to an outsider unaware of the dynamic give and take and joking around that goes on here.
I’m not sure how to ‘fix’ this, or even that it needs fixing. I think this is an awesome site and very well run and policed to the best of peoples’ ability. The best is probably just to police ourselves more and change the culture ever so slightly to the positive.
Well, this is a reason not to watch O’Reilly.
I don’t see obscenities or hateful disgusting comments.
I can only assume that you think anyone who dares disagree with you is hateful and disgusting.
sorry O’Reilly,but this is Shark Week and you have just jumped the shark!
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