Posted on 07/29/2007 6:22:19 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Yesterday I looked at the Ron Paul phenomenon as an expression of the anti-big government sentiments among some people in each of the major parties. Such voters have limited options among the other candidates this year. While the Paul supporters commenting vigorously disagreed, I also expressed the belief that Paul cannot win the Republican nomination. What if I am right? What will his supporters do?
It is hard to see Paul supporters being loyal Republicans and backing their partys winnerwhich should be a matter of concern for the Republicans. If I was a GOP leader Id be questioning Pauls loyalty to the party and pressing him for a pledge to support the nominee and encourage his supporters to do the same should he lose. Of course it is questionable as to how many votes he could deliver to the authoritarian war mongers who dominate the Republican field should he be willing to do so.
I dont even know that Paul would agree to support another Republican candidate. Would Paul jump ship and run as a Libertarian again? If not, will the Libertarian Party candidate benefit from what Paul has done? That will depend partially upon the candidate, but the LP will have the problem that many people are reluctant to vote for a third party which has no real chance of winning.
If they are reluctant to support a minor party, will many Paul supporters back the Democratic winner as the best shot of having an anti-war candidate win? That will depend a lot on the nominee. Richardson already has some libertarian support but remains a real long shot. Edwards will have a real tough time attracting any libertarian support, between his previous support for he war and Patriot Act when in the Senate to his current populist economic policies. Clinton will also have problems here, but I could see Obama managing to find a way to bridge liberal ideas with libertarian ideals as he has shown he is willing to avoid pandering to traditional Democratic special interests.
While I dont think Ron Paul has any real chance of winning the Republican nomination, his candidacy is doing far better than might have been expected initially, and he very well may have a lasting impact on the race. Between the out right libertarians, as well as the more traditional conservatives who are becoming increasingly outraged by the current Republican leadership, there will be a number of Republicans looking for an alternative. Whether the Democrats can become a majority party will depend partially on whether they can attract a portion of these voters. To do so will mean not only opposing the war but showing they recognize that the 2000s are not the 1930s and their old New Deal coalition is long gone.
I do too. They seem to be of the same mindset.
“”I don’t think they should take our money in the first place,” he said. “But if they take it, I think we should ask for it back.”
sounds like dhimi to
...leads the Houston-area delegation in the number of earmarks, or special funding requests, that he is seeking for his district. He is trying to nab public money for 65 projects, such as marketing wild shrimp and renovating the old movie theater in Edna that closed in 1977 neither of which is envisioned in the Constitution as an essential government function.
JV, my favorite is Paulnuts. Another freeper uses Paulestians, which is pretty funny too. Paulites is good for a giggle also!
Freepers are very creative :)
if there is a paul punglist add me if you would
He is truly a great American and I love him so. This is what we are all about. I hope everyone will vote for Ron. He is the best . Far better than that baby killing liberal from new york.
I wonder how these Paul haters are going to act when he becomes President. They seem to be suffering from RPPS, Ron Paul Phobia Syndrome, already.
“Don’t you get it?”
Nah. They’re all too busy bleating the mantra....
Same old, same old, thread after thread.
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To the Dems it's always the 1930's, so the answer is no on that one.
We seem to have a bunch of Massachusetts “conservatives” who started this thread just to bash Ron Paul. Maybe RPPS should be abbreviated to Paul Phobia, or PP, for short.
i’ll i’ve read is pauls a rino a lino. my daddy can beat your daddy up. what the frank?? only one freeper was making an argument till they posted a link to michele milken. she is a paid hack.
with all this kiddy hatred for paul, please put me on the ping too. first time on a ping.
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