Gee, I thought this was 2007, not 1954. Best of luck to the newlyweds.
This is odd— he’s more white than he is black! And a damn fine running back too.
I had no idea he was black. I mean, in this day and age, who cares anymore?
In case you hadn’t heard.
I think they are in some instances but I'm not implying this woman doesn't love this man and is eager to marry him.
Would that be according to the old "one drop rule"? That rule by the way was intended as a way of keeping the descendants of slaves fathered by whites classified as black and hence slaves themselves. He looked like he had a fairly large proportion of European ancestry. If there are anythings that qualify as races among humans, he would have to be classified as mixed race.
Father went all the way through high school being taught in German by Roman Catholic nuns and mother is almost 100% Native American. I look as “white” as a slice of Wonder Bread except I “tan” a very deep red. Race just doesn’t matter to me. It’s character that counts. I have relatives in Georgia that are die-hard racists and Idaho is home to the Aryan Nations bunch as well as the Sword & Arm of the Lord crowd
Disgusting that a twisted segment of our society would do this.
1,466,465 people, of which 87% is White. Only 0.6% is Black.
Blacks make up around 13% of the US population.
Sounds like the Sooner fans are still bitter.
He’s no Denzel....whatever his color.
Why the abdolute dearth of white men with black women?
Utterly ridiculous. Some people never grow up.
I know very few white racists...almost none.
I don’t believe that not wishing to marry outside one’s race is racist.
When I grew up a racist was a supremacist.
It’s all beyond silly.
The pointy hat crowd was ridiculous then and the slathering petrified “I’m not racist crowd “ today is just as ridculous.
Folks should marry who they want and they should beable to choose who they wish not to marry as well even if that reason is not politically correct.
Down where I live I would bet that less than 1% of black-white relationships involve marriage and they are almost always black guy/white woman and serial by nature.
When it’s the reverse, it’s usually a better deal. Good looking mixed race mulatto woman of high culture and professional white guy. And no mulatto is not a bad word. I know some who call themselves that with pride in Haiti where it matters
maybe it’s different up north..
the thirst to find and exploit white racism is unsatable
They’re going to have adorable kids. Good luck to them both.
They’re a cute couple. If anything, I’m jealous. ha ha
I’d like to get married too.
God Bless these two young people and may their personal, family and professional success be plenty.
Sometimes I simply wonder if the extreme left is making these disgusting remarks and presentations to deter from the fact that their self serving, self indulgent ideologies are failing so miserably.
Idaho is a beautiful state with wonderful people, but it has its Aryan Nations Neanderthals.