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Wow, LA Times investigates Alibek and probably about times someone did. We've been pointing out his bizarre statements on the anthrax attacks for years here on FR.
1 posted on 07/01/2007 8:58:08 AM PDT by TrebleRebel
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To: Shermy; jpl; Mitchell; allen; Qwertrew


2 posted on 07/01/2007 8:58:45 AM PDT by TrebleRebel
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To: TrebleRebel
Alibek has won about $28 million in federal grants or contracts for himself or entities that hired him.


3 posted on 07/01/2007 9:01:16 AM PDT by mtbopfuyn (I think the border is kind of an artificial barrier - San Antonio councilwoman Patti Radle)
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To: TrebleRebel

Uh oh, Ed Lake is going to get really steamed at the L.A. Times now for attacking one of his most cherished sources of information about the anthrax.

6 posted on 07/01/2007 9:55:47 AM PDT by jpl
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To: TrebleRebel

At the end of April 2007, George Mason University made another decision that was felt by the biodefense students to severely impact the quality of their educational program. In response, a former university student who previously had access to and had retained copies of important documents decided to release some of those documents to the students. Since they are interesting, I am sending them to you so that the world can see more of this fascinating story.

Ann Workman

Letter from Ken Alibek resigning as Program Director

George Mason University
National Center for Biodefense
10900 University Blvd. MSN 4E3
Manassas, VA 20110
Tel. (703) 993-8545
Fax (703) 993-4288
June 17, 2005
Dr. Daniele Struppa
Dean - College of Arts and Sciences
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030

Dear Dr. Struppa,
Just over a month ago, you, Dr. Chandhoke, Dr. Bailey and I met to discuss the future of the Graduate Programs in Biodefense. The result of that meeting was that significant changes were to be made to the program beginning in the Fall 2005 semester. At the time a follow-up meeting was scheduled for a week later (then canceled) so that as a group we could finalize the changes that needed to be made. For weeks I have anxiously awaited the follow up to that meeting but I have heard nothing (I have not even received the courtesy of a response to my emails outlining my suggestions). I can only interpret this lack of attention as a lack of interest in the improvement of the program. The fall semester is two months away and there has been no word on exactly what the changes are and how they are to be implemented.

When the Graduate Programs in Biodefense were created they were based on what I believed to be a shared vision of what biodefense meant. For reasons still unclear to me, the College has decided to turn the program into something fundamentally different than what was originally intended and planned.

Over the past month I have tried to reconcile myself to these changes. As time passes, however, I am increasingly uncomfortable with the direction the program is taking and I am not comfortable directing the program. I can not jeopardize my credibility in order to appease those who have no understanding of what biothreat and biodefense are.
I have several specific concerns, the first of which is that the majority of our students already work in the fields of national and homeland security and/or chem/biodefense. These are experienced professionals who will neither be well served by, nor satisfied with a program that offers only a superficial survey of the field. In fact, these professionals already know much in the area of biodefense and came to this program to make their knowledge more sophisticated.

The issue of having a large number of appropriately trained experts in biodefense is more pressing than ever. The asymmetrical threat of bioterrorism is increasingly recognized by the U.S. government. The fact that 5-7 grams of anthrax powder sent through the mail in 2001 resulted in over $1 billion in decontamination costs alone clearly demonstrates how important this issue is.

My second concern is that dissolving the four concentrations completely does a great disservice to our current and future students. A microbiologist interested in medical biodefense has little interest in nonproliferation issues and vice versa. We’ve already witnessed such frustration when students take the core courses. The students with a life sciences background want more sophisticated scientific knowledge in the field of medical and engineering defense; while students with a policy background are more interested in biological warfare, bioterrorism threat, biodefense, and nonproliferation. At the very least, two concentrations – a science/technical and a science/non-technical – should be offered. Having the same course of study for these two diverse groups is not a good idea. I am deeply concerned about the viability of a program without at least these concentrations.

The third area of concern is regarding the decision to stop all admissions until the fall of 2006 -even though initially the decision was made to allow the continued admission of MS students. This inability to make decisions reflects poorly on the program, the College, and the University. Staff in the biodefense graduate program is bombarded daily by frustrated and even angry potential students – some in upper level positions within various government agencies and departments, asking for an explanation of such a hasty and unprofessional decision, but we have nothing to tell them because we have been told nothing.

There has been a complete shutdown in communication between the College, the NCBD administration, and the administration of the graduate programs in biodefense that I find both perplexing and frustrating. I am trying to resist the urge to assume that this lack of communication is indicative of the College’s level of commitment to the program and its 250+ students, but it is difficult find an alternative explanation.

Decisions are being made behind closed doors, leaving the program’s administration and staff increasingly worried. There is great concern over the fact that these decisions are being made without input from either the staff or from the students. Students were attracted to this program for specific reasons, to substantively change the program without their input is irresponsible and will be detrimental to the program. Our students came here to receive an education on how to best protect the country against a bioterrorist attack, which could cost many thousands of lives.

Unfortunately under such circumstances, I can no longer remain as the program’s director. I have chosen to step down as the director of the program effective July 1, 2005. I am deeply committed (and will continue to be) to the students and will continue to teach classes, advise students, and serve on committees but I can not continue as the program’s director and allow students to believe that I have either initiated or support these changes. In addition, I will gladly help the newly appointed director in whatever capacity my expertise is relevant.

I fully understand that as the program grows, changes will need to be made to keep it a thriving, productive, and profitable entity at George Mason University . However, the extreme nature of the changes that have been suggested severely damages the program to the point where I consider it irreparable. It is impossible for me to understand why someone would want to destroy this program when it distinguished George Mason University in this field from any other university in the world. This program is very close to my heart and I have dedicated several years working 12-16 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure the success of the program. I am still committed to its success, but I cannot stand idly by and watch it degrade into mediocrity.

Sincerely, Ken Alibek MD, PhD, ScD
Distinguished Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Dr. Peter Sterns
Dr. Vikas Chandhoke
Dr. Charles Bailey

Letter from Ken Alibek resigning his tenured faculty position

Dear Students,
In addition to my official letter of resignation, a copy of this letter I wrote for the students will be sent to President Merten, Provost Stearns, Dean Struppa, Dr. Chandhoke, and Dr. Bailey.

As you recall, last summer there were changes to the Biodefense program that I believe impacted the quality of your education and the security of the nation. As I could not support these changes (removal of courses necessary for in-depth education, loss of legitimate medical and engineering concentrations for students with catalogue rights, loss of concentrations for all students admitted Fall 2005 and later, termination of your educational support staff, and reduction of new admissions), I stepped down as Director but retained my faculty position at your request. Despite my strenuous objections over the last year, I have been unable to convince the administration of the importance of these classes that are so vital to an effective and proper Biodefense education. I know many students also complained to the administration about the changes however their efforts yielded the same null results as mine.

The seriousness of certain events (events of which you are unaware) that occurred after I protested the changes to your academic program last summer prompted me to seek resolution through the department administration, college administration, university administration, grievance committee, and the Board of Visitors but without any visible response. More recently I informed you that there were further changes within the administration that I couldn’t support and that I would begin negotiating the end of my employment with George Mason University . Though I kept the needs of the students foremost in my mind during these negotiations, the administration and I never agreed on terms. For example, I could not agree to the university’s request that I no longer permit students to seek my help as an advisor on Biodefense related matters.

Three long months ago, I filed a grievance concerning the changes to the academic program and the serious events that occurred after I protested those changes and the effects I believed they would have on the students and on national security. A couple of weeks ago, I received a belated reply that the grievance committee was scheduling a meeting for March 22nd however yesterday I received a new email from the grievance committee. The message essentially was that they were postponing the date of the meeting indefinitely and that the students planning to observe the proceedings were not welcome. I find the postponement of the meeting and the interference with students wishing to attend proceedings about their own educational program and futures unacceptable but not surprising.

It is with sadness that I must now inform you that I have decided to relinquish my position as tenured professor at George Mason University . I will continue teaching this semester however will be on vacation throughout the summer and will not be returning for classes in the Fall. My official date of resignation is August 27, 2006. Though I understand my absence will have some affect on the students, the Provost recently assured everyone of the University’s commitment and ability to provide education and dissertation support for all students. When I responded to the Provost about the letter he sent to the students, he said that I “was free to set up a meeting of (my) own, outside of class time, and discuss whatever (I) want to discuss (with the students)”. As your education and your futures are at stake, I would encourage all of you to attend the meeting with the Provost on March 20th to ensure that he is able to provide you with satisfactory answers to at least the following questions:
From what perspective is the program that existed from Fall of 2005 to current the same academic program that previously admitted students agreed to purchase?
In consideration of the numerous courses that have been cancelled, if there were sufficient courses remaining to satisfy student requirements, why are there so many students taking directed studies or directed research type classes?
How can the administration say that students admitted prior to Fall 2005 still have the option of legitimately obtaining a medical or engineering concentration when there is an insufficient number of units available to do so without having to substitute unrelated courses?
How come no new qualified faculty have been hired to teach essential Biodefense courses in the areas of:
Advanced Bacterial and Viral Threat Analysis
Advanced Response Training
Advanced Toxin, Chemical and Radiological Weapons DefenseTraining
Principles of Toxicology and Toxinology
Advanced Crisis and Consequence Management
Anti-crop and Anti-livestock Weapons Defense
Dispersal Patterns of BW Threat Agents in a Field Environment
Working within a Hot Zone
Regulations for Working Within the BSL3/BSL4 Environments
Advanced Epidemiology of a Bioterror Attack
Biodefense Technologies
Prophylaxis and Therapeutic Methods and Approaches to Development
Detection and Diagnostic Methods and Approaches to Development
Disinfection, Disinsection, and Deratization Methods and Approaches to Development
Table Top Exercises and Organization of Drills
Investigational Microbial Forensics
Principles and Methods of Nonproliferation of Chemical and Biological Weapons
Export Controls
Open Source and All Source Analysis of Biological Weapons and Related Technologies
Principles of Biological and Chemical Weapon Attack Surveillance
Medical Response to Large Scale Chemical and biological Weapons Attacks
And many others
How will the current faculty who are trained in laboratory based sciences be able to assist students with their non lab-based dissertations in a field outside their expertise
If I am a member of your committee and you will not be graduating this semester, I encourage you to actively seek those individuals who will now assist you through what remains of your education and dissertations. I am sorry that all of my efforts on your behalf over the last year have been unsuccessful and regret to inform you that I have exhausted all options open to me through the university. Though there is nothing left I can do for you, do take notice that you were able to attract the attention of the Provost when you united to defend your education. It has been a pleasure working with you and I wish you every success in the future.
Ken Alibek

Excerpts from student letter prepared for Grievance Committee hearing

Dear Grievance Committee;
This composition will serve two functions: an elaboration of detail that I will present verbally and a written complaint from a Biodefense student. I have excluded names of students to protect their identities however will furnish them to the members of the committee in exchange for a written, actionable, personal guarantee of confidentiality from all members of the committee. Before providing the names of the students, my attorney will draft the appropriate agreement to be signed by all members of the committee.

In order for you to truly appreciate the depth of my conviction as I appear before you today, you must understand the personal cost I will incur as a result… I knowingly yield this award to serve the principles of justice and to give voice to my fellow students long silenced by fear of retaliation from members of the faculty and the administration.

For me, today represents the culmination of a long fight to preserve what was a very unique and necessary educational program. I started fighting for my contractual rights last summer when I spent thirteen hours carefully drafting my “letter of concern” before providing a signed copy to Dr. Alibek and another to a member of the administration I will just call “administrator”…

It is important for you to know what events took place after I submitted the letter… The administrator who received a copy of my letter of concern had a closed door meeting with a member of the faculty (I’ll just call this person “faculty”) in a very thin-walled office adjacent to mine. I could hear their conversation through the wall... I could also hear them discussing how best to approach me.

Faculty came into my office about one hour later (Having overheard the conversation, I had been waiting). Faculty wanted to discuss my work in the laboratory and said that it wasn’t acceptable. Faculty then said that if I wanted to stay in the lab that I would need to stop taking courses and stop working with Dr. Alibek...This manipulative attempt was completely expected after overhearing the conversation.

Students have seen some bewildering occurrences:
Students became suspicious when the education staff that was so vital to the students was eliminated for an unannounced reason.
One of Dr. Alibek’s student’s dissertation was jeopardized when the student didn’t request a human subject research waiver even though he wasn’t doing research on human subjects. Since the situation was so preposterous, suspicion of targeting Dr. Alibek’s students was further aroused
I have been approached on two different occasions with warnings from a student:
First warning was not to get too close to Dr. Alibek as he has really made some people angry and “retribution” was coming
Second warning was that I had really angered some people. I said that I wasn’t worried about a few angry students because they didn’t have the power to hurt me. The individual then indicated to me that it wasn’t the students, that these people had the power to hurt me. I responded that individual was then talking about administrators or faculty but even they lacked sufficient power. The individuals parting comment was for me to be careful.

Excerpts of letter submitted by Ken Alibek to Board of Visitors (regulatory body above the University President) requesting internal investigation of university practices

Dear members of the Board of Visitors;
My name is Dr. Ken Alibek. I am currently a distinguished and tenured professor at George Mason University where I have worked to establish a number of biodefense activities for the benefit of the university and the nation. Specific benefits include a new biodefense graduate program with more than 250 students, millions of dollars in new contracts with the federal government, and development of the Regional Biocontainment Lab concept. Unfortunately I must inform you that I am now considering the terms of my resignation from the university because I have witnessed a highly disturbing lack of scientific, educational, and moral values, values that are integral to the credibility of any university.

I have been diligently working since July 2005 to bring my very serious concerns to the highest levels within the university but they have yet to be officially addressed by the President, Provost, or Dean of the College of Arts and Science. The irregularities I have extensively described previously pose a serious threat to the reputation and credibility of the university and need to be addressed by the Board of Visitors as soon as possible. The most serious threats to the university include…

Esteemed members of the Board, the items listed above are only a few examples of the “irregularities” I have brought to the attention of university officials… I strongly encourage the Board of Visitors to open an internal investigation as soon as possible to prevent George Mason University from enduring the public embarrassment experienced by some other universities recently.

Mason has discord with another leading scientist regarding questionable practices at the University

Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 13:39:31 -0400
Subject: NCBID issue
Dear Dr. Alan Merten,

In an email from December 14th, 2006, sent to Dr. Bailey with a copy to you, I have described my concerns about the questionable practices and conduct of experiments at the National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases (NCBID), some of which where ordered by the US government.

I have experienced these problems firsthand and I feel that it is my duty to see that this problem is resolved. It is not my concern that speaking up against this conduct prevented me from receiving a position at NCBID, but the fact that concealment of this information from the clients is fraudulent and unethical. I have not received a response from either you or Dr. Bailey as of yet. Please, let me know what actions were taken or you are planning to take to address these problems, and if the customers were informed of this situation.

Vladimir Vinnitsky

The original letter written by Vladimir Vinnitsky 14th December, 2006:

Dear Dr. Bailey:

It has been to my great disappointment, to be asked to leave NCBID. Yet it is not the fact itself, but the fashion in which it has been done and the surrounding circumstances, that are the greatest source of my discontent. In this letter I will share my perspective on the true nature of factors which ultimately led to my dismissal. There were three reasons which moved me to do so. First of all, I was referred to you by Dr. Lance Liotta, M.D., Ph.D. and Dr. Emanuel Petricoin, Ph.D., whom I have been honored to have successfully worked with at the NIH and whose opinions I value greatly. Secondly, as a renowned published scientist, with vast experience I simply cannot silently accept false accusation of professional incompetence. Finally, as a professional I feel obligated to bring to your attentions the questionable practices which I have faced while working at NCBID, and which in my honest opinion may ultimately compromise the success of your organization.

September 2006, you have offered me to join NCBID, first as an expert in the field of in vivo studies, then within a year move on to oversee a temporary animal facility Biosafety Level-2 Laboratory, and going forward Regional Biosafety Level-3 Laboratory. I gladly accepted your offer and submitted the necessary paperwork, which I was told would take about three weeks to process. In the mean while, Dr. Popov asked me to assist him with the execution of an already designed experiment, as per lack of in vivo experts on his team. Even though I had previous commitments, I agreed to provide my expertise as a part-time contractor. I carried out my part of project strictly adhering to the protocol.

After 8 days of working at NCBID I was given three days to design a new experiment titled Role of Syndecan1 in B. anthracis (Sterne) infection of DBA/2 mice even though I made it very clear that I had no previous experience in this field. I worked 14-hour days including Saturday and Sunday studying publications on anthrax and pathogenic role of syndecan1 in B. anthracis infection to produce the design of new experiment on time and in accordance with the title of the project. Dr. Popov never discussed or even mentioned my design and instead proposed and approved his own design on investigation focused mainly on toxic effect of heparin. Even though I had limited expertise in this specific area of study, relying on my vast experience with in vivo experiments I pointed out the following flaws of the approved design: 1) since heparin is not a shed syndecan1 the design would not adhere to the title of the project or tell us anything about the role of shed syndecan1 in pathogens is of anthrax infectious; 2) the experiment would produce no new information on heparin’s toxic effect in toxic doses, since it was already thoroughly researched by other scientists in the past; 3) as part of the experiment design mice would be injected with B. anthracis preincubated with heparin and protamine sulfate, however the bacteria would not be tested for viability in vitro, thus the experiment could not produce valid data. 4) a limited number of mice (95) and a large number of groups (15) could not produce statistically significant data. Considering all these flaw of the experiment design I suggested that the experiment would produce no new or useful information and would be a waste of time and funds. Dr. Popov disregarded my comments and approved his own design. As I predicted the experiment failed. I was dismissed 5 days before I was scheduled to present on the findings of this experiment.

Even though I was initially invited to only assist on a single in vivo project and at that time had not even been officially hired as a full time employee, I was assigned 3 other major projects:
1. Design of a commercial project on the investigation of Effectiveness of Olive Leaf Extract /Oleuropein for treatment of B. anthracis infectious.
2. Design of in vivo experiments in accordance with the project Use toll-like receptors as potential targets for specific and broad-spectrum protection against several biological weapons.
3. Development of animal model for gastro-intestinal anthrax infectious.

I was given three days to research and prepare a design for the project on using the Oleuropein for treatment of the B. anthracis infectious. I was working to present the project on time, but did not get a chance to do so as I was dismissed the day before the presentation was due.

Concurrently, I was working on the design of the experiments for the project titled Use toll-like receptors as potential targets for specific and broad-spectrum protection against several biological weapons. I was instructed by Dr. Popov to design the experiment to be biased to produce a conclusion that toll-like receptors are ineffective against anthrax, as the project had already been paid for by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and he needed to close it as quickly as possible with minimal expenses. I made it clear to him that I could not accept such instructions and that I would proceed to design the experiment properly. Again I was fired before I had a chance to present my work.

To summarize, I successfully completed my part of the project that I was initially invited to participate in. I agreed to design 4 additional projects, before I had even been officially hired, which were never acknowledged, discussed or reviewed. I was dismissed before I had a chance to present any of the projects that I had been assigned and worked extremely hard on, on very tight deadlines. So, you dismissed me on the grounds of insufficient performance, yet did not even bother to verify Dr. Popov’s accusations to discover that none of my work had ever been reviewed allowing to make any sort of conclusion about my performance. At the same time I’m led to realize that Dr. Popov had alternate motivations in getting rid of me.

I would also like to bring to your attention blatant disregard for animal facility safety SOP which I observed during my work under Dr. Popov’s supervision. One of PI’s direct responsibilities is to provide training to his personnel involved in their projects using animals. Dr. Popov failed to do so completely. Considering the fact that the laboratory deals with experiments on infected animals, lack of SOP safety training puts the staff in real danger. Infected animal necropsy had often been performed outside of a laminar flow hood risking contamination. An incident took place when one of the untrained staff a member was bitten by a B. anthracis (Sterne) infected mouse. Fortunately in this case the mouse was infected with a benign strain. In contrast, when working at NIH, even my 30-year experience of working in animal testing facilities did not exempt me from taking a test on animal safety Emanuel, before I was cleared to work with animals.

In conclusion, I believe that it is obvious that my professional incompetence had nothing to do with my dismissal from NCBID. I hope that this incident will not reflect poorly on my reputation in Dr. Lance Liotta’s and Dr. Petricoin’s eyes. I also hope that my comments will be useful in uncovering and dealing with the problems present at your Laboratory.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest regrets that I did not get the opportunity to apply my knowledge, experience and effort to establish a temporary animal facility Biosafety Level-2 Laboratory and in perspective Regional Biosafety Level-3 Laboratory, which is what I had primarily been hired for. On the completion of my hiring process, I was ready to present to you a plan of implementation for establishing temporary animal facility, including paper work in compliance with Animal care and Use Regulations and Policies, Animal Care and Use Guidelines, Animal Care and Use training, SOPs, and other regulations to establish topnotch facilities.

Vladimir Vinnitsky, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

10 posted on 07/05/2007 9:05:15 PM PDT by Ann Workman
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To: Battle Axe


34 posted on 07/10/2007 10:42:37 AM PDT by girlangler (Fish Fear Me)
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To: KylaStarr; Cindy; StillProud2BeFree; nw_arizona_granny; Velveeta; Dolphy; appalachian_dweller; ...

Alibek, ping

71 posted on 07/11/2007 1:47:37 PM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: TrebleRebel

Amazing thread. Everything I wanted to know about BioDefense, but was afraid to ask.
Bump to all posters.....

116 posted on 07/12/2007 12:28:34 PM PDT by ScreamingFist (Annihilation - The result of underestimating your enemies. NRA)
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To: TrebleRebel

If you want to read the other side of the story — written in response to the LA Times article that started this thread — you can download

“Getting to Know the Real Ken Alibek”

along with a

“Brief Biography Ken Alibek”

at the new website created for the purpose.

153 posted on 07/15/2007 10:49:23 AM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: TrebleRebel

Kamal Habib, quoted by the Washington Post in today’s article, wrote for Assirat, for which GMU’s Al-Timimi was on the Advisory board.

Then he contributed to Al-Manar Jadeed, IANA’s quarterly journal (in Arabic), as did many distinguished Islamic Jihad and Islamic Group deep thinkers.

They debated all these issues in a running dialogue from 1998 to 2001.

IANA’s webmaster Sami al-Hussayen once pleaded by email that Al-Manar Jadeed was out of control, printing what they wanted and then sending IANA the bill, while risking getting IANA officials in trouble (which then, in fact, happened).

For example, IANA websites published a fatwa in June 2001 saying it was a duty to kill as many as possible, such as by flying a plane into a building.

IANA websites prominently distributed the views of Sheik al-Hawali who was working closely with both Sami and with GMU microbiologist Ali Al-Timimi.

Egyptian Extremist Rewriting Rationale For Armed Struggle
Jailhouse Dissent Seen as Challenge to Al-Qaeda
By Ellen Knickmeyer
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, July 15, 2007; Page A18

“Jihad today is no longer a religious idea. It’s a political idea, a protest against U.S. activities,” said Allam, the retired state security director, sitting on his flower-lined patio next to the Mediterranean, his words accompanied by the crash of waves notorious for their undertow. “The whole world has to do revisions.”

Upon the renunciation of violence against civilians, up to 5,000 Egyptian Islamic Jihad members stand to be released.

If Ayman had tactical sense, he would relent to the revision and target only combatants (as provided for by the hadiths) or else the same 5,000 will simply be scooped up again. As Ali used to say, there needed to be a fiqh, an interpretation of the islamic jurisprudence relating to the conduct of warfare, suitable for the time.

It was Cairo attorney Mamdouh Ismail, who attempted to found a different islamist party at the same time IANA writer Kamal Habib did, who was arrested in later March 2007. He was the one who volunteered to represent the expert in functionalized polymers. Attorney Ismail is being held incommunicado.

Along with the capture of al-Hadi, Zawahiri’s chief aide, who is knowledgeable about Project Zabadi, the arrest of Mamdouh Ismail potentially puts Amerithrax investigation in a radically new footing.

154 posted on 07/15/2007 11:32:34 AM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: TrebleRebel

Another 2006 biodefense PhD thesis supervised by Dr. Alibek is by Dustin R. Razsi, Ph.D., Senior Intelligence Officer for Weapons of Mass Destruction
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It is titled “The ability of intelligence to prevent domestic bioterrorism.”

For starters, check out the section on Amerithrax and also the section on access to the pathogen at a culture repository. “ [O]vert human intelligence collection from non-traditional sources” is DHS code for FreeRepublic. ; )

Dr. Razsi joined the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2004 and
currently serves as the Senior Intelligence Officer for Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD) in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at DHS
Headquarters. He advises the DHS Chief Intelligence Officer and other senior
officials on WMD matters and directs the intelligence analysis and production on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive weapons topics, as well as public health security issues. He coordinates DHS’ WMD intelligence efforts across the DHS Intelligence Enterprise, the Intelligence Community, and the Interagency.

Prior to joining DHS, Dr. Razsi designed and executed medical preparedness and response exercises for domestic and international audiences on behalf of The Surgeon General of the Army. Dr. Razsi previously also held positions within the Intelligence Community focusing on foreign biological weapons programs and served as a nonproliferation policy analyst for the Department of the Army, handling biosecurity, the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention protocol negotiations, and chemical demilitarization. Dr. Razsi began his career conducting immunology research at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Dr. Razsi is an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Molecular and Microbiology at George Mason University, where he teaches biodefense science and policy.

An abstract:

After the anthrax letter attacks of 2001 and subsequent revelations of al-
Qa’ida’s intent to acquire and use biological weapons there has been much
activity in biodefense, almost exclusively in the areas of preparedness and
response. However, it has been said that the best defense is a good offense. A system that relies on early warning and improved response will not prevent a bioterrorist attack; in order to stop an event before it occurs, an effort must
be made to pursue potential bioterrorists and identify, disrupt, and prevent
future bioterrorist attacks.

Intelligence is the primary means by which the U.S. Government identifies
terrorist plans and activities, therefore a review of intelligence capabilities
directed against the domestic bioterrorist threat is valuable in determining
gaps in bioterrorism prevention. Although there has been significant review of foreign intelligence activities against weapons of mass destruction, there has been no public review of how best to position and build intelligence resources specifically for the domestic bioterrorist threat. This dissertation first analyzes the likelihood of domestic bioterrorism and builds the case for an evolving bio-threat from actors based in the United States. Next, U.S. intelligence and law enforcement policies, programs, and collection
capabilities are reviewed to determine the level of effort and effectiveness in
preventing domestic bioterrorist threats. This study finds that U.S. anti-
bioterrorism policies and programs neglect domestic preventive measures yet
international efforts focus heavily on such issues. Case studies of past
biological weapons targets reveal that traditional intelligence and law
enforcement methods are ill-suited to identify and prevent acts of domestic
bioterrorism. This study recommends a shift from a national strategy of
“biodefense” to a more comprehensive “counter-bioterrorism” approach to include a domestic bio-intelligence capability. Specific recommendations include new concepts for domestic collection of biological intelligence, creation of a biosecurity inspection organization, and overt human intelligence collection from non-traditional sources.

The full-text is available for you to read if your local library has access
to ProQuest Dissertation.

155 posted on 07/15/2007 5:55:03 PM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: TrebleRebel; jpl; EdLake; Badabing Badablonde; Biodefense student

Dr. Razsi’s 2006 thesis, supervised by Ken Alibek, considers domestic terrorism to include the pursuit, [etc]. or use against humans in the United States. For the purposes of his study, domestic bioterrorism can be perpetrated by U.S. Persons or non-U.S. persons located within the United States.

This was always a common mistaken Mr. Lake made — he would seize on Ari Fleischer’s use of the word ‘domestic” and ignore Attorney Ashcroft’s explanation of how the term was being used.

Dr. Razsi explains:

“”Not all bioterrorists work in a laboratory or have access to dangerous pathogens. Several of the measures recommended focus on biohazardous facilities because the nexus of people and pathogens is a critical vulnerability and possibly a rich information source that currently is untapped. However, intelligence can be collected from a variety of sources, including academia and the private sector, for those who do not have access to pathogens still pose a bioterrorist threat. Such persons are the ‘locals’ and have the best feel for detecting odd situations that ‘don’t feel right ‘... — they are accustomed to the culture and nuances of daily life and better at separating suspicious activity from normal occurrences.

The importance of this reporting stream cannot be underestimated. In 2003, CBS News reported on al-Qa’ida’s efforts to pursue B anthracis — as a biological weapon. A top al-Qa’ida planner, Hambali allegedly was pursuing development of a biological weapons laboratory and recruited Yazid Sufaat — a member of al-Qa-ida affiliate group Jema Islamyah. According to media reporting, Sufaat obtained a degree in chemistry and laboratory science from California State University at Sacramento. Although Sufaat reportedly has been captured by Malaysian authorities, this information demonstrates the possibility that future terrorists could be studying in U.S. universities or working in the U.S. biotechnology sector and could use their knowledge for malicious purposes. Sufaat was a foreigner but future actors could be U.S. Persons.”

“There are dozens of examples in which U.S.-based students, scientists, or medical personnel exploited their positions and attempted or succeeded acquiring, developing, or using biological weapons. Given these cases it is important to have an open channel to the front line observers — professors, technicians, managers, and others who have information of importance.”

“By making individuals aware of signs they should watch for and how to report them, we elicit overt, voluntary human intelligence from a nationwide network that already is in place and knowledgeable. No government agency could cover that much territory nor would it be tolerated by the scientific and academic communities.”

I first identified Yazid Sufaat as an anthrax lab tech in March 2002. Ed gave his usual unthinking rebuttal, using the “conspiracy theory” and “true believer” ad hominem labels. (It spares him any critical analysis of the facts). His argument against Al Qaeda being responsible is that the hijackers were dead, dead, dead.

In November 2002, the FBI first interviewed Yazid.

President Bush says they didn’t realize his central role in Zabadi until after Hambali were captured in 2003. Then his assistants Barq and Wahdan were captured.

Tenet says Sufaat wrapped up his work in the Summer and briefed Ayman and Hambali over the course of a week. He says Zabadi, the anthrax weaponization program, was compartmentalized at the highest level.

That’s what I told the CIA about Ayman’s anthrax program in December 2001 and we’re still talking about First Graders five years later. Personally, I think the suppression of information relates partly because DARPA doesn’t want to take the hit for allowing a hardline Salafist, who had a high level security clearance relating to bioinformatics work, access to a DARPA funded Center for Biodefense. I don’t bother to call it a cover-up. I just urge that if the FBI and CIA doesn’t bring this is to a close, they risk having to explain the next 9/11 to some pretty upset folks.

And if the GMU Biodefense threat assessment folks are clueless about al-Timimi because he was a few years ahead of them, how the heck do they think they are going to pierce the networking that led to the folks recruited by Ayman and Atef?

157 posted on 07/16/2007 9:08:18 AM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: TrebleRebel

Bin Laden’s video is being held until 9/11 — an anniversary date. When Ayman release a video on October 7, 2001 (October 6 here), no one publicly explained the anniversary, even though it was hugely important for profiling the anthrax mailings.

Expert Michael Scheuer, formerly with the CIA, has said that Al Qaeda does not plan attacks around important dates, so far as the CIA can glean. But take Ayman at his word when he says he at least plans some of his messages around anniversaries, as he did by sending anthrax on the date of the Camp David Accord and the related Sadat assassination (Armed Forces Day).

Analysts should pay special heed to the terms dar al-harb (abode of war), dar al-salam (bode of peace) and dar al-’ahd (abode of the treaty). The religious doctrines were applied to the relationships between Islamic and non-Islamic countries. What the anti-war supporters do not realize is that the central belief of these Salafists is that Israel must be destroyed and there can be no peace with Israel. The Camp David Accords are central to the beef they have with the US. The Salafists are not at all peace-loving. The invasion of Iraq just played perfectly into Bin Laden’s hands.

Just as Zawahiri’s thinking on weaponizing anthrax was gaining traction in emails to Atef in the Spring of 1999, the Vanguards invoked an anniversary relating to the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty and issued a statement marking its 20th anniversary. The group said at the time it was reiterating its enmity toward the US and Israel to mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the treaty in March 1979. Signed on March 26, 1979, the Egypt-Israel peace treaty was a direct result of the Camp David Peace Accords, signed in September 1978. The statement was issued by the Vanguards of Conquest spokesman Al-Sirri, who was in touch with US Post Office employee Sattar in Brooklyn.

Ayman also issued messages in 2004 on the third anniversary of 9/11 and then in 2005 on the third anniversary of the transfer of prisoners to Guantanamo. He said: “These days we are marking three years since the transportation of the first group of Muslim prisoners was sent to the Guantanamo prison ... “ The Vanguards of Conquest did the same thing in the late 1990s.

The first round of letters was sent to ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Post, and the publisher of the National Enquirer and Sun. Letters were sent to Senators Daschle and Leahy in a second batch, using a much more highly refined product. The letters to the news organizations were mailed — coincidentally or not — on September 17 or September 18, either the day the Camp David Accord was signed in 1978 or the next day when it was approved by the Israeli knesset. Abdel-Rahman, the blind sheik, in the early 1980s, said: “We reject Camp David and we regret the normalization of relations with Israel. We also reject all the commitments that were made by the traitor Sadat, who deviated from Islam.” He continued: “As long as the Camp David Agreement stands, this conflict between us and the government will continue.”

The CIA and FBI analysts should pore over translations over the journal Al-Manar Jadeed published by the Ann Arbor-based Islamic Assembly of North America from 1998 - 2002 by writers based in Cairo. It mainly concerned Egyptian politics and planned the strategy based on all that had ever gone on before.

574 posted on 09/07/2007 11:34:53 AM PDT by ZacandPook
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To: All
I wonder if 7,183+ views to a thread is some kind of record.

What about 606 messages?

608 posted on 09/10/2007 7:44:52 AM PDT by EdLake
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To: TrebleRebel; Fedora


673 posted on 01/12/2022 8:02:38 PM PST by piasa (Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge)
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