June 16, 2007
READ: Ephesians 1:3-12
He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him. Ephesians 1:4
My dad was the most important person in my world when I was a boy. He was a respected pastor, a good preacher, and a kind and gentle leader. His gifts were recognized by several boards on which he served. Wheaton College rewarded his service to Christ with an honorary doctorate. People often said, Oh, youre Joe Stowells son or introduced me as the son of Dr. Stowell. I was proud of my dad and was so honored to be his son that, for years, being known as his child was my source of significance.
Thats but a glimpse of what it means to be satisfied with the significance that comes from our position as a child of the King. Because of Gods great love for us, He adopted us as His sons and daughters (Eph. 1:5). There is no greater honor. No material possession, fame, power, or position can compare. When we embrace this reality, we are set free from the temptation to manufacture and manipulate our own significance.
Those who are in Christ have significance in Him. We can rejoice because we are called by His name. He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world (v.4). When we belong to the King of kings, we need no other bragging rights!
I Took a Pic of Some Kind of Blue Flowers Here on my Shepherd-King's Ranch about a Week Ago, and Plan to Post it Tomorrow Morning or Evening as a Lord's Day Offering to our King. I Made a Frame for it, and Thank you Again (and Thank you, Sweet Billie) for Helping me to Learn to Do this.
May God's Blessings Surround you. (Col.4:18)