No, the article doesn't talk about that at all. What the hell are you reading? The article is talking about illegals stealing the social security numbers of the elderly (and others). Although another article today talked about illegals getting welfare and other bennies BECAUSE they stole the numbers.
And millions of us pay into accounts we'll never collect on.
You don't know anything about income taxes do you? You just think since they're paying into your social security all is well.
If they use your number, they are qualifying for earned income credit, they even get more out than they paid in.
You must know that the US is seeking to establish Social Security Totalization with Mexico.
Please refer to the following:
from the article:
“Legal status = clean slate. Social Security permits foreign nationals to work many years illegally with one or more fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers, acquire legal status (e.g. through an amnesty or marriage to a U.S. citizen), obtain a valid SSN, and then request that his or her prior earnings credits be moved to the new number.
At that point SSA must do painstaking research to extract the earnings records accumulated using fictitious or fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers. Often those records reside in an Earnings Suspense File (ESF) that is used when wages cannot be posted to earners records because of name and number mismatches. As of July 2002 the ESF contained wage items totaling about $374 billion. Figure 1 depicts the enormous growth of the Earnings Suspense File in the last two decades, coincident with massive illegal immigration to the United States.
Other times the former illegal workers earnings credits reside on a SSN record assigned to another individual. This occurs when the illegal worker has committed identity theft by not just stealing a Social Security number but also appropriating the proper owners name as well.
The illegals slate is wiped clean and all the years worked under one or more fraudulent numbers and/or identities are counted toward the 10 years it takes to vest for full Social Security benefits based upon ones earning history.21
In so doing, the SSA ignores the fact that document fraud and identity theft are felonies that can result in prison sentences if committed by an American citizen.”
See also:
>>The article is talking about people paying taxes into the accounts, not stealing the payments.<<<
No, the article is talking about identity theft and fraud. You can put as much lipstick on that pig as you want, but it’s still going to squeal when you smack it in the rear.
The article is also talking about enabling people to stay here illegally and drain community and local resources. To steal from hospitals, use public facilities, and drive down the wages of those who would normally be living and working there.
Bottomline: if you or I did this, we’d be in jail.
(And what if they took those forged social security numbers and ran someone’s credit score through the mud?)
Really? I could swear it was talking about IDENTITY THEFT...A FELONY.
On top of that, if they have a SS #, they file for earned income credit, which pays them more than anything paid into social securty.
The article talks about stealing social security numbers, or other legal alien documents for the purpose of commiting fraud, whether the users pay into the SSA system or not. Fraud is considered an act of felony at the State and Federal level.
For a discussion of Oregon identity theft and the law go here:
BTW, the City of Portland is a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. (Source:
Pretend your ss# is 123-45-6789. Say one of them is using your social security number and they earn $20,000. DelMonte reports to the government that social security number 123-45-6789 earned $20,000. When you neglect to report this $20,00 in income the IRS is going to come looking for you.