1 posted on
06/13/2007 1:34:57 PM PDT by
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To: radar101
Pitch all politicians out of office...they are all crooks and scammers. They all have a bad case of the Me, Me, Me’s the heck with the will of the people.
71 posted on
06/13/2007 2:52:38 PM PDT by
To: radar101
The favorable portrait of honest and hard-working illegal immigrants who simply want to feed their families was shattered when federal agents arrested dozens of undocumented workers using dead and elderly Americans Social Security numbers along with previously deported criminals at an Oregon food processing plant.Oh, please, like there aren't Americans doing this every day, already!
72 posted on
06/13/2007 2:54:06 PM PDT by
To: radar101
124 posted on
06/13/2007 3:44:48 PM PDT by
(How about "Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement," for a change)
To: radar101
Was listening to Hannity on XM and a caller suggested that no illegals in the country currently would ever get citizenship....BRILLENT!
125 posted on
06/13/2007 3:45:50 PM PDT by
(Hoping my 'carbon footprint' has crushed a few liberals)
To: radar101
America, America why not an adherence to thy law!
Other nations do it, Are we just leaving the door open as a death wish?
or leadership's death wish?
This invitation is to an assured fact 'open borders' may create major boom, booms going off (I hope never), now why again must I live in a more dangerous America, because someone is waving a carrot called 'amnesty'
Our own intelligence has mentioned but knows not time nor place, or plan
as is the way of .......I apologize is can't be defined.
it goes as an honorable mention
but then dear Lord I don't think anyone thought we would be here in a short (less than 10 years) time.
Then we have congress and the president attempting to throw the US of A away.....?!
or is the situation so crazed and suffering the same fate as other perishables.....
as you might be an illegal if you don't wait in line to have an offer (criminal or illegal) before an offer is presented as an actual coerced anomaly that the illegal offers no intent?
and believe it or not the aforementioned is the point argued by those arguing for and on behalf of the illegals.
I know now that I've argued successfully for their rights and guarantees, as given under the Constitution to those citizens (people) will be the cry of my leaders?
I best STFU or someone will be down on my head....LOL
141 posted on
06/13/2007 4:19:19 PM PDT by
(God Bless Our Men and Women in Uniform, Our Heroes.)
To: radar101
10 years if I do it.
Amnesty if you’re illegal.
Funny system...
149 posted on
06/13/2007 5:12:00 PM PDT by
(Fred Thompson....IMWITHFRED.COM)
To: 1_Inch_Group; 2sheep; 2Trievers; 3AngelaD; 3pools; 3rdcanyon; 4Freedom; 4ourprogeny; 7.62 x 51mm; ..
To: radar101
153 posted on
06/13/2007 6:06:08 PM PDT by
(The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction)
To: radar101
He immediately issued a written statement expressing his anger and referring to the illegal immigrants as Portland residents.
"Undocumented Americans" sounds much better. That's what Sen. Harry Reid calls them
154 posted on
06/13/2007 6:08:40 PM PDT by
(The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction)
To: radar101
I am sure they only raiding the companies who don’t donate to the KINGS in DC...
155 posted on
06/13/2007 6:10:34 PM PDT by
eeevil conservative
To: radar101
159 posted on
06/13/2007 8:44:09 PM PDT by
(Fred Thompson/John Bolton 2008)
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