Posted on 06/08/2007 6:27:40 AM PDT by IrishMike
HEILIGENDAMM, Germany (Reuters) - You can stop staring hopefully at that phone, Bono. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will not be calling.
The Irish rock star turned poverty activist met U.S. President George W. Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines of a Group of Eight summit but was told Harper was too busy to talk to him.
Harper, a somewhat wooden figure regularly mocked for his lack of flair, told reporters on Thursday that meeting Bono was not a priority.
"I've got to say that meeting celebrities isn't kind of my shtick, that was the shtick of the previous guy," said Harper in a dig at his Liberal predecessor Paul Martin, who met Bono regularly.
"I hope we do it at some point but my principle focus in public policies is not kind of to meet celebrities," added the prime minister, a Conservative.
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Wow! He deserves a standing O. :) Love the slap at the previous leader as well. “That was the schtick of the previous leader.” hehehe.
What??!! Doesn’t want to listen to the wisdom of some guy who can sing a little??? Woo.
That’s too bad. Speaking with Bono would have validated his existence.
Wow. This guy has... Oh my God, what did we used to call them, back in the day.... oh, yeah... PRIORITIES!!
Bono is always making demands of US. When will he start demanding that the African countries take care of their corruption? Why is it always only one side which is accountable, and not the other?
I think Bono is an example of an actual, well-intentioned liberal. The guy really does mean well. He is talented, and giving of his time and money, regardless of what appears to be an enormous ego. He is just simply an idiot when it comes to politics and economics.
I suspect that a lot of liberal politicians just want to meet celebs for their own self rather than for what the celebs have to say..........
“Irish” rockstar? Shouldn’t he be called Irish-Dutch immigrant? He moved to shelter his income.
Nice of him to ask other nations to wave debt.
They ALL mean well. The problem is their simplistic mentality won't allow them to see the results of their feel-good intentions. That, coupled with their desire to be loved by everybody, and especially their "friends" in the industry, makes for a pretty picture and a good press write-up............
dont care for his politics or music but at least the guy puts his money where his mouth is.
When Bonovia has an embassy here, an ambassador, a foriegn minister, or other international diplomatic channel, he can schedule a meeting. If he’s an aging rockstar who fancies himself an international power broker, he can go pound sand.
A thousand yucks and a few sniggers thrown in for good measure.
You just have to love Stephen Harper, he has the sharpest wit on the world stage!
I’m not sure most of them really do mean well. By that I mean they don’t really give a crap about helping people, they just want to make themselves feel better. Then there are those who just want to exercise power to make things the way they want them. They dress that up to look and sound like caring and compassion. I used to think most leftists meant well, but were merely misguided. I now think that is a minority.
>>I think Bono is an example of an actual, well-intentioned liberal. The guy really does mean well.<<
Yeah, it’s easy to to mean well with other people’s money. If this guy meant well, he wouldn’t have moved his company to the Netherlands to avoid high taxes.
BTW, CNN’s reporter at the G-8, Ed Henry was bemoaning the fact that.....get this...that the Bush/Putin fuss was OVERSHADOWING BONO AND HIS ISSUE!!!
The reporter really, really, did say that.
Please everyone, I beg you, destroy CNN.
Was probably thinking to himself, “Bono went with the FORMER Treasury Secretary to Africa, and look what happened to that guy!”
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