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To: Gulf War One
2 posted on
06/07/2007 6:19:34 AM PDT by
Travis McGee
(--- ---)
To: Gulf War One
God bless and encourage the courageous and honorable among those less so.
3 posted on
06/07/2007 6:21:43 AM PDT by
The Spirit Of Allegiance
(Public Employees: Honor Your Oaths! Defend the Constitution from Enemies--Foreign and Domestic!)
To: Gulf War One
Do we know the time? Late last evening Durban offered to move the vote to 4PM. But it was objected to by Cornyn, I believe, as no assurance were given to get all pending bills, even those filed but not “up” (I forget his word) before voting.
5 posted on
06/07/2007 6:22:33 AM PDT by
(I'm not a judge and there ain't enough of me to be a jury. (Zell Miller, A National Party No More))
To: Gulf War One
Please contact your senators and congressmen and provide feedback. allows you to send emails; Numbers USA has some great info too. Call/email/fax them if you oppose this travesty of a bill.
If you have positive feedback, please call them and thank them. I just called Sen. Sessions’ DC office and conveyed my gratitude. I also told the lady that I’ll contribute to Sen. Sessions’ campaign fund in the future.
6 posted on
06/07/2007 6:22:51 AM PDT by
To: Gulf War One
9 posted on
06/07/2007 6:25:24 AM PDT by
To: Gulf War One
10 posted on
06/07/2007 6:25:36 AM PDT by
(Duncan Hunter for President, 2008!!)
To: Gulf War One
The amnesty bill must not pass!
I wonder what congress’ approval will be if this gets passed. It’s already in the tank.
To: gubamyster; Cacique; HiJinx; pissant; Paperdoll; AuntB
14 posted on
06/07/2007 6:26:25 AM PDT by
Ultra Sonic 007
(Why vote for Duncan Hunter in 2008? Look at my profile.)
To: Gulf War One
1-800-417-7666. (English number) will direct you right to your Senators . . . please tell them you oppose this bill.
17 posted on
06/07/2007 6:28:42 AM PDT by
Greg F
To: Gulf War One
24 posted on
06/07/2007 6:33:27 AM PDT by
(I'm not a judge and there ain't enough of me to be a jury. (Zell Miller, A National Party No More))
To: Gulf War One
I have been trying to get through on the Capitol Switchboard since last night, and have gotten a busy signal every time. I tried again this morning, with no luck.
I did contact Arlen Specter at his local office number and talked to a very bored staffer to register my displeasure, but I doubt it will do any good.
31 posted on
06/07/2007 6:43:32 AM PDT by
(Scratch a RINO, and you'll find a global elitist beneath the surface.)
To: Gulf War One
Spirits among conservative critics of the immigration bill have brightened today following several Senate votes that indicate at least 40 senators could block the bill during a cloture vote tomorrow.
Well-placed sources tell me that activists are focusing their attention on the following list of senators:
Sam Brownback (R.-Kan.),
Richard Burr (R.-N.C.),
Saxby Chambliss (R.-Ga.),
Larry Craig (R.-Idaho),
Pete Domenici (R.- N.M.),
Byron Dorgan (D.-N.D.),
John Ensign (R.-Nev.),
Mike Enzi (R.-Wyo.),
Judd Gregg (R.-N.H.),
Johnny Isakson (R.-Ga.),
Jon Kyl (R.-Ariz.),
Mary Landrieu (D.-La.),
Trent Lott (R.-Miss.),
Mitch McConnell (R.-Ky.),
Claire McCaskill (D.-Mo.),
Ben Nelson (D.-Neb.),
Mark Pryor (D.-Ark.),
Debbie Stabenow (D.-Mich.),
John Sununu (R.- N.H.),
Jon Tester (D.-Mont.),
George Voinovich (R.-Ohio),
Jim Webb (D.-Va.),
John Warner (R.-Va.).
These individuals are apparently still non-committal about how they will vote on the final bill or could be swayed depending on votes either for or against amendments to the bill.
32 posted on
06/07/2007 6:44:10 AM PDT by
(Press 2 for English - Thanks Mr. President !)
To: Gulf War One
A Republican Senator could stand up and become a real hero today.
33 posted on
06/07/2007 6:44:22 AM PDT by
(Perpetual Candidate using campaign donations for your salary - Its a good gig if you can get it.)
To: Gulf War One
Top of the morning, dear friend! Have you any predictions? What are you hearing from the Hill? Regards, Kate
To: Gulf War One
Absolutely...bump, bump, BUMP!
41 posted on
06/07/2007 6:52:09 AM PDT by
(It's the borders, stupid.)
To: Gulf War One
Oh, I hope this piece of crap bill goes DOWN IN FLAMES.
Whatever it takes...
45 posted on
06/07/2007 6:54:06 AM PDT by
To: Gulf War One
Called Chambliss local office- URGED to vote no.
Fax to Chambliss local office- JUST SAY NO!
Called to Chambliss DC office- mailbox FULL
Fax to Chambliss DC office- JUST SAY NO! (got thru on 4th try)
62 posted on
06/07/2007 7:08:36 AM PDT by
(FDT/TBD in 2008!)
To: Gulf War One
65 posted on
06/07/2007 7:12:43 AM PDT by
(Six bullets and Lennon goes down. Yet not one hit Yoko. Discuss.)
To: Gulf War One
66 posted on
06/07/2007 7:12:44 AM PDT by
(Six bullets and Lennon goes down. Yet not one hit Yoko. Discuss.)
To: Gulf War One
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