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To: Extremely Extreme Extremist; HitmanLV
Originally posted by Extremely Extreme Extremist:

"Part of the GOP's loss in the mid-terms was due to historical trends. Nobody likes to see one party in control of government. (albeit, technically there is a one-party, they're just divided by halves)..."

That's strange. Historically the "American people" have been in favor of a single party dominating all three of the elected branches of the Federal government - the Presidency, the House of Representatives and the Senate. How can I say that? Well the historical record says that around 63% of the time since 1789 a single political party has been put in charge of the entire Federal government. So why do people keep insisting that the 'American People' do not wish one party in charge? Never heard this bitching about 'single party' control under FDR, JFK, LBJ, Carter or Clinton, did you... Hmmmn, I sense a pattern here... could it be they were all Democrats? Ah, that explains it.

There have been five major political parties in the history of the United States, the Federalists, the Democratic-Republicans, the Democrats, the Whigs and the Republicans. Each of these major parties has in at least one Congress controlled the House, Senate and Presidency concurrently. This is what has defined them as major parties...

Party Control of Presidency, House and Senate
1789 to 2007

Congress Years_Term President Presidential Party House Majority Party Senate Majority Party The Big Tri-Fecta
1st 1789-1791 Washington No Party Administration Administration *
2nd 1791-1793 Washington No Party Administration Administration *
3rd 1793-1795 Washington No Party Opposition Administration  
4th 1795-1797 Washington No Party Opposition Administration  
5th 1797-1799 Adams(2) Federalist Dem-Reps Federalist  
6th 1799-1801 Adams(2) Federalist Federalist Federalist *
7th 1801-1803 Jefferson Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
8th 1803-1805 Jefferson Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
9th 1805-1807 Jefferson Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
10th 1807-1809 Jefferson Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
11th 1809-1811 Madison Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
12th 1811-1813 Madison Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
13th 1814-1815 Madison Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
14th 1815-1817 Madison Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
15th 1817-1819 Monroe Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
16th 1819-1821 Monroe Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
17th 1821-1823 Monroe Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
18th 1823-1825 Monroe Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
19th 1825-1827 Adams(6) Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
20th 1827-1829 Adams(6) Dem-Reps Dem-Reps Dem-Reps *
21st 1829-1831 Jackson Democrat Democrat Democrat *
22nd 1831-1833 Jackson Democrat Democrat Democrat *
23rd 1834-1835 Jackson Democrat Democrat Whig  
24th 1835-1837 Jackson Democrat Democrat Democrat *
25th 1837-1839 Van-Buren Democrat Democrat Democrat *
26th 1839-1841 Van-Buren Democrat Whig Democrat  
27th 1841-1843 Harrison(9)/Tyler Whig Whig Whig *
28th 1843-1845 Tyler Whig Democrat Whig  
29th 1845-1847 Polk Democrat Democrat Democrat *
30th 1847-1849 Polk Democrat Whig Democrat  
31st 1849-1851 Taylor/Filmore Whig Democrat Democrat  
32nd 1851-1853 Filmore Whig Democrat Democrat  
33rd 1853-1855 Pierce Democrat Democrat Democrat *
34th 1855-1857 Pierce Democrat Republican Democrat  
35th 1857-1859 Buchanan Democrat Democrat Democrat *
36th 1859-1861 Buchanan Democrat Republican Democrat  
37th 1861-1863 Lincoln Republican Republican Republican *
38th 1863-1865 Lincoln Republican Republican Republican *
39th 1865-1867 Lincoln/Johnson(17) Republican* Republican Republican *
40th 1867-1869 Johnson(17) Republican* Republican Republican *
41st 1869-1871 Grant Republican Republican Republican *
42nd 1871-1873 Grant Republican Republican Republican *
43rd 1873-1875 Grant Republican Republican Republican *
44th 1875-1877 Grant Republican Democrat Republican  
45th 1877-1879 Hayes Republican Democrat Republican  
46th 1879-1881 Hayes Republican Democrat Republican  
47th 1881-1883 Garfield/Arthur Republican Republican Republican *
48th 1883-1885 Arthur Republican Democrat Republican  
49th 1885-1887 Cleveland(22) Democrat Democrat Republican  
50th 1887-1889 Cleveland(22) Democrat Democrat Republican  
51st 1889-1891 Harrison(23) Republican Republican Republican *
52nd 1891-1893 Harrison(23) Republican Democrat Republican  
53rd 1893-1895 Cleveland(24) Democrat Democrat Republican  
54th 1895-1897 Cleveland(24) Democrat Republican Republican  
55th 1897-1899 McKinley Republican Republican Republican *
56th 1899-1901 McKinley Republican Republican Republican *
57th 1901-1903 McKinley/Roosevelt(26) Republican Republican Republican *
58th 1903-1905 Roosevelt(26) Republican Republican Republican *
59th 1905-1907 Roosevelt(26) Republican Republican Republican *
60th 1907-1909 Roosevelt(26) Republican Republican Republican *
61st 1909-1911 Taft Republican Republican Republican *
62nd 1911-1913 Taft Republican Democrat Republican  
63rd 1913-1915 Wilson Democrat Democrat Republican  
64th 1915-1917 Wilson Democrat Democrat Democrat *
65th 1917-1919 Wilson Democrat Republican Democrat  
66th 1919-1921 Wilson Democrat Republican Republican  
67th 1921-1923 Harding/Coolidge Republican Republican Republican *
68th 1923-1925 Coolidge Republican Republican Republican *
69th 1925-1927 Coolidge Republican Republican Republican *
70th 1927-1929 Coolidge Republican Republican Republican *
71st 1929-1931 Hoover Republican Republican Republican *
72nd 1931-1933 Hoover Republican Republican Republican *
73rd 1933-1935 Roosevelt(32) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
74th 1935-1937 Roosevelt(32) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
75th 1937-1939 Roosevelt(32) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
76th 1939-1941 Roosevelt(32) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
77th 1941-1943 Roosevelt(32) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
78th 1943-1945 Roosevelt(32) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
79th 1945-1947 Roosevelt(32)/Truman Democrat Democrat Democrat *
80th 1947-1949 Truman Democrat Republican Democrat  
81st 1949-1951 Truman Democrat Democrat Democrat *
82nd 1951-1953 Truman Democrat Democrat Democrat *
83rd 1953-1955 Eisenhower Republican Republican Republican *
84th 1955-1957 Eisenhower Republican Democrat Democrat  
85th 1957-1959 Eisenhower Republican Democrat Democrat  
86th 1959-1961 Eisenhower Republican Democrat Democrat  
87th 1961-1963 Kennedy Democrat Democrat Democrat *
88th 1963-1965 Kennedy/Johnson(36) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
89th 1965-1967 Johnson(36) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
90th 1967-1969 Johnson(36) Democrat Democrat Democrat *
91st 1969-1971 Nixon Republican Democrat Democrat  
92nd 1971-1973 Nixon Republican Democrat Democrat  
93rd 1973-1975 Nixon/Ford Republican Democrat Democrat  
94th 1975-1977 Ford Republican Democrat Democrat  
95th 1977-1979 Carter Democrat Democrat Democrat *
96th 1979-1981 Carter Democrat Democrat Democrat *
97th 1981-1983 Reagan Republican Democrat Republican  
98th 1983-1985 Reagan Republican Democrat Republican  
99th 1985-1987 Reagan Republican Democrat Republican  
100th 1987-1989 Reagan Republican Democrat Democrat  
101st 1989-1991 Bush(41) Republican Democrat Democrat  
102nd 1991-1993 Bush(41) Republican Democrat Democrat  
103rd 1993-1995 Clinton Democrat Democrat Democrat *
104th 1995-1997 Clinton Democrat Republican Republican  
105th 1997-1999 Clinton Democrat Republican Republican  
106th 1999-2001 Clinton Democrat Republican Republican  
107th 2001-2003 Bush(43) Republican Republican Rep/Dem */no
108th 2003-2005 Bush(43) Republican Republican Republican *
107th 2005-2007 Bush(43) Republican Republican Republican *

Hope this clarifies,


64 posted on 06/01/2007 6:04:02 PM PDT by dvwjr
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To: dvwjr
Your post is misleading.
74 posted on 06/01/2007 6:10:11 PM PDT by Extremely Extreme Extremist
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To: dvwjr
Well the historical record says that around 63% of the time since 1789 a single political party has been put in charge of the entire Federal government.

Nice chart and all that, but this sentence IS the problem.'SINCE 1789'. Didn't take long for political parties to screw up a GREAT Constitution by not heeding the warning of the founding fathers to NOT form these parties, certainly not one or two running everything. We had slavery for a couple hundred years on this continent too, doesn't mean we must keep making the same mistake.

77 posted on 06/01/2007 6:11:58 PM PDT by AuntB (" It takes more than walking across the border to be an American." Duncan Hunter)
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