I have two daughters. They are both very pretty. The 15 year old can not walk anywhere without being harrassed by these illegal men. She is not allowed to go to Walmart anymore. I myself-a respectable Mom was subject to crude advances by some drunken guy (don’t know where he was from, but he spoke Spanish). We live in a very nice neighborhood. My 10 year old is just starting to develop-she is self-conscious about it. These savages actually make comments to her. She was very frightened. I called the police the last time. I consider it a form of molestation.
I am so sorry ma'am that this happens to you as well.
I frankly am at a loss these days as to what to do. To even speak of the horrific treatment my 2 daughters get from Illegals at WalMart or any other venue is akin to "racism" to some. It is not racist - and I am not speaking out against Hispanics. I am speaking out against a group of thugs who have broken into our nation, drive while intoxicated, and treat our children as rape prospects.
Our "justice" system is a joke. The government spends millions (upon millions) to go after white collar criminals even after they have cooperated and who pose no threat to our safety, but refuse to lock up dangerous illegals because they know they have failed and there are "too many of them to do anything at this point." A US Marshall told me this.
God help us.