What will kill the GOP is this kind of attitude and the knee-jerk reaction against the need to develop a comprehensive immigration policy. The latest census data, published in the NYTimes Wednesday, shows starkly that the % of Hispanics and other minorities rises with each younger age group. In the youngest age group, they are a majority. Only the over 65s have a majority white population. Right Now!! Whining about the immigration plan doesn’t change the demography. If you really want to see the death knell of the Republican party, ignore the need to expand the tent to include these minority groups. I am ashamed of this ridiculous response. I admire and support Bush on this because he is behaving as an adult, not some spoiled adolescent stamping his foot.
“Ignore the need to expand the tent to include these minority groups”
“these minority groups” would NEVER vote Republican. “these kind of minority groups” are part of the socialist something for nothing groups who have no desire to assimilate or become US citizens as we have known US citizens in the past. The Irish, Germans, Polish, Italians, etc. and original Cuban groups came to this country for the freedoms and opporunities to better themselves. They were not relying on the US government and taxpayers to do it for them like “these kinds of minority groups” do today.
What flavor was your Kool-Aid?
One of the most clueless posts I have yet read around here on immigration....thanks!
The Mexicans are NOT joining us.
I could kiss you on the lips.
\ As for your arguement, it boils down to :
Conservative Euuropean America is lost. Bend over and stop complaining, so you will be raped but not beaten.
This is our country. We vcreated it. The American people were lied to in 1965,1986, and 1996. Now you want us to give in becauses we have already lost. The fact that we are importing natural leftists means nothing to you. You want to appease them.
expand the tent to include these minority groups
The Republican is open to All and Any LEGAL resident of the US ..I think you are missing one key point in your argument ..LEGAL
Silly fschmieg! Criminals vote for Democrats.
Specifically, what is going to make the next generation of Latinos into Republicans? Other than conservative religious values, there is little that will connect them with the conversative agenda versus the greater entrenchment of the welfare state. It's optimistic to imagine them becoming part of the great American dream, but the Democrats know the truth--these people are going to be the new base of their party, the lowest rung on the pyramid. Fed by Uncle Sam, they're going to stay there.
Just to throw this out go to Mexico and see if you can break the law of there country, file for welfare, buy land etc etc see if you can as an American do this and get back to me. the fact is the people who are South of Mexico are thrown in jail, deported, are told they can NOT GET PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ETC ETC. so why do they continue to help people break the law to come here because it brings into there country millions of US dollars. And if I am not mistaken Kennedy in 85/86 authored the last immigration bill alot of good that did I remember the raid at my office of people who were here illegal from the Phillipanes (excuse the spelling) we had this great new immigration bill the one time of to become legal, our boarders would be stronger yeah right and pigs flew that same year. They lied and now they are basically they are doing a do over but the problem is bigger because the 85/86 plan did not deliver and it was Kennedy who did that bill and he is one of the authors for this new one so frankly if history replays it self the bill is not good! I happen to have relatives from Mexico and they are totally against a get out of jail card
Over 60% of illegal Hispanics don’t even have a high school equivalent education, and the rest of the Hispanic illegals have no more than a high school diploma. Nearly half of all the unwed mothers who gave birth in the US last year were Hispanic illegals. Virtually every illegal who is here is getting some sort of government handout.
This is NOT the kind of “voter” who is going to break toward the Republican party.
They are already destroying public education. One third of the third grade students in the entire state of Florida, the state with the third highest population of illegals, failed the FCAT this past year, for READING alone! One major reason for this crisis is that public school classrooms are infested with illegals and children of illegals, who don’t speak English proficiently, if at all. They steal the classroom resources of the public schools away from the children of American citizens who are paying the bills...at over $10,000 per student, per year on average.
Hospitals are shutting down because of bankruptcy all over the southwest US, because illegals are infesting emergency rooms, and, of course, they’re not paying their way.
The average illegal in the US today is sucking up $19,000 more in government handouts and services than they’re paying in taxes. Illegals, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, will cost US taxpayers $1.1 Million dollars each in government services and handouts during their lifetimes.
Over 95% of all the unserved murder warrants in LA are in the name of illegal Hispanics, and 13 Americans per day are killed by illegals, who are now infesting our prison systems at a rate which is growing far faster than their population in the country.
We’re not just debating the possible destruction of the Republican party here...we’re debating the assured destruction of our culture and our nation.