Telemarketers are scum, and they are right down there with Lawyers, and Collection Agencies.
I really want to get rid of my personal land line, but some of the older folks in my life, simply cannot deal with such radical action.
More than 90 percent of the incoming calls to my home phone are garbage calls, and one of these days, I am going to do something about it that will make a difference.
I have no idea what that could be, but at least I said it here, and that little bit of release, has just made this a better day for me.
Cancel the land line and get the cell phone, give the new number to all your friends and relatives, tell them (the older folks) you will be easier to contact! (That should work for you!)
With our cell phone we can be anywhere in the U.S., and for the folks back home, it is a local call for them to reach us!
Have you tried the national "Do Not Call" list? I used to get a lot of telemarketing calls, but after I got on that list I don't get any at all. It's a huge fine if a telemarketer calls someone who is on that list.
“...and Collection Agencies.”
Odd. I don’t get calls from collection agencies. But then, I pay my bills. Go figure.