This is the same bishop who resigned last week from the board of an organization affiliated with a St. Louis hospital over their insistence on inviting Sheryl Crow to provide entertainment at a fund-raiser.
Thank God for ArchBishop Burke
Marsh hasn't been paying attention. The official doctrine of the Vatican is that politicians excommunicate themselves when the vote pro-choice. Senator Mccaskill is about as "Catholic" as Osama bin Laden.
BTW, I am shocked that the SF Chronic managed to write this article without the words "censorship" or "blacklist." I am not, however, shocked to see that they failed to capitalize the word "Church."
In the past we’ve heard stories of Catholic schools refusing to admit or expelling the child of a woman in a lesbian relationship, why shouldn’t the High School have expelled McCaskill’s daughter for her position on abortion?
Has anyone ever noticed that when the idiots in the MSM talk about EMBRYONIC stem cell research they always forget to include the EMBRYONIC. Pretty important omission if you ask me!
Good. Glad to see a Liberal get the same treatment as Conservatives get from academia.
Big smile on this persons face.
Now if they would only take the appropriate action with respect to Kennedy, Kerry and other apostates.
Cafeteria Catholic: One who, although professing to be a real Catholic, picks and chooses among the core Catholic beliefs much as one who would choose different food items while in a self-serve cafeteria. These Cafeterians typically attend mass two days each year - Easter and Christmas - and don't know their pastor's name. Cafeterians include those who profess any or all of the following beliefs: Pro-abortion, Pro-homosexual marriage, Pro-cohabitation, Pro-premarital sex.
If I'm not mistaken, we have quite a few politicians who fit this definition - some on the Republican side.
Cheer up, Sister! You did the right thing.
Here is the lie of the day: “Students at St. Joseph’s Academy... wanted to have McCaskill speak at their commencement this month,” McCaskill spokeswoman Adrianne Marsh said Tuesday.
Graduates want their diplomas and they want to celebrate with their friends and family. They don’t want to hear a bunch of hot air from the politicians.
Every Catholic instution in the US should have a list of active politicians that are holding these apostate positions and not allow them to fellowship until they repent. Then there wouldn't be any "hard" decision to make!
So let me get this right: An ALL GIRLS school that purports to be a CATHOLIC school was going to have a woman speak to the GIRLS about how they can kill their babies. Yeah, clear thinking here. Nothing confusing here. Move along.
Stupid policy. McCarthism at best. She wasnt being asked to talk on abortion or stem cell research. Since when does one’s belief in one area make them unqualified to speak on any. It’s the same as a scientist not being allowed to speak on a topic because he believes in God.
Anybody who wonders what's wrong with the American Catholic Church can see it right here. The policy against pro-abortion speakers on Catholic property makes perfect sense and is well known. Certainly it was known to the "sister" who decided to ignore it so she could bask in the reflected glory of a feminazi Democrat she no doubt voted for. So who's the bad guy here? Why, Archbishop Burke, one of the few bishops in this country with enough . . . common sense . . . to stand up to the Culture of Death crowd, both outside and inside his own church.
3 Cheers for Churchmen with conviction!!
In a day and age when church leaders are bowing to political correctness and the Lie of Socialism (e.g. the United Methodists), it is very nice to see men and women in positions of leadership standing up for what is right.
I'm not a Catholic, and I appreciate deeply that church's respect for human life. I don't necessarily agree with Rome on the death penalty or nuclear weaponry used as weapons--but I do respect them.
Catholic leadership is a lot more palatable than the sickening liberalism that has encroached into much of Protestantism.
That is what it sounds like. It could be that the Sister was just using the Bishop as cover since he’s already caused a stir over Cheryl Crow. I have to admit, I’m enjoying this.