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Weekend Show *Preview* for 3/24 - 3/25/07 (not the live thread)
Network and Cable News Networks | March 24th, 2007 | Network and Cable News Shows

Posted on 03/24/2007 5:34:15 PM PDT by Phsstpok

Preview and Analysis for Weekend of March 24th and 25th, 2007

Guest lineup for the Sunday TV news shows:

NBC's "Meet the Press"
  • Former U.S. Attorney David Inglesias
  • Former U.S. Attorney John McKay
  • Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.
  • Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa.

CBS's "Face the Nation"

  • Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.
  • Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.;
  • Former U.S. Attorney H.E. "Bud" Cummins."

Fox News Sunday"

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
  • Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss.
CNN "Late Edition"
  • Samir Sumaidaie, Iraqi ambassador to U.S.
  • John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
  • Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah
  • Lanny Davis, former Clinton special counsel
  • Donna Brazile
  • Ed Gillespie, former RNC chairman.

ABC's "This Week"

  • Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb.
  • Breast cancer specialist Dr. Eric Winer
  • Lisa Ling


This is week two of the ongoing soap opera in Washington regarding the scandal of "the Exploitable Eight."  The decibel level has been raised considerably and there is little or no attempt at masking the naked partisanship of the attacks by the Dhimmicrats and their myrmidon minions in the drive by media.  The hysteria level is truly over the top, but that's part of the plan.  They can't let anyone pause for a breath because people might actually figure out that there's nothing but partisan hyperventilation going on here.  And the charges are being thrown around as fast as they can be, not with any real hope of making anything stick, but rather with the intent of creating an atmosphere so poisoned that everyone will view Gonzalez resignation as an end to be desired just to end the maelstrom.

Oh, and the second thing this whole imbroglio is about is distracting people from the obscene spectacle that the nations mother in law, Nazi Pelosi, put us all through with her bribe fest over the "Surrender in Iraq in 2008 Act."  So long as the Republicans on the Hill and the White House are preoccupied in fending off the attacks of "the Exploitable Eight" they really won't be able to drive home the mendacity of the Dhimmicrats and the obvious treasonous nature of their actions.  Bush's press statements after Pelosi and Hoyer squeaked out a bare win in the House on their never to be enacted feel good legislation were powerful and even his harshest critics on our own side have cheered his presentation.  But before we could capitalize on that yet another round of banshee wails from the left crying for Gonzalez' head was laid on to provide yet more distraction.   Do notice one thing, there doesn't appear to be one member of the House on any of the shows this week.  I guess they don't want to get anywhere near questions about that vote.

This weekends shows appear to be as carefully orchestrated a partisan attack as any I've seen in a long time, with a single minded devotion to doing damage to the White House, regardless of cost to the nation or the world.  I reiterate a recurring thesis, that the Dhimmicrats see this as all or nothing combat and that they feel they need to win or bring the whole thing down in a nihilistic orgy of destruction on all our heads.

Typical spoiled brats.

Oh, and the whole thing may be blown out of the water by the inconveniently timed actions of their erstwhile allies in Tehran.  You know that John Kerry and friends are franticly trying to get in touch with Imanutjob to get him to back off and let them get on with their carefully planned attacks on McChimpy Bushitler.  Can't they understand that the Dhimmicrats will give them everything they could ever want if they'll only help win back power for the anointed ones?

NBC Meet The Press provides a platform for two of the US Attorney's who are the most reliably bitchy about losing their patronage jobs.  Iglesias is obviously a very ambitious player and I think he had already decided to unhitch his wagon from the waning Republicans, particularly Domineci, and instead look for new patrons on the other side of the aisle, particularly the very powerful machine behind Governor Richardson (with tendrils into the Clinton Dixie Mafia).  That would explain nicely his very strange reticence to look into what locals view as gross voter fraud in 2004 and 2006 by the Dhimmicrats.  Likewise John McKay's obscene performance regarding the Gregoire "miracle votes" scandal.  These guys have gone way out on a limb in this blitzkrieg, counting on powerful new patrons on the left coupled with sycophantic coverage by the DBM to protect them from any exposure of what they really did.  If there is one Republican on the respective committees in the House or Senate with guts, or one honest reporter anywhere in the media, this could get blowed up real good!  What am I talking about?  That'll never happen!  Famed Nazi hunter Dick "the turban" Durbin is front and center for the Dhimmicrats and that well known reliable Republican stalwart, Snarlin Arlen Specter, lines up for the defense.  Arlen has announced that he plans to inflict himself on the long suffering people of Pennsylvania in the election of 2010, so he might not misbehave, but I'm not counting on it.  He'll come up with some obscure bit of Croatian law and insist that Gonzalez must actually be sacrificed to the gods at the dark of the moon, or something.

CBS Face The Nation gives us only one of the newest class of instant celebrities (the only qualification for stardom nowadays is saying nasty things about Bush) while bringing in Patrick Leahy and Lindsey Graham for the Senatorial face off.  Lindsey is another of the less realiably reliable Republicans, but he's done pretty good the last couple of appearances when talking about the surge, so perhaps he won't be a complete disaster.  In fact his mewling soft spoken approach may contrast nicely with Leahy's increasingly out of control rhetoric.  We'll see.  Bud Cummins, the former US Attorney from Arkansas was a Huckabee protege.  I take his defection as a sure sign that Mike's political star isn't on the rise.  David Brooks of the New York Times and Jim VandeHei of Politico provide the "journalistic gravitas," though VandeHei will no doubt be taken to task for his faux pas of reporting that Edwards was going to drop out over his wife's cancer which turned out to be wrong.  VandeHei has already printed a mea culpa about how he posted the story without a second source, which will certainly be used to condemn all internet "news" sources, particularly the blogs (even though Politico isn't a blog).  It would be real interesting to have him imply that his source was an Edwards insider, which would put an entirely different spin on the event and lend an air of Machiavellian intrigue to the discussions.  Can you say "a stake through the heart?"

Fox News Sunday continues their apparent drive to legitimize Chris Wallace's bona fides as a true blue son of the DBM.  Is he auditioning to replace Bob Schieffer?  As with the other shows there isn't a reliable supporter of the White House among the Republicans given face time today.  Trent "vendetta" Lott has no great love for this White House, feeling that they betrayed him, so expectations in the DBM are that he will stab in the back as he thinks he was stabbed.  I'm hoping they'll be disappointed, but we'll see.  Trent has a self interest in executing his duties as Minority Whip well and this is a big test.  The fact that he is out here this weekend instead of Mitch McConnell is either a sign that he's 100% on the team or that he's throwing over the whole party for his own reasons.  Dianne Feinstein is in an interestingly vulnerable position to be on the shows this week.  She was one of the most vocal critics of the San Diego US Attorney who was dismissed, reportedly for the reasons she was complaining about (lack of immigration prosecutions), yet she's now calling that dismissal "totally political," albeit for different reasons (that no one else has suggested and there's no evidence of).  She also just resigned from a key subcommittee dealing with military contracts and veterans issues.  Her husband has profited handsomely from multi-billion dollar contracts that she had a hand in steering his way, but has now divested himself of those businesses.  And now membership in that committee poses a risk of imposing responsibility for the Walter Reed "scandal" on her own head.  Questions on these issues would be most inconvenient right now, but perhaps Chris has given her reassurances of some sort.  He's a most cooperative fellow, at least for Dhimmicrats and friends of his father, who are usually one and the same.  Brit, Bill and Juan are on the roundtable, while Mara is being played this week by the wife of a McCain campaign operative, Fortune magazine's Nina Easton.

CNN Late Edition has a very interesting and frankly unpredictable mix of players.  Orrin Hatch is a usually very reliable Republican, but reports are he had to fight the Justice Department over a Utah US Attorney who was one of his protégés (though the US Attorney in question denies it all).  He may have an axe to grind with someone.  Joe diGenova is also usually a favorite to those here and elsewhere on conservative blogs, but there are a surprisingly large number of quotes critical of the White House and Gonzalez coming from him over this affair.  Bill Nelson is generally considered a lightweight by all and sundry, so his appearance can likely be dismissed, with vague hopes of a severe case of foot in mouth in the offing.  Samir Sumaidaie, Iraqi Ambassador to U.S., has been a critic in the past, particularly when his relative was killed in a friendly fire incident, but he's been a strong voice in the Sunni community for our staying and being a force for good in Iraq.  John Bolton is increasingly caricatured on the left as a loose cannon who now opposes Bush, but those appear to be wishful thinking on the part of the moonbats, and he's always been fun to listen to.  Lanny Davis is one of the old reliable Clintonista insiders, but has been co-opted to some extent as he is a member of Bush's committee that has just endorsed his "domestic surveillance" programs (which aren't domestic and they said so), so he's problematic too.  Brazile, Gillespie and Bash round out the talking heads with generally predictable fair, which may be a relief if some of the others stray as far off their respective reservations as they might.  Of the three Brazile is the most shrill and invested in the current political warfare, having staked out a position of high moral dudgeon over Karl Rove's partisanship.  Pot, meet kettle.

ABC This Week is emerging as a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC, week after week offering up red meat tied directly to Howard Dean's talking points.  This time it's nearly exclusive time for RINO Chuck Hagel, the mad prophet of the Republican left, to say any damn thing he wants to, so long as it hurts McChimpy Bushitler.  Chuck is the ego from another planet, a would be Napoleon who sees himself with a messianic mission and an Olympian intellect.  No one, absolutely no one, takes him seriously as a Republican candidate, but he gets air time in the DBM for obvious reasons.  Plans changed late in the week to add a famous breast cancer researcher to "explain" the importance for the rest of us of the recurrence of Elizabeth Edwards' cancer.  This must be taken as an opportunity to promote a noble cause, because no one else has ever gone through what she's going through at this level of public awareness... what's that... Tony who?  Lenny Riefenstahl would frankly be appalled by this show.  They're so clumsy.  What's worse is they are taken seriously by anyone.

The Saturday shows are as expected. (Note: being written halfway through Fox Newswatch)  Mort and Fred on The Beltway Boys offer up very little in surprises (though Fred did tear apart one of Mort's DNC talking points about the US Attorney's from last week).  They hold to the conventional wisdom that Bush is on the run over Gonzalez and Iraq, but there is that vague feeling of unease underlying it all, as if they smell a shift in the wind and are just now noticing the huge pack of predators sneaking up on them from the other direction.  CNBC's Tim Russet Show does its usual book pimping for favored authors, in this case Tom Friedman on the release of the "updated and expanded" version of his The World Is Flat, but there is trouble in the elite circles that usually genuflect before the New York Times resident prophet.  Many of the same folks who are driving the Dhimmicrat party now, the extreme left of MoveOn and their anarchist allies, see Friedman as a "Jew lover" as well as a sell out, if not chief cheerleader, on globalization.  I think Lil Timmah is less interested this week in promoting Tom's book than he is in using him to get good sound bites about "failure in Iraq" and how all of the problems in the Middle East are those stubborn Jews fault for not surrendering when they should.  Ah well, the world doesn't have to make sense, particularly for leftists.  One of their intellectual saints may have said it best, "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds."  Fox News Watch continues the embarrassment of providing Neal Gabler, a demonstrable liar and lunatic, a platform to bash Fox as a fascist joke but denying absolutely that his employer is a legitimate news organization.  He should be sued for fraud for taking a check for doing a show on Fox purportedly to provide critical analysis of the media.  I will say that Neal's statement tonight that there is "no other side" that is allowed to speak in the global warming "debate" forever relegates him to the ash heap of morons.  This is a show that deserves a complete revamping or else a merciful death.  That would be a mercy for it's audience.  The grown ups at the Journal Editorial Report touch on both extremes of our current situation, the divine and the profane, if you will, by discussing Iraq with Bing West, a thoroughly informed, sober and objective voice in this debate, and then examining both the obscene pandering to the moonbats by Nazi Pelosi on her "legislation" and the all important constitutional questions  involved in the "Bong Hits for Jesus" Supreme Court case.  And Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

So, there you have my take for this week.  I think I've got a pretty good handle on the DBM's intentions this week, but I also have this nagging suspicion that their own plans may blow up on them, and that doesn't even consider the inconvenient truth of Iran's madmen intruding on our DBM's "narrative" so unexpectedly.  I gather the consensus (there's that word again) among linguists is that the old canard about the Chinese ideogram for "crisis" being a combination of "danger" and "opportunity" is, like most fruits of western culture, totally wrong, however, there are underlying truths that can't be washed away by "historic deconstruction."  Regardless, this week proves the rule that chaos is equally dangerous for all players in the same way, most of the time.

May you live in chaotic times.

This should be cross posted to my blog at later today, though I have yet to cross post last weeks items to my blog and will rectify that first. This post exists primarily as a heads up for who is on the weekend talks shows, what they've been invited on to push (based on their recent pronouncements) and the spin (meme) the DBM is likely trying to push based on that information. All of this is prep work for the weekly Sunday Morning Talk Show thread posted by Alas Babylon!. That thread provides a live commentary and analysis of the Sunday talking head shows, with valuable insight and exceptional fact checking. we are the Jedi Council of FreeRepublic, at least in regards to these DBM gabfests. You wanna know what was said and what it meant, as well as where they messed up? Read that thread!

Mark Kilmer has posted his excellent preview of the Sunday shows over at Redstate.COM.

Politico.COM has their Sunday Talk Show Tip Sheet


TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: gonzalez; guests; iraq; sundaytalkshows
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To: Phsstpok
I saw the article entitled "A National Embarassment" under Sen Bill Nelson's name ...but oddly enough, it wasn't about him - well, indirectly. It was about veterans care.

How a man who supported Al Gore's attempt to throw out the votes from sailors on the USS Cole ever got to be on the Armed Services Committee- now THAT'S a national embarrassment.

He's Ted Baxter in space.

21 posted on 03/25/2007 3:23:02 AM PDT by Dutchgirl ([S]tupidity knows no ideology." ---John Fund)
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To: Txsleuth; Alas Babylon!; Phsstpok; rodguy911

Have posted awards but will not be on the thread today dad is in hospital with broken elbow and suspected broken hip.

Doing bone scan tomorrow to determine extent of hip injury plus state of bones etc which will give them better ideas of what surgery if any is needed on the hip. They would do elbow at same time to avoid putting him under twice.

At present also because of the blood thinners he takes the blood is too thin and they would not want to operate because it would be difficult to stop the bleeding.

Hopefully will have more news tomorrow after bone scan.

22 posted on 03/25/2007 4:49:10 AM PDT by snugs ((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
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To: Phsstpok

Just saw this, Phsstpok. I add my prayers of gratitude that your son is alright.

Nothing scarier.

23 posted on 03/25/2007 5:50:50 AM PDT by Bahbah (Regev, Goldwasser & Shalit, we are praying for you.)
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To: Dutchgirl
I saw the article entitled "A National Embarassment" under Sen Bill Nelson's name ...but oddly enough, it wasn't about him - well, indirectly. It was about veterans care.

I usually try to only post articles directly about or by the person in question.  I posted that one for two reasons.  First because the title was irresistible, in context.  Second because I think Nelson is queued up to attack the administration over VA health care issues this week and he clearly will be using official and focus group tested talking points.  This article represents the talking points to me, so I expect him to use phrases from it almost verbatim.  It may even have been published in order to give him something to quote from.  He's not smart enough for anyone to believe he could come up with an idea of his own, after all.

And the Ted Baxter comparison is perfect.  Ted Knight, however, was a very bright and, from everything I've heard, a very nice man.

24 posted on 03/25/2007 6:13:37 AM PDT by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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To: Phsstpok

Terrific job, as usual, Phsstpok!

25 posted on 03/25/2007 6:23:43 AM PDT by Gritty (It's not the planes, the tanks, the men, the body armor. It's the political will. - Mark Steyn)
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To: Phsstpok

Thank you for the AWESOME analysis .. does FNC know you're out here, plowing the field every week?

Prayers for you and your son .. safety, strength, healing to our great FReeper.

26 posted on 03/25/2007 7:27:17 AM PDT by STARWISE (They (Rats) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
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