Posted on 03/19/2007 1:49:47 PM PDT by wagglebee
VIENNA, March 19, 2007 ( A new museum dedicated to abortion and contraception opened this week in Vienna, cataloguing a history of human effort through the ages devoted to suppressing or destroying the next generation of human life in the womb.
According to Deutsch-Welle, abortionist Dr. Christian Fiala, chairman of the International Association of Abortion and Contraception Specialists, conceived the idea of building a museum dedicated to the history of his profession in the city where he has directed an abortion/family planning clinic for the previous 10 years.
Fialas museum is divided into two separate rooms that are linked together just like contraception and abortion. In order to get to the abortion room, visitors must first pass through the contraception room, where they can see exhibits such as the first birth control pill juxtaposed with old-fashioned condoms made of pig bladders. If the contraception exhibit fails to satisfy, visitors may choose to enter into the abortion room by passing through a doorway of hanging pregnancy test kits from the 1960s.
Until about 1900, Deutsch-Welle reports, abortions were so dangerous that it was safer for women to carry the child to term and then kill it after it was born. However, visitors can listen to recordings of abortionists discussing how killing a child before birth was still a life-threatening procedure 30 years ago for the mother, not just the child.
"Today we believe that if we discuss abortions or the laws that govern them that it is solely about the rights of the fetus, said Fiala. But we forget that a fetus cannot live unless it inside a healthy woman. And that there is no one other than the woman herself of [sic] can or should make any decisions about her pregnancy."
Conservatives may see the Museum of Contraception and Abortion as a memorial befitting Europes aging native societies, which due to their preference for a contraception/abortion mentality over families and fecundity have produced an unprecedented demographic crisis.
The United Nations 2006 Revision to World Population Prospects reports that by 2050, Europe will experience a demographic meltdown with countries such as Ukraine losing 33% of its population, Russia 25%, Poland 20.5%, and Germany 10.3% by 2050.
Canadian conservative columnist Mark Steyn has observed repeatedly that burgeoning immigrant Islamic populations, who in most part dont identify themselves with the culture of their well-advanced European neighbors, are already in a position to soon take over management of a barren Europe that has contracepted itself out of the future.
Pro-Life Ping
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This museum is a monument to humanity's ability to achieve ever greater heights of evil.
Oh...I though that was the Clinton Presidential Library.
"Today we believe that if we discuss abortions or the laws that govern them that it is solely about the rights of the fetus, said Fiala. But we forget that a fetus cannot live unless it inside a healthy woman."
That "fetus" cannot survive on its own even once it has passed the birth canal and had the umbilical cord cut.
Those crotch droppings need to be feed EVERY DAY!
The selfish desires of a woman do not exempt her from her RESPONSIBILITIES as a parent and a member of the human race.
see exhibits such as the first birth control pill
This sounds like something out of South Park and the Museum of Tolerance.
I wonder if Lemiwinks is there?
Pro-Life ping.
Abortion Greeting Cards Strike Sour Note
A line of greeting cards targeting women who have had an abortion stirred up trouble when an apparent typo reminded some recipients of one of the more gruesome aspects of certain abortion procedures. The errant line on one of
the e-cards designed by a California group called Exhale was May you find piece after your abortion.
This typo has conjured up images of dismembered fetuses, said Howard Cutter, CEO of Exhale. This is not the message we wanted to convey. Were trying to bring calm and peace to women who have made the difficult decision
to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
I gave this e-card to my girlfriend on account of she didnt want to have an abortion, but I kinda persuaded her to do it, you know, explained Sonny Hertz, a dissatisfied customer who says hes been contacted by a lawyer regarding filing a lawsuit against Exhale. She freaked out when she read
it. Called me a sick bastard and said she never wanted to see me again. Ive been hurt. Someones got to pay to ease my pain.
How can we be sued? Cutter demanded to know. Were providing a public service. Its free for Christs sake. How can we be liable?
Finally a place that all raging feminazi lefties can call their holyiest shrine. NOW will sponsor pilgrimages to the sacred place. Finally the sacrament of abortion has a place for proper worship.
See the picture above? That is one of three former abortion rooms at the NATIONAL AMERICAN HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL in Baton Rouge, LA. It was open from 1986 1994. 30,000 children were aborted there. This was not the only abortion mill in the city. The doctor had this building built special to maximize his time and PROFITS.
Notice the kitchen sink with the garbage disposal. There were three ways for the doctor to dispose of the babies, an expensive biomedical incinerator, expensive biomedical waste pick-up (charge by pound) or a rather inexpensive garbage disposal. Every day Gods precious children were ground up in that disposal and flushed into the citys sewer system. Thing is this doctor of death did late term abortions, so an assisting demon had to literally cut up the bigger kids to feed down the disposal.
I have given tours of the place a few times. It is like walking in a nightmare. The suction machine in one room is still plugged in and it works when you turn it on for the visitors to see and hear. This place is much like an abandoned Nazi death camp. Its the only Memorial like it in the country. Its a testament to Americas (and humanity's) darkest potential.
Some time after the mill was closed down, the doctor of death aborted himself with a bullet through the head.
Maybe they'll face it five times a day like Muslim's face Mecca. They can then say prayers to their tolerant Fuzz god who believes all truth is subjective.
Those pictures give me the chills.
Don't be surprised when the pro-life Muslims take over europe and destroy the museum.
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