Journalists behaving badly? Only when an act of violence is committed by a professional journalist can it be filmed or broadcast? (chalk it up to the nuance of translation)
In a warning to the sanctity of free speech in a democratic nation, France is about to show us what happens when the state is allowed to legally determine who is allowed to be a "journalist", or who is a "legitimate" source of news: You get the criminalization of speech.
The beauty of socialism and government oppression. This is why you do not want a Marxist in our White House, or in control of Congress.
Please read and offer your comments
"Professional Journalist", like licensed by the government or something like that. Wow! Freedom and France don't mix.
If the "professional' journalists never arrive, then the violence doesn't exist. So now we know, in France, when a tree falls in the forrest, it doesn't make a sound.
They learned well from the old Germany.
"certification system"
And here: "Proof of Credentials"
This is all backdooring to, IMO:
NJ Bill Would Prohibit Anonymous Posts on Forums...
The problem of thin-skinned politicos (NJ bill to ban anonymous posting)
NJ LEGISLATURE - ID of interactive computer services & Internet service
Anyone who takes the freedom of the Internet for granted is in for a very rude shock if the RATS gain full power. Not only will they eliminate conservative talk radio with a new "fairness" doctrine, they will go after the Internet with a vengence, citing hate crime laws, libel, etc. Of course, they will ignore MoveOn, Huffington, etc., but you can bet your bottom dollar that Free Republic will be in the center of their crosshairs.
It is fun speculating what the result would be if the same thing is proposed in the US.
I'm dying to know how the "arguments" pro and con might go.
Seems to me the legitimacy of the concept might already be set through existing unchallenged "hate speech" legislation.
Isn't this a rather difficult set of restrictions to enforce?
The French Revolutionary outcry,is just so nuch Bullcrap these days.
Bring back the guillotine. Off with their heads. France: Tha language is dead and the country is on the way out.
They're already thinking about it here in the US. It's called "The Fairness Doctrine". Or, more accurately put: the "Make Opposition to Liberal Governance Illegal Act". All Hate Crimes legislation falls into this category as well.
OK memory slips but wasn't there some kind of "fairness" legislation being put up by some politicians here recently that would force any radio station giving a conservative point of view to HAVE to give the liberal counter-balance side of an issue whether they wanted to or not ???
Yes, I'm sure that besides their Fairness Doctrine to get rid of conservative talk radio, the Democrats are working on something to shut up sites like FR and conservative bloggers.
It will start in the US by silencing political bloggers in the name of campaign finance reform and the fairness doctrine.