To: meandog; chesley
I believe that the reason Libby didn't testify was because the Defense felt like Fitzfong proved his case, so there was no point in putting Libby on the stand. Correct me if I'm wrong.
200 posted on
03/06/2007 8:20:23 PM PST by
(Dare we hope that even a D.C. jury can sort this Libby trial out? Apparently not.)
To: chesley; meandog
Oops -- correction:
I believe that the reason Libby didn't testify was because the Defense felt like Fitzfong did not prove proved his case, so there was no point in putting Libby on the stand. Correct me if I'm wrong.
202 posted on
03/06/2007 8:22:15 PM PST by
(Dare we hope that even a D.C. jury can sort this Libby trial out? Apparently not.)
To: Purrcival
Who knows what the defense strategy was? But the prosecution hardly proved its case, IMO.
225 posted on
03/07/2007 5:57:19 AM PST by
("Socialism" - The devil made them do it..)
To: Purrcival
Libby's attorney SUCKED.
Why was Denis (one "n") the ONLY jurist that came out???? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson